Friendly Fire
Once again, its Saturday, and i go to Korean school. Lunch starts and we start playing PEGS again. For those who dont konw what PEGS is, its bascially hurting whoever is in front of you with the tennis ball or your fist. Throw the ball against the wall, miss of fumble catching it when it comes back, and we try our best to get you on the floor crying, which happens at least once every week.
This time however, it didnt go as planned.
3 new guys are in the game now. They dont really know how to play, and all we tell them is " hit whoever is in front of you"
Everything is going fine, and then this little 6-8 year old girl with her friends start yelling and hitting us. Not hard, but i mean like 'little brother get mad' hitting us. Actually............they just hit Ivan. They eventually stop and stay on the sidelines.
I fumbled the ball and run up. When i turn back to go to safety, i find that the ball is held by Chris, the fastest thrower in our group. This guy should seriously try out for a major league pitcher or something.
I get in a position that i learned in soccer. He chucks it sideways and i move to the right to see it speed past my head. It bounces past the wall and goes right back at him......great. He throws again about 4 times and i only dodge three. The got the 4th ball before i could react and got me in the leg.
Then we change courts to a wall that doesnt have any sides. Bascially just a huge square. Now the little girls still follow us and stay by the sidelines. Noy a good idea. We tell them to get away, but they persist.
New guy tries to do something fancy with throwing. He jumps up, arches his arm back, throws........................and hits the little girl right in the eye.
The next 15 seconds were just a bunch of yelling and pointing.
After they run off somewhere, i turn to the new guy and say to everyone.
"He didnt touch the wall yet............"
By the end of lunch, he had on huge black bruise on his back.
Friendly fire, it happens. I almost hit a 9 year old if he didnt duck.
And so it shall be