Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bad Entrance

It started out as a simple promise. Be at the party. Since Tori didnt think she would meet anyone she knew at Jed's bar mitsvah, i promised that i would go with her.

It started out as a normal Saturday. I went to Korean school and returned home. Then my mom had my practice piano. I think it was 6:45 when i got the call.

*Ring* *Ring*

My mom picked up the phone. After a couple of seconds, my mom called out ," Someone named Trori wants to talk?"


"Yeah, Trori"

Puzzled, i picked up the reciever and then realized that it 'Tori'

"Where are you?" She questioned suspiciously.

"At home, why?"

"Arent you going to Jed's bar mitsvah?!!?"

"Yeah, why, when is it?"

"Uhhhh..........its going on right now"

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

I hang up after a few more breif sentences with Tori. The last one i remembered was , "If you leave now, you might make it."

Whoopee. I had 5 minutes to print out the directions to it, get dressed, get the money in an envelope, and get my ass to a temple where i dont have a clue where it is.

As i ran up the stairs, i yelled out madly ," Oma!! ( mom for korean) I forgot about a bar mitsvah im going to, wheres my shirt!!!!!!!"

Yes, it was 5 minutes of complete chaos and rushing.

But I finally got there, just in time for everyone to go in for the party.

I had a great time, though i dont have any pictures..........

I'd give you guys the URL, but i need her permission first.........

Ill put it up if she says ok.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Fly That Didnt

When i came home, there was a little surprise for me. Disgusting, but there was a fly, just sitting on my bed. Considering that it didnt do anything, and it lost a leg, i was pretty damn sure it couldnt get away. I took a tissue and just dumped it in the trash can a few feet away from my bed. I didnt crush it though.

Shortly after i had to go somewhere. When i got back, the same fly was once again squatting on my bed. Puzzled, i once again got a tissure from the bathroom and put it back in the trash can. This time i observed what it did. It slowly rose on its 5 legs and started wobbling upwards. Halfway up the trash can it fell down and died.

All it wanted was freedom. It was only 3 feet away from the window.

I peered down on the dead fly laying on my discarded water bottle. 5 legs and it still went. One time in the trash can and it still didnt give up. It spent its entire last 2 hours for freedom, and then died in someones trashcan.

I hope i never have to do that. But i know it has happened. Someone tries to find happiness beyond the walls of the world and dies in a street. Edgar Allen Poe style.

As i write this down, even im thinking how crazy i must be to write about a fly and its last 2 hours on earth. But as a write this, i know there is a metaphor in all of this.

Thank God i figured it out.........

And so it shall be........

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


After 3 months of listening to rock bands and instrumentals, i decided to go back to my original music loving roots and listen to Mosh- Eminem.

Again i was immersed in the nostaligia of the smooth rhythym that captured the minds of millions. Once again i felt his own passion fusing with my own and combining.

This is my drug. My getting high. Nodding off to the beats and knowing that theres Heaven inside while theres Hell outside. As the words register in my head, as the rhymes go on in my mind, i lose all control of my body. Sometimes in order to relax in heaven, but must enter hell. Dont know where the hell that came from. But while im typing this, im listening to him, and everything is getting let loose here.

I fueled my crap with his words. I did my schoolwork with his songs.

No matter how much rock and roll i listen to, I am still a hardcore eminem fan.

Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

Words i listen to, words i love, words i live to.

And so it shall be............"it feels so good to be back!!!!"

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Radio/Video is Down

Yosemite was great. 6 days of lagging behind the group with my friends, yelling out lyrics from various 'system of a down' songs. 6 days of running out of drinking water and then pissing it out on the rocks. 6 days of playing 'bullshit' and winning a game of blackjack. (I wouldve won $32)and then finding out that Andrew cheats. Seriously, who hits on a 20 and then gets an ace?

But when we were in our own cabins, we all ripped on each other.

But then Dominick went a little too far.

When it was around 9:30, Rohit was our brushing his teeth, i was getting on my sleeping stuff and so was Dominick and Martin.

Before i leap onto the bed, therefore shoving Martin on the floor, i said a simple prayer, a Hail Mary. When Dominick heard me mumbling, he asked ," What are you doing?"

"Im praying."

"To who?"

"To God"

Here Dominick does the "Are you serious?". He then goes on about with his face of his. " Psh, theres no evidence that he really exists you know"

"So, theres no evidence that he doesnt exist"

"Yeah, but what has he done for you lately"

"Im not dead, am i?"

"Psh, whatever"

All through this conversation, Martin pretends not to hear. Hes Christian. Then The half-Hindu, half-Catholic Rohit comes in. I coined his religious nickname. Hindatholic.

Even though i had to put up with his thoughts on religion and how the Bible was full of crap, i had a good time.

This post is so damn random. I mean, look at the title. It barely has anything to do with my post. Look at me ranting all this random crap. Random.

And so it shall be.......

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Going on vacation. No comments out of pure cruelty. Now Die!!!!





Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Abusement for the Better

Today we learned about bullying. Great huh? Yup, we get the first-class lecure on abusement and sexual harrassment. Then we get a survey that has question dealing with this.

1) Have you ever been bullied?

__A little, once a month
__Sometimes, once a week
__ All the time

These surveys are crap. I turn to the back where i see:

What do you want to tell the adults at your school about bullying?

I put down what i honestly thought about it.

"Bullying is inevitable. Why? Because none of your punishments work. Suspension? I personally think its a joke. Why give someone thats already academically challeged another 2 days off? A lot of people in this school are spoiled. As long as people get their way, there will always be harassment. P.S. dont do student patrol programs. All they do is prolong it, making it bigger"

I only strike at people when they truely deserve it. Like when we were passing the papers up, Edward tossed the papers at my face. I grabbed it, shoved it into his chest and snarled ," Do it nicely, or do you have a death wish?"

He muttered something like "damn asian" and recoiled back.

I was tempted to say something like " Dont fuck with me" But screw it, someone else will give him what he deserves.

Abusement is a property of life. Just like everything else in life. But just like anything else, use it wisely.

And so it shall be.............

Monday, October 10, 2005

Back to Haunt Me

Whenever something happens, i try to let it stay behind of me. Usually it stays back there in my past. And sometimes it pops up unexpectedly to haunt me.

For instance, Nulee remembered when i had to wear a traditional Korean garment. It was pink. And she still remembered and told all of her friends................bleh, doesnt really matter anymore.

But then something that will rename unamed came up, and now 3 girls are following me all lunch.


Dammit, whatever happens i wish would stay behind me. Sometimes your past will come back to haunt you.

Life is one big circle..........with a few chain links inside.

And so it shall be...........

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dont Bring it in

Our history teacher likes to, well...teach history. But more than that, he likes to give us his views on the government.

"You know kids, when Katrina striked the people, the government didnt help them, the Red Cross did. Dont count on the government to give you food and water, bring your own food and water"

"Know what senator represents you. And know who in congress represents you"

"You know, in places in North Korea................( here everyone stares at me.........cant blame them)..................people dont have those kind of rights."

"You can never have a Republican vote against the Republican president, and thats why Congress will never agree with each other"

Who cares? Whats the difference between reublican and democrat anyways?


Dont bring it in the classroom.

Politics suck. I dont care anymore.

And so it shall be.........

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Will post something soon. Internet was down.