Sunday, July 30, 2006

basic outline of what ive done so far

day 3 of my super awesome uber 1337 kick ass trip/bonanza/city tour/some other generic word that i can think of at 2:12 AM

yes thats right, its 2:12 AM and im typing this on my bros labtop, wow, just fucking incredible

anyways so far ive

-got the shit scared out of me by a Muslim taxi driver

-saw ground zero

-went to the top of empire state building

-got to spit off of it

-got to get kicked out of it

-ate my first gyro, which as pretty good

-had pizza, new york style.....doesnt really live up to its hype

- had real hardcore indian food. You know, the kind that cab make your balls sweat.

-subway breaks are horrible sounds.

-walked, walked, and walked, and then took the subway

-waited, waited, waited, and then took the subway

ok, yeah, thats all for now

and so im about to turn in at Super Motel 8, yeah thats right, Motel 8......

Friday, July 28, 2006

in new york

thats all

Monday, July 24, 2006

Gingy O' Higgins

Another day in Maranto. Only one more week and I'm done with summer school.

And I’m serious too, right after school ends, I’m packing up and leaving to New York in the morning.

But for now, I’m stuck in a poorly lit room, copying notes and praying I do well on my tests in order to raise my 89.6%.

Its boring as hell, well, it would be if it weren’t for a very, special person.

Some know him as Trevor, but he is more often called his nickname "Gingy" ( Jin-Gee )

Gingy is one of those people that you just cannot hate, unless your Brandon Katz.

Gingy is up there with Matt Pan, and Michael Kagan as being one of the best humorists in our school.

Gingy is best described as spastic. Not unlike me, he spontaneously yells out random blurts and wildly throws his head back.

I recall one time in Maranto when we were playing the match game. The rules are simple, very similar to Concentration. Pick two cards, and if they match, you get a point. During another team's turn, he turned to them. As one of the members pondered on what number to choose, he starts rubbing his face in a circular motion.

" Pick Twelve!!! Pick Twelve!!!" He moans while his eyes roll back and forth. "PICK TWELVE!!"

His face resembled a man being possessed by the Devil.........or Tom Cruise.

I snap back into my desk and start copying down notes about a man named "Hank O Higgins"

(Or some name like that, all i know was that it was 'O Higgins)

As Maranto talks about this leader, he states" Hank O Higgins was a great leader that led the British to victory in the Spanish War."

Gingy says to the class, " Oh my God, that would be so awesome if my last name was O Higgins. Dude that would be so sweet, GINGY O' HIGGINS!!!

The whole class bursts out in laughter.

"See, these are the days we will remember!!!! Not the family reunions! Or the gatherings!! ITS NOW! ITS THESE DAYS THAT WE WILL REMEMBER FOREVER!!"

Gingy and I have a inside joke. I call across to him "Yeah man, I’m gonna call you in 30 years and yell out ' IM ALIVE MUTHA FUCKA!!'

Gingy starts laughing uncontrollably, as do I

Ill give the story of the inside joke later.

and so i shall be called.......Gingy O' Higgins

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ju Ho

Back at another day of summer school on Monday. I meet up with my friends and Kelsey. Later in the day, I hear Kathy and Kelsey's conversation.

When i asked about it, i learned that there was a guy dubbed 'Ju Ho' my Kathy, Kelsey, and Michelle. Ju Ho, who was later pointed out to me, was a slender, tall, semi long haired Asian kid.

Now this is normal. Kelsey and Kathy have already dubbed me "Bong", and another Asian kid "Fobio".

As i asked more about this "Ju Ho", i learned that he is a freshmen going into Geometry with Kelsey. Being curious, i said to her, "I want to know this 'Ju Ho'"

"Oh don’t worry Clyde, you know your the only Asian for me," She laughs, as the bell rings and we walk to our next class.

I see Ju Ho, jokingly, i say," I'm gonna call him over here so u can meet him"

Kelsey looks at me with a slight look of fear. " No! Don’t!"

I chuckled out " Hey Ju Ho"

The guy turns around and looks at me. I finally realize something.


Kelsey slaps my arm in protest as she gently shoves me into the hallway.

"THATS HIS REAL NAME? I THOUGHT IT WAS HIS NICKNAME!" i yell in a hushed whisper.


Anyways, yeah, his real name is..............Ju Ho, wow, i just forgot his real name was Ju Ho.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Summer School

Ok, summer school, good for two things, killing brain cells and.....jsut killing you in general.

Mrs. Olson is officially the most annoying/pissy/always on her period teacher i have ever had.

I though Wade was bad. Wade WAS bad, but not because she was annoying, but because she just couldnt teach. A normal workday in her class was daydreaming while she handed out worksheets and worksheet just so that we would have something to do and shut up while she checked her email.

Yeah, Wade was boring and almost impossible to stay awake in, but at least Wade left us alone.

Olson, doesnt. Its Wednesday morning. I'm tired because of the party at Cara's/Roy's house and im sure everyone else has done something similar.

Therefore, we're all tired and just dont want to do any kind of shit. As soon as i put my head down, just like 8 others are currently doing, she yells out " STAY AWAKE OR GO HOME! YOU HAVE WORK TO DO! IF YOU DIDNT GET ENOUGH SLEEP JUST GO HOME AND DONT BOTHER TO COME BACK THE NEXT DAY!"

Needless to say, we all groggily rose from out desks and proceeded to do a word search that lay out in front of us.

When we're watching videos, we cannot say a word. We cant even ask a question. If the videos were actually interesting, i wouldnt care, but they werent, so yeah, i care.

Case in point, when Jed asked me why i even took summer school, i cooly replied , "Dude, im Asian, you think i had a choice?"

And so it shall be.......

Saturday, July 01, 2006

myspace graphics
MySpace Graphics -