Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Holding Back On Yourself

Its ok to hold back when you need to. By this i mean when you dont want to attract attention when you dont and you dont want to start something at that moment. And its ok to hold back at those moments. But when its time to show them that you can do this, go all out. Make sure they what you do is your very best and your not hiding any secrets about it. Unleash whatever you have into whatever it is that your doing. Uncage whatever emotions you have at the moment. Let your mind pour in the messages that it wants youe body to do. When its time for the evauluations, dont pace yourself. Muster all the crap inside you and let it all out. When its time to fight your fears, dont hold back. Fight.......

And so it shall be.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Truth Lies Within

The truth is what we really believe in. The truth is what we want to believe in. The only difference between people that share the same belief are those who show their beliefs in the outside world and those who choose to practice their beliefs at home. The truth is a type of belief that is the one that we treasure most. It is what helps us up when were down, and what clings us to reality. Now when i say clings us to reality i dont really mean like the Matrix style. I mean that the truth is what keeps us from having our head in the sky and keeping our senses within us. It gives us a peice of what life is still like no matter what we see on the TV.

Sometimes the truth is hard to accept. Then theres the denial process. For some, this is their death penalty, for others, it is their wakeup call. If you do seem to be outrageously bewildered by it, seek for advice, search the truth and try to understand why it has to be that why. Explore why things happen that way. But im not saying to like go to a monastery and spend your whole life as a monk. Im saying to be a your own monastery, and seek the truth within yourself.

And so the truth shall lie within...................

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Speak Up

Some people need to stop hiding within them selves or behind other things. People that have something to say and something to prove should get up and do it. People shouldn’t just attack and then hide is a little corner, hoping that that person wont stand up to kick their ass.

When you have something to say go all out. Don’t hold back. Say what you gotta say and live with it. Speak whatever you have to say and if it makes sense to say it, go ahead. If you talk a certain way, who cares how you talk. As long as you get your message clear across to other people it doesn’t matter how you said it, it matters what the other people feel. And if people don’t have a problem with what your saying or how your saying it, then keep going. Don’t go down without a fight, and don’t never change your style. If its some kind of style you like to use when you speak then use it. Use what you have, speak what you have to say, and make sure your message is heard...........and so it shall be

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Lets Get It Started

Starting and ending anything is one of the most hardest stages in anything. Once you get something started you kinda flow into it. And when the flow stops flowing you stop and try to end it somehow. But how do you get it started in the first place? Do you ponder and wait for something to click in your head? Maybe you wait for inspiration to come to mind.

Getting something started is difficult. You have to think about what you are getting into and what you would do if a problem occurred. Being ready to start means that you know what to do with a problem. Being ready doesn’t mean thinking good, it means knowing what to do in any status. Once you start you cannot start again and you need to know what to avoid. Theres no restart, save, or reload buttons in life. If there were there would be a lot of things I would change. But now i am who i am and now i have to live what i can.

So, make sure you aren’t starting something to early. Let it grow on you, and most of all, let yourself grow with it. And so it shall be.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Duty Calls

Doing what we are supposed to do is our duty. From taking out the trash to doing our homework, our duty ranges from many things. Greater ones like serving in the army takes a great deal of courage and high self esteem. And the lower ones we sometimes look at with disgust. Or sometimes we always look at it with disgust. It is our duty to go to school yet we all hate it. Dreadful tests, failing grades, and attentive teachers are what we hate about school. And the only good thing about school is having none of it.

Each thing we do creates a part of us. Each activity builds in yourself. Keep doing what you do and you get used to it. constant changing of activities and your personalilty will be very moody. Duty build a bigger part of us. It creates what we have accomplished in life. It lets us look back on our past and be proud of it. It lets us be who we are.

Duty is calling you............are you going to answer it?And so it shall be........

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Thy Has Come

Sometimes we know when to face the consequences but never try to confront them. Then it gets worse for you. Your troubles track you down and every step you take away from it, thats how much bigger your troubles get. We all need to face our threats at one time or another. But we also need to know how to overcome it. Obstacles in life vary in size and some will stump you for life depending on how you deal with it. Anyways make sure that you know how to deal with your probelems. Also make sure that you dont run away from them. Remember advice is there to help you with descision but not there to make them for you. Your descision is yours, make sure it looks that way.

And so it shall be

Friday, November 19, 2004

In Our Hands

Once in our hands
There was a pure innocence
Where we find ourselves

In our conquest
We must know the little things......
and so it shall be

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Rebels

What defines a rebel? Is it having different ideas from everyone else? Is it being able to think differently from everyone else?

