Thursday, April 06, 2006


One of our English assignments was to transform a boring, mundane, basically shitty essay into a good one.

Well, this is one i did for fun, the one i turned it was much less.........imaginative.

You walk around with two friends of yours in the jungle. Suddenly, a 400 pound snake leaps from the ground and plummets all 29 feet of its body directy into the rib cage of your friend. The other friend screams helplessly in pain as his skeleton crumbles in the coils of the snakes tail.

You reach for your gun and fire, but at a snake this size, the bullets bounce right off. The snake swallows your friend whole, and then faces you with huge, slanted green eyes filled with greed. It hisses with a touch of malice. Its toungue taunts you, you can feel the air around you being sucked into the passive nostrils.

It then burrows underground at amazing speeds, you run like hell in the jungle, feeling the massive rumble underneath your feet. You pant and pant, all the while waiting for that imminent doom 6 feet down.

You finally see a gate. Freedom!!! As you lunge forward to get past, you are swept into the air in a single motion by this massive boa. You see the sky, teeth, and then nothing.

This is the real one i submitted.

Long, scaly, and slithering, snakes come in many types of varieties. Some snakes are thin enough to slip through building cracks, while others are thick enough to strangle alligators.

The more larger, and therefore deadlier snakes some from the boa and python families, which include anacondas. Green anacondas are one of the more deadlier anacondas. Weighing in at 400 pounds, it can swim with ease towards their prey.

Pythons, at 29 feet, are longer snakes and can eat large animals, such as deer. The reason why measuring snakes is hard is because they usually coil they bodies when picked up. One easier way to measure them is to find a dead snake, and then stretch it out.

And so it shall be.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wtf?! it's... intresting
<3 kathy

10:18 PM


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