Sunday, September 25, 2005

Friendly Fire

Once again, its Saturday, and i go to Korean school. Lunch starts and we start playing PEGS again. For those who dont konw what PEGS is, its bascially hurting whoever is in front of you with the tennis ball or your fist. Throw the ball against the wall, miss of fumble catching it when it comes back, and we try our best to get you on the floor crying, which happens at least once every week.

This time however, it didnt go as planned.

3 new guys are in the game now. They dont really know how to play, and all we tell them is " hit whoever is in front of you"

Everything is going fine, and then this little 6-8 year old girl with her friends start yelling and hitting us. Not hard, but i mean like 'little brother get mad' hitting us. Actually............they just hit Ivan. They eventually stop and stay on the sidelines.

I fumbled the ball and run up. When i turn back to go to safety, i find that the ball is held by Chris, the fastest thrower in our group. This guy should seriously try out for a major league pitcher or something.

I get in a position that i learned in soccer. He chucks it sideways and i move to the right to see it speed past my head. It bounces past the wall and goes right back at him......great. He throws again about 4 times and i only dodge three. The got the 4th ball before i could react and got me in the leg.

Then we change courts to a wall that doesnt have any sides. Bascially just a huge square. Now the little girls still follow us and stay by the sidelines. Noy a good idea. We tell them to get away, but they persist.

New guy tries to do something fancy with throwing. He jumps up, arches his arm back, throws........................and hits the little girl right in the eye.

The next 15 seconds were just a bunch of yelling and pointing.

After they run off somewhere, i turn to the new guy and say to everyone.

"He didnt touch the wall yet............"

By the end of lunch, he had on huge black bruise on his back.

Friendly fire, it happens. I almost hit a 9 year old if he didnt duck.

And so it shall be

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Union

When I was on my soccer team, we were all brothers. We didn’t care what the other guy look like. We didn’t take waterfalls from each others bottles, either because we were too tired to lift them up that high, or we couldn’t afford to waste any water.

We played hard, and we won 2 championships. We got 2nd in the Celtic Cup, and when we were tied for 1st place, we triumphed and ran off the field yelling, running towards our grand trophies. We were a brotherhood of 12 year olds.

And when we lost, we lost together. There was one game that i will never forget. The game that made me wonder if i really wanted to be on this team. The game that eventually, lead to my soccer career's demise. the game ended and we lost horribly. i think it was 9-0. I wasn’t on my toes, i couldn’t save the ball quick enough, and my defense line was getting sliced through. We sat, ashamed on the sidelines. Coach told us to talk amongst ourselves to explain our horrendous loss. Amir started tearing, and Brian, one of the star players also had tears in his eyes. We sat in total silence. It was the worst checkpoint of soccer I’ve been through.

" Our defense was horrible..........." Justin finally pouts.

Jacob and Jeff look down at their shoes sullenly while Jeremy burst out angrily, " What about Clyde, hes the FUCKING GOALIE!!"

I have nothing to say. What can i say? I look down shamefully when Keon sticks up for me.

"Its not his fault"

Now Brian jumps in too, " Yeah man, stop letting the balls go like he's the best goalie in the league"

Amir is still tearing, he’s still pissed.

" Look, its all our faults" Kyle lectures, " We did everything, we lost everything"

We go home, and while i was walking across the parking lot, Brian calls out to me, " Hey, don’t feel too bad, it wasn’t your fault"

"Thanks Brian.........."

We were a brotherhood that felt every foul committed on our team. We felt the exhilaration of another goal. We felt the sadness of another game loss. We rose and fell together.

I quit the team. I did it so the team can find a better goalie. I did it so the team can still win championships, win tournaments, and party their asses off at their celebration party.

I look at the shelves and look at the trophies i earned while with them. I look at our poster, in which my team smiles at me.

I did it for the union..........I did it, for them

No Way

While on AIM, trying to kill time, i was confronted by Catherine, Kelsey's friend.

xxxxx: did u see what kelsey's shirt said?

me: no

xxxxx: it said 'I put the asian, in caucasian'

me on AIM: what?

me in my room : WHAT?!

xxxxx: shes white but she like a total asain cause she watches asain dramas is smart and has mad chop stick skills and since caucasian has asian in it get it?

