Monday, January 31, 2005

Pay the Price

I'm sure all of you have heard of the train incident. If you don't know what happened, basically some idiotic asshole wanted to kill himself so he put his truck in the road. And then 2 train came and crashed. Thing is, the guy wasn’t IN the truck. He was too scared when he saw the train so he jumped out. He didn’t think of fucking taking the truck.


Anyways, if one person that’s close to you or even just the same race as you really fucks up real bad, your going to have to pay. Sure, that suicidal Mexican is going to get the chair, but there’s gonna be jokes about this. In about 13.5 years, according to South Park, there would be millions of jokes about how one Mexican killed other guys with a truck. Another example are Muslims. Yeah, sure, the terrorists are Muslim and they're killing the Americans, but in America, every Muslim is a terrorist. Every Arabian has 14 bombs strapped to his chest. Every black dude has to get beat down by the white police. Every Jew is poor, every Asian cant speak English. Yes, in America, it does seem that the normal white man likes to be superior to any other race.


This whole country is pretty much based on the white man. But it seems that every other race doesn’t want to be a part of it.

Ex. I’m at Portola for my weekly Korean school. I hang with my buddies and suddenly, Manual asks everyone where they go for school.

-Sierra Canyon
- yeah here too
-Duh, dumbass, your in my 2nd per.

They all go to mixed schools, like Portola, where the white man can't be superior.

-What about you Clyde?
me- uhhh.........I go to A.C.Stelle.
-isn’t that in Calabasas?
me-uhhhhhhhh yeah
me-........................fuck, I DO go to a white school


So, yeah, there it all is. And so it shall be............

Fuck.............I go to a white school

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Another day in my little hellhole.....Mrs. Kallet's math room. The bad part is that I’m in here class........TWICE! Spanish and

Anyways, after we go through all that daily review and crap, we get handed two worksheets. She gets asked so many damn questions on how to do it. She finally bursts and yells out ," MAYBE UF YOU STOP AND WAIT FOR MY DIRECTIONS, YOU WONT HAVE QUESTIONS! JEEZ, ALL OF YOU ARE SO USED TO EVERYTHING BEING HANDED TO YOU RIGHT THAT MOMENT!

Class silences........but I’m laughing like crazy inside. All the people that had questions lived in

Calabasas. Even worse, they kept asking questions..............again. So yes, Rohit, me, and Maxx were about the only people that didn’t live in Calabasas and surprisingly enough.......didn’t start yet.

So yeah, home does influence us. Even ties us to our place. Even if we did live in a shithole, its OUR shithole. Its where we grew up, and it stays with us as regret, passion, or longing.

So keep listening for those directions, you'll get them.

And so it shall be.............

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Caught in the Crossfire

If there’s something going wrong, or if your friends are doing something that can get them in trouble, get out of there. I have had a bad experience with this. I've been in the wrong place at a really bad time. Well, not as bad as some other things we could’ve done.
Anyways, our principal made an announcement about the trees.

Do not, under any circumstance, shake the trees. If you shake the trees and break then, you WILL have to pay for them.


So, what can we do but...........shake the trees. Brandon shook the trees, Jonathan........spit on a spider on the tree. And Gil and I was just standing there, looking amused. BOOM, teacher or something comes and says for us to come with her. Me and Gil protest but the others go quietly, yeah that’s right, they know they got busted. So, there we are, at the office. Mr. Williams, ex-marine or something comes and asks us what we did. He comes with the teacher and the janitor. All 8 of us, one by one, started to walk away to his office with guilt except me. Gil was accused of something that he didn't do, everyone else was busted, and I was the only one that got to class on time. I was released. Yay. So, don’t get caught in the crossfire, it really sucks ass.

And so it shall be.............

*note* -no word on what happened to the Halabes and Gil yet

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Burning Down

This may be the weirdest question that you have been ever asked, but............How would you like to die?


No I’m not angry at anybody, or even suicidal...........I am just simply curious on what the average person thinks about his/her coming death. Would you live a quiet life, and die in bed? Or die with money still in your pajama pockets and 3 spouses?

