Monday, April 03, 2006

Zombie Nation

Jeez im dying. My life is becoming a routine that can be predictable by what day it is.

For instance, i know Mondays going to suck.

Tuesdays i will work my ass off in my spare time for tests

Wednesday i try to make as fun as possible by sleeping.........yes, sleeping

Thursday i daydream about Friday

Friday i slack off and try to piss off the teachers aas much as possible without getting in trouble.'d think that i'd have at least one day to relax right? Well, its not today.

Sunday..........yeah, God and studying for another damn Monday. No relaxing here!!!

Its becoming a sad routine im going through. The occaisonal thing blowing up in my face adds variety in the week.

Even the two fingers we give from 'C' bus to 'A' bus makes my day.........

And no, its not

Although giving these fingers help my life too.......

And so it has become a zombie nation.........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

double yoo tee ef dude?!

4:17 PM


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