Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Im tired, i had 4 tests and 4 more tomorrow. Its midnight, and i spent the whole day studying and preparing for every single shitty thing i need to do.

I plop down down on my bed, switch off the lights, and yank the sheets over me and relax into the comfort of the matress.

And i hear human breathing two feet away.

I dont scream, instead, insticnt takes over as i jump out of bed, grabbing a flashlight and a Swiss Army knife my brother got me while at Switzerland.

I stand ready, with the liaght on, looking around.

There nothing. I can hear my heart beating, im pretty spooked.

I look out the window, check outside my door, and even check under my bed. Yes, thats right, under my bed.

Satisfied it was just my imagination, i scramble back under the covers, this time with my flashlight in my hand and my knife on the table next to me.

I hear the breathing again. I turn on the flashlight and look all around me, scared that something will pop out at me.

I look up, and see that my window is creaked open a bit, and the wind is blowing.

............im too mad to even shut the window, i fall asleep immediatly.

I wake up, and literally roll out of bed. As i roll, my face collides with a my metal flashlight. I went to the mirror with the impression of the flashlight grip on my forehead.


And so it shall be......

Friday, May 19, 2006

Curiousity Killed......

I didnt think that spiders could bite really hard.


They do.

Dont ask how, or why, but spiders do bite really hard.

I just know.

Dont ask.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bill Nye and Pedophiles

Bill Nye is very.....shrewd.

In Buetel, we watch numerous Bill Nye videos, which are quite entertaining.

But on episode made me question the ethics of our favorite science guy.

There’s this scene where a bunch of little kids and a grown man are getting fish. Nothing even remotely suspicious happens.

Then, out of the blue, the guy whips out a knife and slices the fish's gut open, letting out a barrage of orange eggs.

"This is a female salmon" He states plainly to the small boys and girls. " The eggs are unfertilized, now we are going to fertilize them."

He has the girls hold a male salmon, holds a cup underneath the fish, and slices where a fish's balls ( if any) are. It looked something like this, except instead of a small paper cup, its a large plastic bucket, and its not a stream, its like a goddamn milk carton.

A grown man, with a bunch of little kids, slicing open fish to collect sperm. A little girl off to the side was smiling as she was watching the waterfall of fish semen fall into the bucket. I just thought that was wrong. I winced in pain as they sliced open fish after fish.

Would you want this man to be at your typical 5-year old birthday party?

And so it shall be........

Monday, May 08, 2006

Maybe One Day

Maybe one day we can work it out
Strive to understand what life's about
All it seems to be is sadness and pain
Blood like rain clogs urban drains

When we gonna realize and make the change?
And take the blame, erase the shame
'Cause new millenium is knockin' at your door
The New World Order's what they got is store.........

-Brand Nubian

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Awkward Silences

The awkward silence. In my opinion, the most tense moments among people.

One awkward moment ive expierienced was the craziest ever.

It was in TKD, and Richard's birthday was coming up. He's turning 12, but he looks about 14 for his size. Now in TKD, we're all friends, except for this one 'semi-crazy' women, who looks about 50. We nickname her 'Grandma'. We dont know much about Grandma, just that she doesnt really know anyone from our studio, and we try to stay a little away from her.

So after class was over, we just started hanging in the back where we just started talking about school, and other random shit.

Let me remind you, all the parents are with us in the back too.

So Grandma comes over to our circle, looks straight at birthday boy, and asks, " So, what do you want for your birthday, i cant decide between a CD player or some condoms......."

Now if it was one of us, we would be joking, but Grandma wasnt. We can tell because she was staring straight into his eyes, and she sounded dead serious.

We all stare at her, Richard looks confused and bunches up his face. All the parents stop talking. Everyone is staring at Grandma and Richard.

This was the longest awkward silence i ever expierienced.

You could just hear the crows outside cawing for the buzzards to come.

The moment was finally broken when Richard's Mom and some of the other parents laughed uneasily and took Richard home.

As Richard was going out and climbing into his car, Grandma yelled at him , "WAIT, YOU STILL DIDNT TELL ME IF YOU WANTED CONDOMS!!!!!"

And so that was the most f-ed up awkward silence i have been through........

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Black Coffee

I had my first cup of pure, black coffee.

I slept for 4 hours.

No sugar, no cream, just black ink that was supposed to help me through the day.

I looked into it, and just saw a slowly swirling liquid taunting me with its bitter smell and horrid taste.

I finished as much as a 500 ML water bottle.

It helped from 8:20-1:30

After that, the effect on me wore off and then came the aftereffects.

I was really tired.




I chewed gum in Wade, hoping that it would keep me awake for the last 3o minutes of the day. And with 5 minutes left in class, i get caught chewing gum.

And i got a white slip..........

I love black coffee

And so it shall be........

Monday, May 01, 2006

Brand Nubian

I love Death Cab. Same with System of a Down, Postal Service, Breaking Benjamin, and any other bands.

But i love rap. The first song i ever listened to was by Eminem. My brother pumped rap artists through the stereo speakers of his car through my ears at an early age.

To me, there are different types of rap, this.....is a primer.

1) The normal 'lil jom' rap. This is the type that pisses me off. The only time it doesnt is when im at a party/someones car/toilet.

Ex: Cnady Shop, almost anything from 50 Cent.


2) The comedian type of song, that usually is a bunch of non-sensical words that are bundled together. Has a jumpy beat.

Example: FACK -Eminem Just Lose It-Eminem


3) The true gangsta beat. These are songs that that your not ashamed to play in front of your friends no matter what.

Example: Runnin to live-2pac Brand Nubian- Brand Nubian The Return- Brand Nubian


4) The 'heart of rap' songs. These are songs that represent the whole genre of rap. These are the classics that show that rap isnt just for gangstas, they're for anyone who are willing to listen.

Example : Sing for the Moment-Eminem Maybe One Day-Brand Nubian Killing Me Softly-Fugees

My personal take on how the 'rap' genre can be broken down.

And so it shall be..........