Ok, you get the picture. Mad chop stick skills. That made my fall out of my chair laughing. Its chop sticks. There is no mad skill for chopsticks.

Anyways Kelsey, i dont really care about this. I just thought it was funny to hear your friends say that you had mad chopstick skills.


and so i have mad chopstick skills...............


Friday, September 16, 2005

Pledge of Defiance

School starts. The guy on the intercom tells us to put our right hand over our hearts......ready, begin. As usual, i begin my pledge, but not the Pledge of Allegiance that i grew up knowing. Its my own pledge.

I vowed that i would not say the Pledge of Alliengiance until America has Bush out of office and that we no longer have a movie star running California.

Anyways, when i started my own pledge, i noticed i said it a little too loud. The biggest signal was when Katie shot a look at me and questioned me like a foreign immagrant," What did you say?"

I smiled and sat back down while Rohit, one my good friends that already know my little pledge, turns around and starts reciting my speech. He doesnt get to finish, because i cut him off. Katie still glares at me like i just crossed the border.

Ive been saying it for about 2 years now. Lots of people confront me as a hypocrite. ' If you dont like America, why dont you move out of the country?'

Because America might change for the better of worse. And i want to stick around for what happens next. Its like watching a bad movie. You hate it, but you just want to see what the ending turns out to be.

And so it shall be............

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Korean School............yes, again

Today was the first day of a brand new semester at Korean school. And its good again to see Gary, Ivan, Howard, Fred, and everyone else in between. Its good again to be pelted with a tennis ball in the back. Its good again to talk and steal boxes of pizza and soda when the teachers aren’t looking. Yup, were back.

With new improvements. Such as:

More Korean food.

Chris might come back from suspension for beating up Chandler

We have more tennis balls.

I see more people that I know.

Chandler didn’t come on the first day.

But yes, things went back to how they were. And the teacher was nicer. But more intent on teaching us. When Karen , Veronica, and I were in the other one. We just talked and read when called upon. Here, we have to do everything.

And then everything went fine until.........asian skaters came in the class. Two of them, spiked hair towards the sky, jeans, and worst of all, skateboards.

Now I usually have no problem with skaters. I have problems with skaters with a "punk" attitude. When they enter, Veronica eyes them warily while i instinctly clench my fist. They sit down. Class continues. And then they go around, thinking about how their high and mighty asses are better then us. Then a message from God comes from the teachers mouth.

"Do you guys want to go to a different classroom?"

They comply, and we silently smile among us.

And then the bell rings, we stay in this time, because the teacher is talking about how were getting older, and we need to pay more attention, what college, and other stuff.

And then she keeps talking until the break ends. And then Gary comes with confusion on his face.

" Where were you man? We were playing PEGS with the tennis balls!"

"Oh.......i was in here the whole time"

Not sure, but i think i heard Veronica laugh behind me, and the teacher look at me weird.

Anyways, yeah, school starts again.

And so it shall be.........

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Looking Poor Is Lookin' Good

For some reason that i cannot comprehend, the newest trend for rich people is..........looking poor. Thats right you heard me, and i have the evidence to prove it. Hobo gloves. Gloves with the finger cut right off. Ive seen someone at school purposely cut off each leather finger. Tear off a finger, ill give you the finger.

Faded and ripped jeans. Now people who BUY faded and ripped jeans should die. My jeans are ripped because i fell on the pavement and skidded, which made a quarter-sized hole. My jeans are faded probaly because ive worn them for about 2 years. The ends are a little torn because i always step on them. But i remember one time, a girl was ripping out the edge of her jean skirt and then tearing out the pockets.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask casually and glance at the frayed edges.

"Im making them torn, it looks better" she replied coolly.

In my mind " the fuck?"

And yes, people who already have little holes in their jeans are now ripping them wider.
Whoopee, faded just for your convienience

And then my favorite, the boots. Yup, boots. Girls love these HUGE boots that are basically a fluffy version of raincoat boots. And yet, last year, even though they were problay heavy and hot like hell, people persisted to wear these mammoth feet of hell.

When i was eight, the only way i say these things was when i went downtown. Now MTV makes a hugh leap, and then decides to make everything black.