Yes, it is true that we should focus more time on what we do while we are still alive, while we have something to do. But everyone's life is a book. And what is a good book, without a good ending. For what purpose have we lived out our lives without ending them with dignity and respect. Alas, we need not to see what lies around the bend, only what lies in front of us.

As for me, I prefer to die in the glory of flames. Brought down by the only person that I think is a worthy adversary. Yes, in all my flaming glory.............I burn with honor

And so it shall be............

Monday, January 24, 2005



Its Sunday. My dad wants to go to his favorite buffet in the world. Home Town Buffet. We go and get our tables and then i got my drinks and stuff. When i near the meat guy, theres this guy, and DAMN was he demanding. The conversation goes as follows

Guy- make sure you cut it in the middle.
- no cut it the other way
- no not VERTICAL, horizantal
-get a good, thick cut
-finally! do your job right!

S.O.B doesnt even thank the meat guy. I see the meat guy with this "spit in food" kinda face. Now im thinking, " FUCKING EAT IT! ITS STILL THE DAMN SAME TURKEY.

Ok im done...........any way you slice it, its what it is
and so it shall be

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gone With The Wind

Good job really beat me this time. Now I’m pretty confused on how to play each scenario I confront. I stay in my seat..........NOT getting in trouble, and suddenly I’m in the middle of it. And for my reward of just sitting patiently, waiting for the storm to pass, I find myself suspended from the bus for a week. Actually, half the bus is suspended......................and they're all boys. I saw the girls hitting everybody and did they get in trouble? NO! she let them loose with a, " Behave little girls" Now........if i had any other driver, i would’ve been fine. But someone, somewhere, had to give us the most fucking racist, sexist, and unthoughtful bitch in the world. I’m sorry but there really is no other way to put it. No......I’m not mad


Yeah...............this really sucks ass. I’m gone with the wind. Why wont my bus driver just stay behind?

God i hate this.........i need to pray more.............i hope faith is enough this time

And so it shall be......

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Complete Havoc

Today, we had to change back to our old bus driver sigh. So on the ride back home. We got our permanent seats again. And then Daniel and Allen starts to.......take a scrubs hat. I watch, laughing and half way I’m dragged into the mess by Muhammad. So me and the 8th grader rumble on the bus while Daniel and Allen tease the 6th grader, who is now screaming and pulling at his shirt. Then I stop the fight with Muhammad and jump across 2 seats and climbed in my own just in time to watch the scrub crying and Daniel and Allen sitting in the front.......apparently busted. When we get off at my stop, Allen gets asked for his last name, so do I, and so does mostly everyone on the whole bus. So, there I was......watching, and then I’m sucked into the whirlpool of destruction........ yay

So now i guess I’m waiting for the bus company to call to ban me from their company. Fine with me, at least i don’t have to take orders from that damn driver. I'm serious, she really is a fucking racist/sexist.

So that’s it, pure commotion...........eventful, yes but that’s not entirely the right word.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Time For A Change

Sometimes change is good, sometimes bad, and sometimes even crazy, causing commotion and havoc. Change is what happens throughout life to keep us interested. Its what keeps us playing the game of life. Anyways, even a small change can make you happy. For instance, my Hitler bus driver has been replaced by a newer bus and a cooler driver. We even got to yell some stuff at our own little El Camino. However long this change will last, I’m fine with it. If he’s gonna stay with us the whole year, then good. If its only for that day, then I had a good run. Anyways, I’m sure El Caminos pissed at this little change.......and maybe our little insults. Seriously, Daniel is going to get shot one of these days when he tries to insult their baseball team........for the 4th time......

And so it shall be.........

Monday, January 17, 2005

A Leak in the System

*twilight zone music*

For years there has been always a group in a school. This particular group is a group that contradicts other people for their own amusement. They become the most popular and most feared group in the school. This group is called......THE IN GROUP!


Ok, people use the greatest trends and stay within the biggest crowd as possible. Stay within some kind of ring, and your ok. You make your own ring, theres two outcomes. No one joins and your repututation is as vaulable as the owlsen twins in another chick flick. Or your ring is a success and you soar up to the heavens, loved by all.