A rebel is being able to stand out. A rebel isn't afraid to do what he does because he think that's what hes doing is good. Think about it. Name one person who thought like everyone else that made a difference. Galileo believed in the stars and not the Earth. Einstein looked up the mass of light and not what light actually is. Darwin created the once bizarre theory that we once were monkeys, and now his theory is believed by millions. Think differently, sometimes it is not as crazy as you like to believe. Rebels fight for what they think is right. Make sure what your fighting for is right also.

A rebel is believing in what you believe. Not thinking a thought and believing that. A thought can care for one person. A belief can change the lives of hundreds. A will can change everything.................and so it shall be

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Fear Itself

Fear can be things great and small. From the creek downstairs or the horror movie last night, we all become scared once in a while. Then its our choice to react. Do we go downstairs to get that glass of water? Or do we stay in our rooms until our parents come home? That depends on us doesn’t it? It is not what we fear that scares us. It is what we think they will do to us that does. But our brain tell us nothing will happen to us, and yet our heart is begging us to stay in the room. Is it instinct that sometimes we cower? Is it our fault that we create images of monsters lurking in the shadows of the house?

What do we fear most? Perhaps death. Death is one of the most feared events in the world. Perhaps maybe that is why we always prepare for it. Life insurance, inheritance, our last will. Death is also the most common thing we see today. In movies, everyone is afraid of death and everyone dies. It is always the hero that dies because he/she overcomes the fear of death. Live life to the fullest they say. Or live life cautiously waiting for our death to come. Its your choice. Make a wise one.

And so it shall be

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Games Fo Real?

I’m gonna be a little loose with this blog. This one aint gonna be as formal.


Sometimes video games can be compared with real life. I learnt a lot from the games I play. And I used the same tactics with real life and sometimes it works. For example, Doom 3 has taught me some stuff about life.

1. Don’t waste all your time and energy on one little problem cause usually the big one is sneaking up on you.

2. Be prepared. The Pop Quiz is lurking in the shadows waiting for you to put your guard down.

3. Conserve energy. Don’t waste all of it on one problem. Theres usually a whole horde of them waiting for you.

4. Look in every corner. Usually the things you miss in fine print are the things that take one huge chunk out of you. Look before you walk......errrrr sign.

5. Dont Cheat. You cant lose but you dont really win.

And finally, even after killing the zombies of boredom, shooting down the souls of temptation, defeating the knight of achool finals, and escaping the hellish valleys of failure, all you get is a ticket to get to a better place where you can spend more of your life working..........and so it shall be

Monday, November 15, 2004

For the Moment

Think of one of your greatest moments. Standing on the mountain alone, looking down on your creation with pride. You think of how this will glorify you. Now think if that was your only source of happiness.


Moments go and pass along with our life. Sometimes our lives are always horrible. Always having to work everyday of your life. Almost never having time to do the stuff you love. Always having to put work first because you depend on it. Then your moment of triumph appears. You work your ass off and then you are recognized. You are worshiped and bathed in glory. To people whose whole life was dedicated to work and pain, this is their lifesaver. This is the moment that separates legends from suicide. This is your moment.

As the song goes....................
"that's why we, seize the moment
try to freeze it and own it,
squeeze it and hold it,
cuz we consider these minutes golden
and maybe they'll admit it when we're gone.
Just let our spirits live on,
through our lyrics that you hear in our songs and we ........................................................................
can sing for the moment"

And so it shall be...........for the moment

Sunday, November 14, 2004

From The Heavens Above

As we live our lives we always consider the consequences of our actions. Life is always about our choices and our choices determine who we become. We think about our overall life and think if we deserve to life in eternal bliss or everlasting hell. We ponder what the gods have in store for us. We turn to the sky when all else fails. We wonder where our faith and hope have gotten us. And where they are in our dire times of need. We wish to be satisfied with all things and rewarded with our smallest deeds. Of course...........we don’t get these things. So we complain and rant about waiting for someone to answer back. And when we don’t get an answer we try to forget about it.

The concept that our lives are controlled my a higher power is believed by many. There are other that think this also but they think they have the power to change it. The greatest people are the ones who don’t try to be the higher power, they try to help it. And the weakest are the result from absolute corruption and the desire to be a living god among us. We all are the product of something great, no doubt. Or maybe we are the producers of our world and perhaps the destruction of it. The apocalypse is a event that states the end of everything. What can you do to prevent it from coming. How can YOU make sure that life will sustain and humanity will last.

There are many who choose to believe in gods. I think it is better to believe in yourself. And so from the heavens above……....it shall be.

