Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Always Love

I try to be a non-negative guy. Even though some people piss me off beyond the 'clenching fists and gritting teeth' point, i try to keep my cool and relatively try to let it be.

By now, im sure you all have done something in anger that you now regret. Maybe you dumped someone in a trash can filled with noodles.......maybe put milk in someones backpack, therefore ruining his/her notebook. Maybe you threatened to let out a secret...........and then accidently did.

Anyways, if there is a grudge between someone, be the bigger man and ask for their forgiveness. If they flat out refuse, then let them keep hating you.

In the end, in hurts them more when they find that they could have done so much better. I remember reading in my organizer in school " Darkness cannot run out of Darkness, only Light can do that. Hate cannot run out of Hate, only Love can do that."

To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to my voice when it said...
Always love…hate will get you every time
Always love…hate will get you…

Just another rant from someone who made the mistakes he was supposed to make.

And so it shall be.......

Sunday, January 29, 2006

14 Years and Counting

I have reached a revelation in my life........

I wait too much for something.

Ive realized this when ive been waiting for something for about a month when i suddenly realized " Dude.........why the fuck are you waiting? Go for it!"

From when i was 12 to now, i have pased some major checkpoints in my life. From January 1, 2006 to January 26, i havent done much.

Except slave my sorry ass over finals and whatnot.

Anyways, i promised another resolution on my ever-growing list of things to do.

# 918387571 - Go out more

This means being the so called 'catalyst' for everything. So i started on January 27th to be more active. That means that in the classes in which i normally stay quiet : Science, Social Studies.

That means that friends will be upped to #3 on my priorites list. Right above #4 : Change my room.

So, expect to be amazed by Clyde Lee v2.0!!


Now where the hell did i put the remote control...............

And so i hope you did not take this seriously..........because if you did that would mean that i would really have to be more outgoing and stuff like that. Crap, i just wrote a whole 'nother paragraph explaining my thing. Goddamn..............

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Aluminum Hurts

I heard this rumor where if you chew aluminum, it hurts like holy hell.

I thought this was bullcrap.

So one day, while my tutor was here, i took a smalle piece of tin foil, and proceeded to chew. My tutor, stared at me blankly, waiting for me to scream in pain and tell her that shes right.

I chew.........and chew......and chew. I dont fell a thing.

" Are you sure?" my tutor asks.

" Ummm, yeah, i dont feel anything" i reply.

" Do you have any cavities?"

"............only on one side"

Thats the thing, i chewed the foil only on one side. I switch the ball of aluminum to where my silver cavity is.

I get jolted right down to the nerves of my jaw. I immediatly spit out the foil while exclaiming ( insert abusive word)

So yeah.........thats my little expeiriment on aluminum.

And so it shall be.......

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The Fugees.

The best single album rap group ever in history. Old school rhymes, yet they still sell.

But after one permanent #1 hit album, they break apart.

Yeah, thats it. Just one album called "The Score" that sold millions, and they break apart. With more hit singles in one album than most rappers ever get, they just break apart.

I remember when i was rolling in my bro's BMW when i was 6, The Fugees were always on.

When i asked him long ago who were the Fugees, he replied, " They were probaly the best rap singers that ever existed" Being 6, and knowing only Eminem as the other rapper, i was gaped wide eyed.

I never really bothered to really listen to them. I was too busy with the usual kid music. Ex. Linkin Park, Eminem.

But recently i aquired a dusty album. I finally listened to the music that is considered legenadry to people my brother's age.

Theres some music that i never download from Ares or Limewire. Some artists i never download from just out of pure respect and awe. The Fugees are one of those artists.

You may not like it, you might. But please, buy the album if you want to listen. Or you can ask me if you can have the CD.


Ooooh La La La,
It's the way that we rock when we're doing our thing
Oooh La La La, It's the natural LA that the Refugees Bring
Oooh La La La La La La Lalala La Laaah, Sweeeeet Thing

And so it i sing 'Fu-Gee-La'...........

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back in Black

At the LA Zoo this weekend, i did my first show as a korean drummer.

Apparently, my clothing was actually mainly black, not the pink i descibed earlier.

Anyways, it was great.

I had to leave my house at 1:00, get to the zoo, sign in, dress, and perform for Saturday and Sunday.

And i got home around 6:00.

It was fun though.*

* All comments made by Clyde in this blog entry should not be taken seriously and therefore, should not be mentioned ever again.........starting now.

And so it shall be......

Monday, January 16, 2006

13th Weekend

My weekend started bad.

I dont mean 'twisted ankle and couldnt go anywhere for the 3 day weekend'

I mean ' Broke both legs and crashed while going to the hospital, which is on fire, and then getting shot numerous times........in the worse places' weekend.

And im not making this up.

It started all with Friday the 13th. Im superstitous. I am. Anyways, i woke up, fell off the bed, and hit my head on the post.

