2/22 was my birthday. Same as Washington's birthday. Now for the unimportant news..........
Lets finish what we started. Stop halfway only when you know for certain that you can pick up where you left off. Otherwise, what you do is a big waste of time. You cant take a half a shit, so why would you? And you dont pump blood halfway inbetween each heartbeat. If you do............i think you better go to a doctor. Now, heres some q. i want answered, because i spend half of the day owndering about them.
1. Why is abbreviated such a damn long word?
2. What do they call china in China?
3. Why is J Lee so damn depressed?
4. Why did Tori take a picture of me today?
5. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injection?
6. Why doesnt glue dry in the bottle?
7. Why is it that when you transport something by car it is called shipment, but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo?
8. Why does Mrs. Kallet hate me? ( Rachel, Tori, Rohit, dont asnwer this)
9. Why do we need to make a dictionary in Werber?
I need answers.............especially to #4. I think shes working for the FBI or something......
Lets give a round of applause to our bus drivers of america. Why? Because they have to put up with my ass for an hour everyday.
In the back, our local dumbass Russian suddenly sprays Axe all over the place. Thing smells like shit and the bus driver gets his eyes burned. We get busted cuz the smart ass made everything smell like the city dump on a nice, moist, hotass afternoon. So, yeah, theres this magic broom that we cant go past and now we sit in the front. Great, now boy-boy can spray it directly in his eyes. Funny thing is, when Russian tried to talk back, his got his ass kicked in verbal world. Every time some1 laughed, the driver would look at him and say ," WHY YOU LAUGHING?"
Ahhh church, and I'm one of the only catholics in our family. Every Sunday i go and afterwards, the Azn crew goes to the across-the-street Carls Jr. to get some burgers and soda. Yeah, thats the weekly ritual. But this time we were confronted by a intellectual, yet comeplete asswipe person. He came in not glasses and a necktie, but in a coat and shaggy beard. We were eating and laughing when he says
Him- You from the church? Us- Yeah....
-You know that church is the biggest hoax in the whole world? - What? -Its true, the church killed Galieo because he proved that the world was round. There is no God, Matter=Energy, Energy= Matters
Energy = Matters......he explains his whole explanation about how god is non existent and shit like that. Being the only guy to actually understand this whole equation, i stick up for the big guy up there.
Me- But the Pope realized that the Church made a mistake for Galieo and God can bend the rules of physics to make the universe.
Him- No, you got it wrong, Matter= Energy and Energy= Matter, nothing else can happen. The Church is the biggest con in the world. Buddhism, Islam, Jews, they are all wrong. They all have to hide behind the fact that there is life after death.
Fuck this, i stand up and start to leave. "Lets Go" i say to the group. When we get out the door he yells out, THERE IS NO GOD, RELIGION IS FAKE!!!
Later, after mass, i look across the street into the Carls Jr. and see some poor sucker getting lectured by the fucking athiest. Have fun......
Yeah...........so thats the gospel. And so it shall be
Reading from one of my azn friend's xangas, I took up the topic.
Is clothes and money all that white people think about?
quote " I hate our school being so white."
Yes, our school is pretty damn white. Lets see why the popular kids are the white people.
1.) Boasting. This time around, words do speak louder than actions. You hear about how someone can kick someone’s ass but you never hear about the fight. Now, when I fight, It's because there’s no other option. I’m pretty sure being surrounded by about 35 people shouting, 'fight! fight!' qualifies. I have been in that situation, and I won that fight actually. No, no one boasts around me. But it still goes on somewhere.........
2.) Bling Bling. Black people have used this term to describe jewels. Well, white people are making a comeback with as many rhinestones and pyrite as i can count. Necklaces are for used on two occasions. Being goth, and being formal.
3.) Being white. Yes, just having white skin automatically makes you eligible for the group. I only know one azn in the "group" and he doesn’t know shit about azness. Chopsticks are still a mystery to him.
4.) Skateboarding and long hair. Whens the last time you saw an azn with long hair. Now say the same with white people. Yeah, that’s right, long hair and a skateboard, that’s the American way.
5.) Being stupid. Speaks for itself.
So yes, the formula is 1+2+3+4+5+5+5+5= White, regardless of skin tone.
Yes, tori, we do go to a white school. Make as many white friends as you can, they have unlimited uses. Spreading the word of how good you are at fighting for instance. No, I don’t want to be white. I aint a banana. Yellow on the outside and white in the inside.
So again, the bus. Ahh, the bus, in the morning, a sign of the new day beginning and in the afternoon, a sign of freedom and bed. The nazi bus driver has been banished into the deep hells of the latino world. In other words, fired.
But another bus driver has replaced her, but hes still an asshole, though not as big as an asshole me other driver was. Yes, and this asshole sent me from the back of the bus, where other people where looking for me from other buses, to the front for some stupid reason. ( i wont bore you with the details)
So yes, justice is blind, but apprently not deaf since that damn tattletale made me deaf for about 15 mintues.
Yes, another day, andother dollar. Another whisp of time from the cigar of life. Another drop from the bucket. Another chime of death for........uhhh........awww fuckit
Through the doors, yes. Anyways, i hate how problems are solved nowadays. Dont get me wrong, i love being told to be on hold for 45 mintues for a damn explanation to install a new printer. If you got a problem, get in there and yell it out. Everyone now is to afriad to shout out whats wrong with the world, mostly because the big, bad government will give them a smaller tax refund. Yeah, thats society today, another day wasted having to deal with some big ass problem sitting in your lap breaking your balls.