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Hope is one of the first things we learn and maybe one of the most important. We all hope for that something for Christmas or we hope to win the lotto. Hope is being able to hold on to a belief for as long as you can. Almost everybody has hope in them. Those who don’t are suicidal. Because they have no hope for their lives and they think that hope is non-existent.

Hope is in our everyday life. We hope for the A on the quiz, hope we win the lotto, hope for our lives to improve. Hope has to be combines with a will to do something. If we hope with no intention to help it, we lose our beliefs. We lose our sense of a real life. We lose the ability to see what is real. One can hope but cannot always expect. Expectations are what we hope will happen for sure. Hope is making that our expectations stay sure.

We all hope for a better world and a better life. But let the world change you, and then you can change the world. And so it shall be.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Passing By

We all have met our friends.....or at least thought we have. We all have friends that we just meet and then we part......never to see them again. Then there are the friends that stick with you and follow you through whatever the troubles are. In Catalina I found many friends that stuck together. Sure we got stung by one big ass cloud of jellyfish in the water, sure we had to go through the dark tunnel of terror. But we have our fun and we all have our memories of fun together. And we all had our laughs. And painful moments....................Roy.......................specially you. And we all went crazy to time to time.

Anyways.............don’t pass by, think, wonder, and stay...............you never know when theres a memory waiting to be stored............and so it shall be.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Expectations are what surprises us. We all think that something will happen for happen. Our expectations must not overtake us. For then it will take over your sense that things can go wrong. We must be prepared..........but not so sure of ourselves. Preparations are for something that might happen. Sure is what will happen. And not everything can happen for sure. That party might be cancelled or the test is rescheduled to another day. YAY! Or maybe you might expect me to write another blog tomorrow but I wont. I have to go to Catalina for a school trip. Even then im prepared but I don’t even know if I’m even ready to go. Be sure.................not cocky.

Being ready and being prepared are two different things. Being ready for combat means you know you have to into war and not being shocked at what happened to the world. Being prepared means having the supplies for the war, but the war can still scare the shit out of you.

Expect..........but be loose in your schedule..........you never know what happens tomorrow...............and so it shall be.

Monday, November 08, 2004

comments not working

sry if u tried to leave a comment.........i fixed it, but only starting now can u leave comments

The Past, Present, And Future

Every aspect of life is in one of these categories according to time. The past is what we already accomplished, the present is what we are working on, and the future is what we want to accomplish in our later lives.


The past is part of our reputation but now all of it. It influences us to be a better person and try to make our past better along with our reputation.

The past, I think does not matter in the present. All it does is make a label for what you did and what people thought of you in the past. Past matters..........but do not judge someone of theirs.

The present is what we are doing. Life is all about choices. Temptations and doing whats right is the big decisions. The present is deciding which path to go to. The present decides what your past will be like and your future will be. It decides what kind of life you will have in the future.

The future is the thing that has everyone worried. The future is never certain, even if we plan it something can come up. The future can be secured, but not accurately predicted. The thing about the future is that we all worry about it. Will I get a raise? Am i going to get a job? Will i pass my driver license test?

We all think about the future and snap back to our present to make our future better. Our future depends on our reputation and the outcomes of the decisions that we make. What does your future look like?
"If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work"

We must all have hope and faith in our future. For that determines what kind of lives we lead.

And in the future..................so it shall be

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Willpower is a comforting thing to have. Unfortanatly, most people dont have enough. This is caused by the fact that there are many things that dont use any will at all. And so when a person needs the will to go on in life there isnt any. Will is something that is something that has to be constsantly stretched to keep in shape.

Will is needed at the crucial times at the day where everything goes wrong.

EX. You spend your sunday morning typing up a blog and when you go to publish it you interenet breaks down and you see your blog go off the moniter and go straight to blogger hell.


This happened to me. So now i must re-type this whole entry. But thankfully i have the will to type until my fingers hurt like hell and my eyes water from looking at the moniter too much.


And people..........when they lose their jobs they need to get off the couch, turn of the TV, walk out the door and see what they can still do with the will they still have. Or if you always had straight A's and you go to college and u see a B, you dont commit suicide, you see what you can do about that B and how to raise it up to an A. I seriosuly heard stories where a student commit suicide just cuz they saw a B.


