Pay the Price
I'm sure all of you have heard of the train incident. If you don't know what happened, basically some idiotic asshole wanted to kill himself so he put his truck in the road. And then 2 train came and crashed. Thing is, the guy wasn’t IN the truck. He was too scared when he saw the train so he jumped out. He didn’t think of fucking taking the truck.
Anyways, if one person that’s close to you or even just the same race as you really fucks up real bad, your going to have to pay. Sure, that suicidal Mexican is going to get the chair, but there’s gonna be jokes about this. In about 13.5 years, according to South Park, there would be millions of jokes about how one Mexican killed other guys with a truck. Another example are Muslims. Yeah, sure, the terrorists are Muslim and they're killing the Americans, but in America, every Muslim is a terrorist. Every Arabian has 14 bombs strapped to his chest. Every black dude has to get beat down by the white police. Every Jew is poor, every Asian cant speak English. Yes, in America, it does seem that the normal white man likes to be superior to any other race.
This whole country is pretty much based on the white man. But it seems that every other race doesn’t want to be a part of it.
Ex. I’m at Portola for my weekly Korean school. I hang with my buddies and suddenly, Manual asks everyone where they go for school.
-Sierra Canyon
- yeah here too
-Duh, dumbass, your in my 2nd per.
They all go to mixed schools, like Portola, where the white man can't be superior.
-What about you Clyde?
me- uhhh.........I go to A.C.Stelle.
-isn’t that in Calabasas?
me-uhhhhhhhh yeah
me-........................fuck, I DO go to a white school
So, yeah, there it all is. And so it shall be............
Fuck.............I go to a white school