Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Buddyprofiles Are Painful

When I stumbled across someones buddyprofile, i thought to myself, " Shit, how long has it been when i last updated it?"

So i signed into my profile, and started reading my own profile.


I cant believe half the shit i tried to say and try to be.

I cant believe i tried to use my buddyprofile as some kind of showoff case of my abilities.

For instance, on one of my quiz questions, i put

" Which weapon do i use the best?"

A) A katana

B) Nunchucks

C) Bow and Arrow

D) Double Daggers.




It was painful reading all my buddyprofile pages. I never wrote such crap in my life.

You remember when Adnrews told us to wait 3 days when we write something so it gets better?

Well, i havent seen this for 2 years and its WORSE!





P.S. If you sick bastards want to expliot my nerdness, go ahead and take my buddyprofile quiz.

I promise you that you will get a kick out of it.

Actually, i think one of the questions was " What is my favorite kick combination"

If i read that off of someone elses quiz right now, id be thinking, "What a fag"


Buddyprofile are painful........


And so i cried while reading my own buddyprofile...........

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Frog Story

I heard this short a while ago. Its an old Korean folk tale. Its kinda sad, but it helps me in the hard times.


Once a long time ago in the misty mountains, there was Frog and his mother, that lived near the river.

Frog was a bad son. He always disobeyed his mother. Everything that his mother told him to do, he did the opposite.

If his mom told him to stay out of the river, he would splash around merrily in the rapids. When he is told to go to the store to run an errand, he spends the money on candy and wanders off into the mountains.

He did this his whole life, and every time he disobeyed his mother, she was sad.

One day, Mother Frog realized that she was going to die very soon, and wanted to be buried in a proper place. She first thought to tell Frog to bury her in the mountains, where she can rest in peace. But knowing Frog, she knew he would disobey her.

So Mother Frog thought to herself, " Oh, since he always disobeys me, i will tell him to bury me at the river, and then when i die, he will bury me in the mountains"

She thought this over and thought it would be a good plan.

She beckoned Frog and told him that she was going to die soon and that she wanted to be buried at the river bank as a last request.

Days later she died. Frog cried and cried. He then realized that he had never obeyed his Mother in his whole life.

He then promised to himself, " I have never obeyed my Mother, and now she is dead. I will honor her, and obey her last request."

So instead of being buried in the mountains, as Mother Frog planned for, Frog buried her body in the river banks.

A day later, it started raining very hard. It rained so hard, it washed mud and dirt away from the banks. Frog saw his Mother's leg stick out of the mud, and then her head, and then her whole body.

Frog rushed over to try to save his Mother's body, but the body was swept away into the river, away from Frog.

Her body was lost forever.

Frog cried, and cried, and never stopped crying.

And so it is because of this, that when you go to a river when its raining, you hear Frog mournfully croaking for his Mother...................

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Version 14.0

Over the weekend, i was jammed pack with stuff.



Anyways, on Monday i went to Magic Mountain with my two right hands, Stephon and Roy, where we went on every ride possible until the wait stretched out into 3 hours. ( Ellad couldnt make it)

After that we went back to my house and just crashed.

So yea, i did this all for the sake of renewing myself for my 14th birthday.

So tomorrow, it will officially be my birthday and Clyde Lee Version 14.0 will be complete.

And then after that plans for Version 15.0 will be made.

and then 16.0, 17.0, 18.0...................all the way until i crash and die after all the improvements made.

To start off my year as another 14 year old, i am going to try to listen to all the old school famous music artists.

-Biggie Smalls
-Led Zepplin

Im first going with Tupac first. I think he is one of the best along with Fugees and Eminem.

Whatever............suggestions for Version 15.0 Beta are encourages..........

Remember G.O.D. INC trying hard to make your life as heavenly as possible ( Except if your a pagan............then you can just go to Hell)

And so it shall be.....

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Turns out i wasnt able to get my "Flying body" project approved.

But i did it anyways for fun.

Hello!!! Meet my old car. It was a Honda Oddessey before it got blown up............multiple times

Meet Edward. Edward is a local Combine Soldier. He is going to be our test subject!
OH NOES!!! Here comes the car!!!Ooooo...................ow....

Yeah, his body is all the way in the back. The body next to the burnt circles........thats actually my body when i accidentally let the car whack me..........

I think this was the most fun i had doing homework.........well, not really homework.........

And so it shall be........

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Science Fair

Theres a science fair coming up.

Im going to do the "How far a body will fly when hit by large objects" expieriement.

Ill put up some pictures on the weekend.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Well, maybe not Physics itself, but messing around with it is.

For instance, theres this game called 'Half-Life 2' that i have. Its been dubbed 'Best PC game ever' by about 50 magazines.

The thing thats unique about Half-life 2 is that the physics are almost true to life.

In other games, when someone dies, they just drop to the floor.

But in HL2, you can blow someone out the window and watch their body tumble out and hit the fence on the way down.

Im a little sadistic bastard with the physics in this thing.

There this program that bascially turns HL2 into a playground.

Here i do my little 'expeiriments' such as:

-Blowing up people

-Smashing cars into people

-Doing that "Pendulem of Doom" thing from Edgar Allen Poe thing for real

-Dropping cars and other large objects on people

-Placing them on top of a rickety bridge and them proceed to bomb the shit out of them

-Cut them in half with a sawblade

-Pin them into a wall with a harpoon.

Yes, HL2 is where i can releash my inner sadistic bastard without realy hurting anyone (in real life that is)

So, ive decided for my Science Fair project to see how far a human body will travel with hit by various objects.

These will include

-Wooden crats



-Iron poles ( The huge ones)


-Explosive Barrels

I will do this by freezing stuff in place, and then dropping them at high speeds.

For instance, using HL2, i made this little scene

Yes, you can go ahead and call me a nerd. But still, being able explode, crush, blow away, stab, chop in half people is fun.

I am so messed up in the head.

But remember boys and girls......PHYSICS IS FUN!!!!

And so it shall be...........