So make sure that what you do contantly takes up your will. Becuz at the crucial times where everything goes wrong ull see your will crying with you..............and so it shall be

Saturday, November 06, 2004

As Life Goes by

Another day in korean school. As the teacher blabs about the korean alphabet and the guy behind keeps kickin my desk, I slowly blink my eyes. The teachers thinks im listening because im looking at my book and thats about it. Theres noise all around me and I dont notice. The lunch bell rings and I slowly get out of my seat to get outside. I talk to my friends with a slurred speech and stagger out to the peg courts. We play along with 15 other koreans with 9 others watching us. I peg......and I get pegged......End bell rings...........I run back to the room of hell where I spend 2 more hours......Where once again I look at the clock anxiously waiting for that hand to hit 12. Im waiting.......and waiting.........as life goes by me and I am stuck in time.................going by..............and so it shall be

Friday, November 05, 2004

Hi.......Im Time

Time I realized is a thing that resides in a different world than us. In our world it merely is used. In ourselves, it is treasured. We always want to grow up but still have our eternal life. Its human nature to want tone thing but keep another. Yet its not possible is it? That's why most people don't like to make big choices because threes so much pressure into everything.

Time pressures everyone. Deadlines, schedules, meetings, everyone needs to get there faster and no one has the time to stop. Life itself uses time cautiously and yet.....we dont. We always have that big project due in a week and that week passes so quickly and then u wake up at 2 AM still trying to remember what was due today in social studies. And seeing ur face when u find out what is priceless.

We are all horrified what time did with our fun. It always slows down for our woes and speeds up for our fun. Its god's way for telling us to not have fun before work.So before you turn on the XBOX or w/e u have. Think what you still have to do before tomorrow. Or you might be spening that tomorrow after school.

Time............and so it shall be

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dont Copy Me

Copying someone happens to us once in a while. I experienced it today when tori stole my topic. I also experienced copying someone’s title when first starting out my blog. Thus, I have experienced both sides and learned what both sides feel.


First time i saw my topic being stolen i felt proud. Then angry, then confused. I saw my topic used because i picked a good one. Angry because they couldn’t be original enough to do their own. Then confused cuz then i didn’t even know what was going on and my brain was going crazy.
When i used my bros title.....he got pissed off also. I was ashamed. Then i got my own.


Its ok to start off using someones idea to lean on, but ur not supposed to take it over completely. But many people go overboard and infest the idea and try to make it their own. Thats how the fake imitations come off of the real ideas. This is how people dont even care for the original one anymore because now everythings fake and the real one is being called fake. A loaner is one thing, a parasite is another.

So next time you use someones idea ask yourself, " Am I taking this idea for my own? Or am I using it to make my own universe of ideas? Ponder and look up ideas............and so it shall be............

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


We all take what we know for granted. We all think that what we know, we know. Well, what about the things we don’t know? When do you think about you don’t know? Maybe you do it on a daily bases but I doubt it. We all take for granted that theres gonna be the same teacher in the same classroom. Sometimes the only new thing in class is a pop quiz. Sometimes its only a substitute teacher. what do you do when your teacher goes over something you already know?

Retreat to the back of your mind and wander off to Wonderland?

Pay attention and find out something new?

Or look like your paying attention and think about something else?

I'd say that most of you would wither daydream or think about something else. You guys know what i mean. Everyones thinking about what they're going to today, how much hw they have, and their social life. But would anyone pay attention to the teacher? You might learn something useful. But your to busy thinking about what you already know what will happen today that you don’t know whats going on NOW.

Sometimes the most important things are the things we don’t know about. You future is a prime example, sure u know what will happen in your notebook that u have planned. But who knows what will happen a year from now. What you control is what you know. Even things you cant control are things that are controlled by itself.

Think about what you don’t know. Think about what will happen and what you would do about it. Think about the vast knowledge in the world and try to find a void. For sometimes thats the thing we all should be looking for.

Think................and so it shall be

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Yesterday I talked to my bro and talked About my blog and whats good and bad about it. You can see his comment in the comment section on the "Do it.......dont complain" one. All of the advice I accepted. But it depends on the person. A man who always has a negative perspective on life would take my bros advice as criticism. A man who always has a positive would see the advice as praise. I see it as a gentle gesture of how to make my writing better. I guess u can call me a realist. I prefer to be called a normal man with normal perspectives. Everyone has their little fantasy world in which they wander off to when the teacher starts droning off.


Optimistic and pessimistic can get along. They don't have to hate each other. There is an advantage for being optimistic and theres an advantage for being pessismistic. But it depends on your perspective what advantages each one has. Optimistic people always have the best outcome on their minds. So when they get an A on their test, they're not surprised and are happy. Bad thing about optimists is that when they get C's they are utterly shocked are go crazy at the sight of it. I think this is the biggest drawback.

Pessisism is the fact that ur expecting everything to go wrong. These people are usually scared to get out of the house in fear that theres a sniper just campin in front of their door. But pessisism pays off becuz if they gets C's they dont freak out. They treat like a napkin.........look at it, feel the paper, maybe wipe something up with it, then throw it away. When they get A's they freak out and be happy for at least 5 minutes until their little pessismistic minds think that the teacher graded theirs wrong and they actually got a D.

