Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Remember The Times

Remember that huge 1/2 gallon jug i bought at KFC on the way to Yosemite? I think i lost it.

Remember when i said i would shave my head bald? My mom wouldnt let me.

Remember when i said i would wear a beanie someday? Im still going to do it...........someday

Remember when we all heard of Eminem and proceeded to talk about how great he is? I still think hes great.

Remember when we all looked forward to sitting in the back of the bus? We are now.

Remember when i was going through a "OMG! LOL!ROFL!LMFAO!" phase? I hated that.

Remember when the only show we knew about was pretty much the Simpsons? I hate it now.

Remember when people's favorite colors was either blue or green? Green is still my favorite color.

Remember when we thought High School was a place of magical runes and evil teachers? It is...........

Remember the times..............

And so it shall be.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Sometimes life is just way too much. Your on the top of the world. Then your back down in the dirt. Everything thats been good is gone. All you dreams and hopes have been swiped away.

And you wish that you can go away. Run away from your troubles and worries. Going to a place where theres nothing to fear, nothing to do. Just going on the spaceship and going out into the empty space above.

Yes, there is always the spaceship, but theres nothing in space. The stars are too far away. Your spaceship of faith that is fueled by hope can only take you so far until you have to slam back into reality.

Then its time for action. Everything is set out now. You got a plan to do things right. You go into bed and envision everything your about to do tomorrow morning.

Your spaceship has landed at your destination. Have a nice day.

And so it shall be.........

Friday, November 25, 2005

Early Christmas

Its early Christmas for me. I got a a new, wireless mouse and keyboard and my favorite, AN FRIGGIN MP3 PLAYER!!!

I love my new Zen Micro player.


Ok, just this small update. Ill put up a real post later

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanksgiving Hostages

It was the Korean school Saturday i looked forward to once every year. Probaly the best damn lunch ever on that Saturday.

Its a tradition. On this special Saturday, we feast on stolen buckets of KFC and 2 liter bottles of sprite. We dont do pegs, we dont do anything.

We eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.

The only time we get up? When we eat more.

Thanksgiving Korean school has the best damn lunch ever.

So when first period was going by, all i was thinking about was

"Awww, geez. Mmmmm. KFC. Chicken. Chicken. CHICKEN. CHICKEN!!

Those who sat near me can tell you that i was drooling all over my studies while gnawing wildly on my pencil.

And then........5 minutes before lunch and a glorious feast of MSG, salt filled, fat saturated goodness, the teacher said , " Ok class, were staying in this lunch break. I brought our own food!!!

I stare blankly at the board for several seconds.


We do stay in. All lunch period. Grumpy and pissed, i just sleep through the class like i have nothing to live for.

Next break comes, its only 10 mintues and there NO CHICKEN!

Ivan asks , " Where were you man? They had pumpkin pie and chicken!"

"They made us stay in the classroom" i grumble.

" DUDE, THAT FUCKING SUCKS! And this is the one you always talking about." Ivan says with pity.

" I KNOW DAMMIT! " I yell.

When i got home. There was El Pollo Loco. Its a little while until my dad comes down to eat. Hungry as hell, i proceeded to eat the entire meal of grilled chicken.

My dad got pissed that i didnt save anything. This time i didnt really care.

I needed that chicken...................badly

And that is my poorly written tale of a man that desperately needed chicken.

Wow, this is so crap.

crap crap crap.


And so it shall be.........

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sudden Death

Today I went to Simi Valley for another Taekwondo tournament. No matter how many times I go to one, it always feels weird.

This ones very peculiar for me. Its only Willy and me that represent our studio. Just the two of us. Against some 7 other studios, each with 50 students.

While we wait for hours and watch the other people spar, we discuss the strategies about our fighting.

As we get into the 2nd hour, we watch as some gets kicked in the head and goes tumbling onto the floor. Ouch

Our separate divisions are called up, so I put on my gear and head out.

The tournaments go like this. You win? Keep fighting. Lose? Your out.

My first match is a hulking 160 lb guy. I saw the weight on the card that we all have. Turns out he is pretty damn slow and I get easy counters as he turns to kick me. I win 9-4.

And then a break occurs and im called back in the ring 10 minutes later.

Now its a leaner, more trained 140 lb guy.

As the referee sets us off, he spins wildly and his foot catches me in the chest. As I reel back, he spins again for another point. I jump to the side while thrashing out my leg, giving me a counter.

To spectators, it would be like to watch two massive tornados of kicks, trying to cancel each other out.

First round ends, im losing 1-3. Second round begins. As I am tossed out into the ring, I think on how to beat him. He has longer legs, and hes quicker. Stick close to him.

My strategy works. At close range, he cant spin around and I unleash a fury of attacks, tieing the score at 5-5.

Theres only two rounds. So the referees make a decision. Sudden Death. First one that get a point first wins the gold.

We meet again for the final time in the ring. As the referee starts us of, I barely have time to think. He already moves towards me, lifting up his legs. I try to block it but its too late. He made a point.

