Sunday, April 09, 2006

I, Author

I remember when i first started a book. I thought that i would really go with this, and publish a 300 page bestseller. That was about 2 years ago.

Now i realize that i was a complete retard. I stopped writing after a week. I think the only reason i started the story was just an excuse to stay on the computer longer.

Wow that was retarded. I even went back and read some of it, and realized that this crap. I deleted it with resentment, shamed that I FUCKING WROTE THAT SHIT!

And then i got inspired again by who knows what, and wrote a complete, 5 minute story.

I like it, its probaly crap, but i actually finished a story with an ACTUAL PLOT.

And so it shall be......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohlalala claudia-oni is writing!!! show me the rest. please.

11:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

greetings from NEW YORK!

9:06 AM


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