If your jeans rip, because they just do. I dont care. If you buy jeans ripped...........well, thats just idiotic. Who wants pre-destroyed clothes? Whats next, stabbed furniture?

Wow.....and so it shall be

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Just Another Day

Today was another productive day in school. In first period, we learned about the people who signed the Declaration of Independence. When Mr. Kane said " John Hancock", me and Rohit look at each other. We barely stiffle our laughter as the teacher went on.

2nd period was also pretty fun. Natasha brought a chocolate to loosen up our teacher. She remarked that ' its for her birthday'. Yes, and maybe for your birthday, you might get a little something on your essay! And then the teacher got pretty pissed that i chose McDonalds for my poem and then got even more pissed when we started talking about bowel movement ( ex. constipation, colon) So i basically spent the whole period laughing. P.E. was normal. It was picture day.

And then 4th period we watched a Science vid about how deep you need to go underwater to dodge bullets. It was pretty cool.

5th was normal. Didnt really pay attention to any of the Algebra things she lextured on.

6th period was hectic. I cant even describe the hell that raged in there. And only then did i notice that Evan shaved his afro. I realized after i couldnt use his head as my own human pencil holder.

Yup, just another day...............i hate pictures

and so it shall be

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Childhood Choices

Now that a look back at the toys i played with as a kid, and looked at others toys people had, every toy had an influence on someone. And parents, thinking their getting the right toys for their kids, are actually dooming them to a life of routine.

For example, when i was about 8, i remember seeing on a news program that parents were concerned about boys playing with barbies. Being quite gullible, i concluded that the parents were concerned that boys wanted to play with Barbies cause they wanted to be like them. The parents then bought big, strapping, heroes to rectify their behavior. I thought that was a good idea.

Now, im rethinking this. And i realized that the parents, and i, were horribly wrong. Let them play with barbies. Better be interested in girls and grow up straight that to hold a half naked- hulking madman in your hand.

The best toy for a little boy.

And then parents were concerned with girls playing with trucks. One of the parents, if i remember correctly said " Girls should play with their own toys of gender. Girls that play with trucks are more likely to do blah blah bullshit coming from my own mouth."

Ok, sure. Instead of a modest truck, lets give them some fancy convertable that teaches our generation that money is what shows people how good of a person you are. Yes, lets let them bask in the warm rays of knowledge that cars and money are what matter in life.

I grew up with legos. Lots and lots of legos. Which now i conclude to be one of the better toys. Why? I dont know. Let your inner child find out.

I burst out laughing when i thought it over for the first time.

And so it shall be..............

Friday, September 02, 2005

Its Crowded

Language Arts today was......interesting. The teacher rambled about how this class was way too big and to tell our parents how many kids there are in a class.

Yes, i must admit, i look around, and its pretty packed in here. She goes on telling us that CA is the 2nd lowest paying state for education. NY pays 20,000, while CA only does 7,000. Wow, thats pretty wicked. But what can we do about it? Its a small school, but a big neighborhood. What this teacher is trying to make us do is the equivelent of stuffing a bowling ball into a golf hole.

Yes, its crowded, but 8th graders cannot complain. 6th, yes, 7th maybe, but not 8th graders. Why? Cause we can just plow through the swarm of kids while the 6ths just kinda get pegged between people.

But yeah, its pretty stuffy in the classroom. And due to my poor eyesight, and my stubborness to refuse any form of visual aide, i must suffer and squint at the tiny text on the overhead while the person behind me stares in comfort at the perfectly clear words.

But back to the topic, i dont see any signs of crowding. Any sign of crowding is the schools fault, not anyone else. For example, the lunch line. Its a fucking long lunch line. Why? Cause you have to punch in your damn ID number and theres only 5 lines. Need another? There was only one line for snacks. Another? The buses are crowded cause theres 70 on one bus, and 5 on another.

Who cares if its crowded. The more the merrier. If you seriously care about the crowding, shut up. Its like Buetel and teachers hitting kids. He doesnt care about your damn rights. He will smack you with the amazing " BEATING STICK!"

Oh Btw, if you have Buetel, we were the 'Obese Octopuses' for that game. We lost by 60 points.

And so it shall be......