I go home with a silver.

We shake hands and receive our medals, my rounds are over. I watch Willy's match. He gets the gold.

We congratulate each other. Then we depart the tournament grounds. Silver. My first silver medal. Not bad.......not bad at all.

And so it shall be.......

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Caution : Extreme Grossness

Last night i had pizza. A lot of it, right before bed. Because thats the only time i have to eat dinner.

I wake up feeling like crap. My mom inquires whats wrong. I tell her i ate the pizza.

"Were you hunched over eating the pizza?" my mom asks, being the excellent makeshift doctor.

"Yeah" I reply

" Did you sleep with the windows open?"


"Well" she says, strumming out the word. " The pizza has to get out of your body"

So she goes into the cabinet and takes out a Chinese herbal medicine. I trust this medicine with my stomach more than any Pepto- Bismo and anything else.

I pop 3 of the really, really, really bitter tasting balls into my mouth and swallow.

The pizza has to get out of my stomach, one way or another. On the bus, i feel like shit. I plop down on a seat and roll my back side to side in dizziness.

Ok, here im going to warn you. If you are grossed out easily, stop reading.

The bus lurches forward and i begin the bumpiest bus ride ever. My stomach reacts to the herbal medicine.

Another speed bump. *Glush*

Another sharp brake *Blump*

I cant take it anymore, i lean foward and to the side and let it go. People didnt notice until my third retch, which was pretty long.

Ok, now im warning you agin, im going to get very graphic here. Very graphic.

The sound of the liquid hitting the floor attracts the attention of my nearby busmates. First one was Ethan, whose shoes were almost touches by the yellow liquid.

I rise my head up and sigh. That felt so fucking good. I didnt care about the whole bus yelling and opening the windows to not gag. It just felt good to get that ouyt of me.

Luckily we were only 2 minutes away from school anyways. You know how quickly we go when summers coming and schools out?

They went faster.

And so i feel a little better..................turns out i had a fever too.

Friday, November 11, 2005

First Shot at Love Poem

As they ride along the roads on their bikes,
Run up the hills for long hikes
And run down the block to the store
Where there was always something more

I stand on the sidelines, watching them laugh
My life feels like its splitting in half
For they are a couple and i am one
I just need one shot before my life is done

To find a love, someone true to me
Someone that has the true key
To know what i think, feel, and love
To stay with me until we ascend above

I stay at the sidelines and watch them go
I sit down on the concrete where i feel low
I look up and find the clouds so gray
Im still looking, and its just another day

As poetic as it seems, sun shines again
My heart makes its amends
I stand up and walk towards home
Down the alley i go, all alone

If love was a thread, just a single one
It would be to easy to break the fun
But love for me is a thick rope
Who knows? I still have hope

Feel Good Inc.

No, the title isnt about me running a crackhouse.

Instead, its about me doing pretty much the corniest things and still feeling good about it. For those who were with me at Halloween, you know what i mean by this.

Those were with me at Thursdays lunch know what i mean.

Those were with me at Catalina know.

And those people who were with me know that i am one stubborn bastard.

Like in Andrews and her drilling me on where and how to get glasses.

But i appreciate the people that stayed when i ranted about my life and stuck with me. Thank you all, you have been a part of my own personal Feel Good Inc.

And so it shall be.........

Sunday, November 06, 2005

they say im drunk, a pimp, and on drugs.

Im drinking in the moment

Im pimping out my life

And im high on my own supply

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

All Together

I think I have learned more about from most of my friends than i have in school.

For ex.


Korean school. Chris. The Korean punk that always gets in trouble. The guy that we always dub as the guy whose going to get shot one day.........by us. Doesnt take crap from anyone but yet honors everyone. A strange code for a guy like this.

One day someone throws the ball over an enclosed fence. This is kinda stupid, its a huge square surrounded by a chainlink fence. Pointless, really, theres nothing in it. Someone throws the ball over and it gets stuck in there. A little kid named Chandler, who frankly, no one really likes because he likes to throw rampages along with cups of boiling tea at people at random.

Yet this 9 year old chubby guy decides to get it. Not a good idea for him. As he leans over the top of the fence, he falls and pretty much sprains his ankle.

God dammit.

Then the unexplainable happened. Chris. The guy who pretty much bullied this kid every week, jumped the fence and we helped haul chandler out.

Later, i meet up with him and ask ," Why did u jump the fence, you hate the kid"

He shrugs and responds ," Shit happens to people, you really gonna let them hang in a hole?"

A few weeks later he got kicked out of Korean school. Rock on...............punk

Ex #2

Jeds bar mitsvah is going on in the backround. Tori and me are outside when the party is starting to pretty much die. While me and Tori are talking about Catalina and how much better it was than Yosemite, we come to the topic of our own past lives.

I suddenly think out loud ," You know, if i could do my life all over again, i'd-"

"Do the same thing all over again" Tori stares at me.

Our eyes drift up toward the stars above while our own seperate thoughts cloud inside us.

And so it shall be.......