Go with the flow, thats what most people do. Join the biggest groups there are in school and you cant be singeled out. Be a loner and your pretty much screwed. So, what happens when the flow isnt there anymore. The pipe of popularity has been damaged, and the leaks of creativity are emerging. So the waters are gone and the flow is no longer. Everyone is different, yet the difference have no similarities.

In simpler terms for the shallow minded, people dont have any similar interests. So then everyone is a loner. Yay.......ok, so humantiy needs a flow, and the pipe cant expand. So when theres too much flow, whose gonna be the big man to build a whole new pipe? Think about the beyond, not about whats happening right now. And when you do that, youve created another leak in the system.

And so it shall be

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Don't Be Hatin'

Why do people hate? Is it because there are one or numerous qualities that make that person


I'm sure that many of you have read the story ,"the giver". The story of a boy who rebelled against his little 'perfect' society. Anways, a world where nobody hates each other is not perfect. If God made us all so generous, we would give each other food that we should eat until we starve off. And near the hours of our death we yell out " You bastards!! You wouldnt even take my food!"


Second scenario......everyone hates one person. And that person hates everyone else. That way the world can be happy with hating someone and nobody else gets hurt. But this will only last however long the outcast will live. After he dies, the world will hate the first person they think of when they hear of the outcast dying. After that we all nuke the shit out of each other and we all die once again......


Third scenario.......we dont care who we hate and just hate whoever is being an asshole to us. I think this is what we are doing now in the world......and well, its doing better than the other possibilities.

As for me, i dont hate anyone in particular. Leave me alone and i leave you alone, thats all there is to it. For others its just kill each other to prove that your a murderer, for some weird ass reason.

Ok, im done..............and so it shall be

Thursday, January 13, 2005

As I Wait

All people have some kind of event that they wait for. It is their own little personal cataclysmic event in the book of life. It could be our 16th birthday, the day we get our driver licenses, or for the Jews out there, the bar and bot mitzvahs. Whatever the event, its the one we have been waiting for our whole lives. We base our daily life on it and count off the days. It clings us to life when all else is lost. Sometimes the event we choose is a very far off one. It is in there, somewhere in the distance, but we seem to never reach it. If that was the case, you probably are hiding too much. Hiding from the world because of one thing or another. Well, hiding doesn’t help, and don’t camp to the point where you find yourself eating your own ideas and dreams.

Your goal is what you want it to be. Not your parents, your friends, or your teachers. Its yours to make, and yours to reach. So aim for the sky, so that you are among the stars. Aim for the setting sun, and you forever burn in hell with regret.

As I wait for it
Patience is my best friend
For it will guide me

And so it shall be............

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


When I first decided to make a blog, I based it on what i felt about the world. I first wrote of what was going on around us. In the beginning, my readers were content and I, also was content. Then i went into a state of strict formality. As my brother said, I preached. This stage made up most of my blog history. Then I changed it into a state of just angry rambling. Thankfully this stage was brief. I feel like this was the tsunami of my blog. I found the way to end it with some good advice. Well now I have to clean this mess up. Unlike the real life tragedies that have happened, this repair will be quick.

My blog is disintegrating and its my job to restore it. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Sometimes the way is hard to find. And sometimes there are more than one way. And in that case there’s always one solution that is darker than the other. Sometimes all a problem needs is a moment of deep consideration. To block out what excess information there is and just clean the shit off of the problem before it gets worse. This is my infection, my virus, and will have to be my cure.