All im saying is, find a way. When theres a will, theres a way. My bros most frequently said quote. And yes, we all have our little philosphies on life. Everyone has their own little glimpse into the heaven. Hell, i know one dude (no names here) that believes that this is the matrix. Another thinks god is a robot. Who knows? Its only revealed when we die and go through the doors.
Another bar mitsvah, another chance to get rowdy and crazy. And this is exactly what everyone did. Thank god most of the people at the party were not from A.C Stelle. Mainly because.........well, all that snotty behavior influenced the girls not to dance with anyone else except each other. But we, the People, went crazy. Hip hop full blast and dance battles all around. I danced with like 7 different girls, but sadly, no asians. Anways, we got tired and wired from shirleys and roy rodgers and sat down.
11 of us in all, one was a girl from Portola that Kambiz was currently dancing with. We talked and dissed each other in order to refuel ourselves. Anyways, the discussion concerned the group, Ellad, the Halabes, Brandon, Jacob, Kambiz, Michael, and me. And so it singled us all out, one by one, laughing at the good times that surrounded that person. The time Josh jumped the pole and got his balls hit. When Jeremy ran into the bathroom screaming for no apprent reason. And then it came to me.
-Ahhh, the only asian in the group
me- yeah.........its a white school
-yup, smart, willing, and able to kick everyone ass.
Here we all laugh, and i take personal pride that i have a title. We even made a song about it.
secret....AZN MAN!
Yeah, after about 10 mintues we went back in the fray where the dance floor was. Yup, that was it. Oh yeah, inside joke: someone's getting laid tonight!
Yeah..................god, its 12:38 A.M.............damn im tired
Ist thing i got to get out there, dont worry about posting comments. Your not the only one........shortestuff. 2nd, i thought i never would REALLY have to do this but....
Yes, i think thats all there is to say. Anways, the lollipop i had lasted only 4 periods and my friend is finished watching his *cough* porn, for all of you who like my other post.
Sometimes people misread things. Sometimes it screws up a lot of things. Watergate scandal, not exactly a misread but it got Nixon shamed and kicked out. I misread the whole test. And i got a "F" on the math test. Damn Mrs. Kallet.
In other words.......I'm high
Oooooooo weed............and so it *puff* shall be
Some time ago, and sometimes still today, I’ve been getting some weird complaints about my blog.
- Your blog is gay-rohit
-Why is it so damn hard to read?-Jeremy
- Do something normal with this thing - I forgot who
- You suck- eminem
Anyways, I’ve decided to end this, by making a blog based on many of my friends whose blogs are utter crap. No offense, but who fucking cares how many Cheetos you ate while watching porn on the couch.
Here goes..........
Today I took a test. It was sooooo fucking hard. After that i hung out with Ellad and got high. After that i bought a lollipop and licked it. I liked it 5 times before i put it back into the wrapper. We weren’t allowed to eat the suckers in the halls. We had a review game in Johnson. it was fun. I got all of them right. I like today. Yesterday sucked. Yes, today was good............
Yup......that’s my day, exciting isn’t it?
O and my friend ate 434 cheetos and watched "barely legal babes"
I hate long drives. So as i embarked on my 6 hour to San Fran to meet my bro, i was feeling like shit all the way. And along the way we did smell cow shit. I was so bored, i even counted the farms we passed by. I think i got 238........i lost count after 32 minutes....But it was worth it. All the movies you can watch and one big ass comp with a damn good graphics card. So i couldnt sleep in San Fran.
So......i did it in the car. And sleeping in the car is fine at night, but after you take a nap in the car in day, you feel sand in your face. Your eyelids are stuck in place. I dont mean like waking up and wanting to go back asleep stuck. I mean fucking stuck, as in if i wanted to see roadkill after the 200 mile mark, i couldnt. So yeah, i got my share of dead rabbits and dogs along the way.
god i hate long drives............And so it shall be
I hate people who just give up after the first punch. They take a shot, and when it gets too much, they go like ," O shit, it looks like I’m going to get hurt! I better get out before i need 2 band-aids to cover up my damn knee!"
Please don’t be like this. Please don’t be a blundering idiot that hates all challenges. Holy crap, it seems that by balls are gone, I need help. Take em back, fight for them. Hell, kill them if you have to. Just go ahead and go for the challenge. Don’t cower in the corner. Don’t miss out on all the things that are happening. You don’t go on a ship cuz the Titanic sank, you probably don’t go on a ship cuz you always get seasick. There’s a key word there. ALWAYS. Its ok if your afraid of something and your scared, but come on. I know a kid whose afraid of dogs because they have fur............and he has a cat. I have no idea why the hell he would do that, but that’s him. Anyways, if someone pushes, push back hard enough so they don’t push you again. Some people push others over the edge, but that’s with words. I think that was in my earlier posts, somewhere in December of January.
Yup, that’s all little kiddies, you gonna take it like a man? OR maybe you'd prefer some Kleenex and baby powder.
Life is always repeating itself.......here we go again
So goes another day at my *white* school. I realize, that yes, the white man has outnumbered all other races in my school 34 to 1. Life is always repeating itself, each year passes by without thought, only when its about to end. We spend life like it is money, we can always get it back by saving time. But that’s money, and time is a different matter. Life is made out of time, and if just lounge around to kill time, you haven’t known the meaning of life. So, let the new day come. Bring on new challenges so I don’t get bored of this game. Lets see what it has to offer. Keep em coming, cuz life is always repeating itself, might as well make it interesting.
Life is always repeating itself.......here we go again