Biggest drawback of pessisism and big advantage for us. You can borrow money from them and they wont expect you to pay it back....Y? u ask? becuz they are people that close life and keep it in their safe. Along with everything else they dont want stolen by "aliens".


Another example of perspectives is politcs. I personally dont know why anyone would vote for bush. If they do, i respect their vote. If they vote for kerry, i respect them more. On the bus today i heard someone talking about who they would vote for. Then his friend told him that voting information is classified and he shouldnt ask....................ok, i respect that but they choose to tell him....so sharing classifies info on the bus is illigel? Then writing about this is illigel, you know why? Becuz this information is CLASSIFIED!!!!!!!!

Think about your perspectives on life. Think about what you think of everyone else. Think about what ur life looks like. If u cant figure that out, i think your life is CLASSIFIED!!!!

think...........and so it shall be.........

Monday, November 01, 2004

Dont Complain......Do it

I hate people who complain for some really stupid reason.

Ex. A little kid that complains he can't have gun. Im serious, i overheard it in our local town.

Little kid: Mom, i need a gun, can i have one?
Mom*embarrassed*: no sonm lets talk about something else.

Mom*just going crazy*: honey please stop complaing.......
Little Kid*now pounding her dress*: IM TELLING DAD U WONT BUY ME A GUN!!!!!

And i walk away........ok fine i run. Goes to show people still havent lost their touch to piss me off and amuse me at the same time. Thank you Calabasas, for giving birth to the biggest assholes in CA. What else would i write without you guys. Also i give my thanks to Beverly Hills for making everything else look bad. Also Bell Canyon, West Hills, and Hidden Hills for being the only people tha dont talk crap about everyone else. I thank you guys for being MODEST.

Anyways if you complain.....u better stop. Now you have two options, walk away defeated and cry about it for the rest of your life. Or, u can muster up the fact you got beaten once and go back in the fray and do something about ur problem. Never give up.....the only things u give up are your bad habits. Keep going at what you want to do. Just make sure what you want to do is impossible. Im serious. No great man thought of the world just as one huge rock. They made stupid thories which were actually right. Get in they fray. See what you can find out. DO IT.

and if you do.....then it shall be as it is.......................

All Of Them

Patience, endurance, energy, innovation, a sense of reality and time. These are the qualities that make up a human being. Without one, man is incomplete. All living things have these traits, if not than it doesn't have a personality.

Patience is the most common of these. Everyday, people are losing more and more of their patience along with their sense of reality that things take time. Every trait I listed is connected to each other in some way. Innovation creates energy which blocks out the sense of time. A huge amount of patience and endurance is needed, and reality seems to be out of reach for the time being.

This world is looking for the wrong traits. Lust, passion, and physical appearance. It also looks for the wrong things to look at what the people are doing. Guns are allowed for some reason and people shooting them is cool for the world. And yet they kill 10000 US citizens every year.
Actions speak louder than words, true but u need to fit words with actions. No one became famous for being an absolute hypocrite. And yet, thats what most people are nowadays. They talk about it one day, the next they might slightly make a thought about that subject. A week later they don't know what they were even talking about.

Those traits I listed don't come for you. U have to make them yourself. And right about now u probaly think I'm crazy. But you need every one of those traits to lead a decent life.

Patience I already have listed.

Endurance allows you to go for it and not be discouraged by the people that think your crazy. Go for it. U might discover something worthwhile.
Every great scientist was looked down upon. And yet it was their endurance that let them get through life and reach their dreams.

Energy creates the athletic ability and the sense that things don't do stuff by themselves. The more energy you have, the more you can do with it.

Innovation is that thing that creates the energy for you. Innovation is that thing that helps you get through what your doing. Its the reason your even doing it. Its the must have to create an idea to change the world.

A sense of reality is also needed. Reality is a tricky thing. But it can be mastered. Just make sure your not falling into the words of others. Believe in yourself and u believe in reality.

Time, I take back as not always being your enemy. But it is a pain. As kids, they want to be more grown up, faster. And yet its human lust that wants just the opposite when the "used to be little kids" are grandparents. Time is precious. But DO NOT treat as gold, ever lasting and in your possession. Time is your to enjoy, but not possess.

And all of these connect to your life. Life is your, grab it. Life is one big pool that you gotta dive into. The only way in is that tall diving board. Take the plunge. Take it in. Enjoy. And may you live as long as you want, but not want as long as you live.

This is the end of my chapter in my life. And the beginning of the next. When does your life start?

This is Clyde, hoping the world will get better. And so it shall be...........hopefully.