Im turning around and coming to the light. Im finally out of the hole and ready to go on. And so it shall be

Monday, January 10, 2005

Standing the Siege

I guess the first rules of conduct when in the schooling world is when another pupil makes fun of you, ignore it. 2nd rule is usually, when insulted, insult back. 3rd rule is when all else fails, fight. I hope this is as accurate as I would like it to be. I see jlee has a bottles anger always within him. Thank god his has his xanga to take it out on because i don’t want to know what that anger could do when it is fermented. You know what i mean J Anyways it seems that whenever someone backs away, they are automatically labeled with a huge ass tag that says WEAK all over it. Well, what happens when we are nearing the 3rd stage? Backing out no longer seems like an option, even though it is the most sensible one. But now in this bloodthirsty society, retreat is not an option. If you cannot fight, then last as long as you can. Face them with all the insults they have and when their done, its up to you to decide the rules of conduct. They cant make fun of you forever. Sure, other people may make insults for a month while others only do it for a week. But however long it lasts, hang in there.

Don’t worry bro about me backing down. I will hold my ground. I will stand the siege.

And so it shall be

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sticks and Stones

Who the hell is the psychotic hypocrite that said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Is this guy really a hypocrite or is he saying this because this guy is deaf and he always has a stick up his ass and stone for eyes? Its time to deal out the disses when it gets ugly and then its time for the pounding. True you can kill people with brute strength, but as jlee says, let them suffer. Why just end their life when you can make then live it out in slow misery and pain? Why choose the quick click of a gun when words can torment them for years. Plus, external wounds and easily to heal than internal and mental. Sure, gun wounds may need penicillin but words, DAMN!

Anyways, yes it seems that many people have sticks up their asses today. And probably getting stoned because of it. But being able to use words and my weapon are my sticks and stone. As for Simon Cowell, he says what he wants cuz he is one of the few people that aint afraid to throw some stones at innocent people. Eminem is one of those people too........and maybe jlee.

ahhhhh shit, sticks and stone cant do crap compared to the splendor of crippling the lives of people that we hate so much. And so it shall be.......bitch

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Lets Get It Straight

I have been informed a while ago that people think that I have copied someone's topics. If I have, I’m sorry. It was a coincidence. Nothing but one. The person for which was damaged by my past blogs shall remain anonymous. I have found that my informative has been correct, and indeed I have copied one of your past topics. Is the saying that great minds think alike? Is it some connection? No..............I’m just saying that right now. It is luck. Maybe God interfered with my topics to try and complicate my life that single bit, but its not working. I have written this blog to correct the situation. Hopefully i have. And hopefully i would not have to do this again for another coincidence that happened.

We are all remaining anonymous. And it shall stay that way.............coincidently

Plain As Day

On the bus we still had the same nazi for the bus driver. The same driver that always assigns seats and checks bus passes. And even has the nerve to kick off anyone she pleases or doesn’t have a pass. Well, on the bus it got a little better. And then Daniel abused the privilege. When the bus driver talked about football and how she liked the Cowboys football team, Daniel yelled "COWBOYS SUCK! WOOT!" All then I remember was a brake and Daniel almost having to be walking home. 10 minutes later he says it again........this guy is asking for it. He’s basically positioning his ass at the bus driver foot. This time she ignores it and wow, damn he’s lucky. But then this other kid starts asking for it. He trying to be some kind of *gansta* and then he winds up being slapped by everyone that got off the next stop ( including me) And I was next on the list but I remembered what happened the two other times. I tried to throw the rock at the gansta guy that now has his whole face red but once i jumped she honked her horn. I stopped................i didn’t need anymore trouble. I had my share of laughs and bitchslaps so I’m gonna stick with what i got.

But plain as day, don’t act like a retard...........TWICE. Or you WILL get slapped or kicked off the bus. Or both...........depends on how many times you are a retard and how good you are at it.
That’s my story, plain as day............and so it shall be

Monday, January 03, 2005

Good Intentions

We all have good intentions. But sometimes they backfire on us. We mean to do good in their lives and back a cake for them but they wind up eating it and puking for 3 hours and finding out that you used 3x as much salt as your supposed to. If you have a good intention for someone, do it right and do it quick. Good intentions are easy to become something bad.

And some things that you mean to do are just crazy. New year resolutions are rarely kept......mainly because they consist of crazy vows. But if you do have something to do then do it. I aint stopping you and no one else will either as long as it has some good in it. But careful around your intentions.

The road to the infernos of hell are paved with good intentions.

And so it shall be...........