Saturday, June 24, 2006

Just a Postcard

Two postcards that touched me. They also express how i feel/felt.

The bottom one reads, "I'm sorry"

Just a little something..........

Friday, June 23, 2006

Its Freshmen Year!!!!

Well, i have already started high school.

For summer school.

And i already know high school is going to kick ass. I met all of my friends from middle school when i was in 6th and 7th grade. Everyone changed, and everything is different now. I am no longer the pudgy fob-ish asian kid when i entered the doors of middle school. I have ended this 8th grade year with pride, with better clothes, and a little more dignity. I enter high school a changed asian.

You want an example on how i changed? Well, I HAVE A FUCKING MYSPACE NOW!!!!

Remember the good old days where i used to rant about the hideous evils of Myspace and how that i hate it with a passion? Remember the good old days where i used to preach my opinions as if i was always right?

Well, maybe they're not the good old days anymore, but im out of that phase now.

So, as i pass through these high school halls, i come back home to recollect. As i shift through my previous years at my other schools, i laugh and shove them back onto the bookshelves to collect dust. The chapters of my elementary and middle school days are now legends.

I dont know how these new high school chapters are going to reveal themselves. All i know are that they are not meant for my or your eyes. The book is being written by the divine, i just hope someone up there likes me right now.

And so it shall be.........

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It........has HAPPENED!!!.....well, kinda

Ok, i got a myspace.

Wait!!, Before you all yell at me for dissing this ever-growing website, lemme say that it is not just mine.

I'm sharing this myspace with a very special girl. One that has changed my life forever. She is the reason why i cant fall asleep, and the same reason why i get up in the morning.

This myspace is with my girl Kelsey.

Love you.

Ok, enough with the lovey dovey stuff, heres the URL.

Dont worry, a REAL story will come soon.

I swear, i mean it this time.

A real story, coming soon.

Im serious.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Note to Self

I hate when you see the person over and over, only to remember that you forgot to do something.

Yeah, if i make no sense, its probaly cuz its the end of the year.

A real update coming soon.

Oh yeah, Cara, if you read this (which i seriously doubt), bring your camera over.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I tried to explain my day with a comic. But not suprisingly, my artistic abilites on the computer compose of shitty stick figures and even shitter speech bubbles.

So, i will attempt to tell this story purely with words.

Sometime ago, i went to Old Navy, because i was looking for my mom so i can go home and finally give Derailed on DVD to my dad, and so that i could go to sleep.

As i was walking past endless aisles, i saw a guy with his girlfriend standing near my mom.

"hi mom, im here" i greeted as i walked to her.

"Ok, let me just go to the dressing rooms, ill be right back,ok?!"

"Ok mom"

As i watch her leave, i overhear the couple talking to each other.

"OMG!!! This shirt makes me look fat!!!" The girl chatters in a high pitch voice.

The boyfriend just shrugs casually with this hands in his pocket. "I think it looks fine on you" he states blankly. He makes it completely apparent that he really does not care.

The girlfriend doesnt take the hint. " Well, im going to get a second opinion from someone, wait here."

As she walks toward me, i panic. What should i say? Tell the truth? Lie and compliment her? Act like a retard? ( Shut up, i know what your going to say)

Anyways, the unevitable happens, she walks up to me and asks, "Excuse me, i need your honest opinion, does this shirt look a little too tight on me?"

I panic even harder, and do the stupidest thing ever.

I look past her toward the ground and say "Oooooooo, look................candy!!"

I put on the gayest smile i can manage and walk straight past her.

I dont stop, i keep on marching to the front, out the door, and into the parking lot, so i can hide in my car.

My mom had no idea where i was, and in the mirror i saw her asking the girl something, probaly asking her where a little asian boy went.

And so it shall be..........

I look back and see the bewildered look on the girl's face.