Just one mistake, its going to be ok.... I thought to myself.

I go to school really late, and run to class where i trip over a doorstep. Today we get our grades in NHD!!!! THE BIGGEST FRIGGIN PROJECT OF HISTORY YEAR!! Anyways, being Friday the 13th, i get a bad grade.

So then its lunch, im freaking out and go to math, where i find that i dont know shit about math. So the math test starts, and i find out that i got some answers wrong after math.

I go to spanish, where i totally forget theres a project due in a week or so.

And then i go home, where i get yelled out for the stupidest things.

I go to the garage, where theres a door we dont use anymore, and punch 3 holes in it. My hand bleeds, and my knuckles hurt. To make things even better!!! i have TKD today.

And on Friday we sparr. We fight. Whoopee, im going in the arena with a busted hand. I get in the car with my MP3 player. I look at the battery. Its low. It only has about 30 minutes in it left.

I finally get home, all bloody. ( I wont get into the details at TKD, but it sucked) I just remember that Roy said in the morning that he couldnt go to AMC, and that we need to reschedule later. Its already late.

Fuck it, i want to clean up and get this day over with.

Finally im in bed. I turn of the lights, which give me a static shock. I trip over my backpack onto my pillows, and stay there.

Nothing bad can happen now!!!!
I think to myself.

At 11:45 or sometime around that, i get bit by a bedbug.

So.............how did your weekend go???

And so it shall be.......

Sunday, January 15, 2006

You Could Have it So Much Better

We barely noticed each other. We passed by each other like any other of the 10,000 times. Yet we knew so much about each other. All we needed was another little spark.

But we went our separate ways, for better or worse.

Time flew by and then stopped, and then went on.

I wish there was a rewind button on this song because the lyrics are driving me mad.

Pause, skip track, fast foward, and then play.

In that order i wouldve changed the song when i saw you go the other way.

I would just like to say,

You could have it so much better.....

And so it shall be.......

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Its official.

No one can tell when i get a haircut.

I think only 2 people noticed.

So sad............

Anyways, im just going to rant on about my short hair and answer questions that i have been asked.

1. What style if your haircut?

Its a bowl cut. Yes, like a bowl of rice if that helps you remember..........racist

2. Who cuts your hair?

My Korean barber since i was about 5. One time my dad cut my hair. He cut my ear and my hair looked like a mushroom.

3. Why dont you let it grow out?

Im not emo.

4. Why not dye it?

Same reason.

5. Why do you cut it so short?

This is a standard, military haircut. Besides, i dont like having hair more than an inch long. Yes, you heard me. A goddamn inch.

6. Can i put a hair clip in it?

Try. Just try. I dare you.

7. Oohhh, the back of your head is fuzzy!!!! Can i feel it?

After my haircut, the back of my head feels somewhat like sandpaper. If your a girl, ask permission. Guy? I hope your not gay.


Whatever your smoking................give me some of that.

9. How come i cant notice when you get a haircut?

Probaly because i shave my hair off every month. Either that or your white.

10. ( seriously, someone asked me this)

When is the last time you got a fucking haircut?

Well......its funny to me. Because the guy asking the question had more hair most surfers.

But i think the random statement are made my Tori. Everything i hear from her i take lighthearted. Such as........

"You walk angry"


And the classical : "You smell"

Ok, im done.................and if ur not satified by reading this, go get a haricut.

And so it shall be.........

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Organ Donor

Now being finished with NHD, i can now start stressing about other things. ( Like SCHOOL!! HURRAY!!!)

Anyways, being done with all the holiday dances that i had to do, i am now anouncing my first frigging concert.

Remember a long, long, long time ago when i told you guys about how i was taking bok, ( Korea drums?)

Well........i forgot my whole routine over winter break.

And now i find out that i have a performance at the LA ZOO!

And to make matters worse, i have 10 FRIGGIN DAYS TO LEARN MY WHOLE PIECE.

God help me. I put blood into everything i do. But 10 days to learn my whole performance?

I only go to bok lessons once a week for ONE hour. I DONT EVEN HAVE A DRUM AT HOME

Yes, this is truly a troubling chapter for Clyde. Holy shit, Clyde is talking in 3rd-person. Clyde really needs a break.

And if you seriously want to go all the way to LA Zoo to see my humiliating concert, bring 10 bucks and a camera.

Oh yeah, i forgot........i have to wear pink

Announced it. Denounced it.

Heard about it. Worded it.

Ready or not, here it comes.

Its today. No turning back.

Worked it, endless nights put into it.

Box full of it. Rooms filled with it.

Im filled with it.

Its all in his hands again.

Alyways his, always his...........

* another one of my crazy rantings.......

And so it shall be......

Saturday, January 07, 2006

NHD really sucked for me.

Really sucked.
