Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hey You!

When i had to go on a shopping errand with my mom, i just waited near the registers. You know the music always sux in the stores.

All of a sudden i hear "Hey you!"

I look around, expecting some guy in black with a knife.

Then i hear it again, " Yeah, You!"

And then i look at the speakers i realize that it was an advertisment.

" Yes, you can be our newest member of Alberstons, just sign up and let us ass rape you with our hidden fees and junk mail."

I hate those. Even the internet has it.




And when you do click on these damn ads, you get swamped with special sales just for you. Yeah, well guess what. Yeah you got it, YOUR NOT SPECIAL! Any guy that has fingers can click on those ads and get a 'special price'.

Ok, im done ranting for the day.

And so it shall be...................

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I Hate These

5 questions that will dictate your life forever. I prmise you, it will change yoi. Click on the link below and take the quiz before reading anymore of my bullshit.

How did you do? Good? Ok, the point is, if you took something like this in the past, STOP.

Its moronic. I mean, come on, you actually need a quiz to tell you what you are.

I see these damn ' Which anime character are you?' everywhere. Oh, wow, your a _______, are you gonna change your name? Are you going to see if you have super natural powers cuz some quiz said you would. Those mystics have as much power as my bowels after i eat those forsaken pizzas in the school cafeterias. Seriously, STOP THE DAMN INTERNET QUIZZES.


Congratulations, you are a 'fucking asshole'. Now you can put this into your xanga or journal or whatever to show everyone how much you really believe those quizzes.

Ok, im done jk around. If i sound bitter, its probaly cuz the teenage neighbors were partying and drinking until 2:00 in the morning.

And so it shall be........

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Stupid Things

Here, forget it, this guy does it more better than me. Just click on the link to the BEST PAGE IN THE UNIVERSE.

Oh, and for those who dont like profanity, dont click on it.

And another link i so enjoy

And on of my personal favorites

ok im done advertising for this guy

And so it shall be

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ha Ha, I'm Rich

Since i do go to a school in Calabases, i am swamped everyday with people who had everything. The upper class kids trade in money for popularity. And even then they dont get popular. I know this one kid, he spent.....well, im just estimating but seriously i think he spent about 700$ just to do his hair and get an ipod. And he still looks like shit.

Anyways, yes i am annoyed with the rich kids showing their wristwatches and bracelets. Wow............i am so dazzeled by your ability to buy a diamond necklace. Well guess what yacht boy?


Yes, shocking isnt it? That no one cares about your necklace. Except for people who want to steal it. Anyways, im here to say that how much money you have doesnt matter unless your friends are jackasses that beg you for money everytime they want to buy a cookie at lunch, which i see people doing to me all the time.

And to blend the topics, this generation is going to be the death of me, litterally. Everyone has guns and dont take shit from anyone. Even if it makes sense. They freak at the smallest sign of difference. OH SHIT! YOU LOOKED AT MY FACE! NOW YOU MUST DIE FOR IT!

The definition of being cool has changed drastically. It used to be - Liked by acquaintances; sought after for company- quote from Websters Dictionary.

Now it means being able to crip-walk, dis good, sag so that you ass is showing, and smoke weed so much that your room windows are smogged.

Yes, your rich..........lets see you buy popularity. Dont worry, i wont laugh too hard. No wait a minute, fuck that, ill laugh my ass off at you........And so it shall be

Monday, March 21, 2005


This time its about how people at my school react to some people. There are some popular kids who use others as toys. I'm serious, theres this one albine kid thats ruled by Muhammed. Anything Muhammed says, he does. He party boyed some kid and got his ass kicked but he still follows Muhammed like a loyal dog.

2nd example is Max Shui. He's Dakota's little dog. No, not even dog, too ugly for a dog. Uhh..........well, whatever you get the picture. Anyways, the same rules apply to Shui.

3rd is some fat ass with glasses and big glasses. Hes Jared's little trampoline.

"Hey Clyde, look at this!" Jared yelled at me in the hallway. He then body slammed the fat ass and let him go flying.

4th is this TV freak. He has the mind of a 4 year old. No, im serious. He brought this little thingy, i dont know what it was called until some other 6th grader told me. It was a 'duel disk'...............i dont know what the hell that was until i saw this HUGE ass CD thingy on his arm. He even had some kind of cards on them. Anyways, the girls in 7th grade wink at him and then laugh their ass off. Yeah, even i said once WASSUP HOMIE!

Yeah, people are really willing to become complete idiots to become noticed. But thing is.........they get noticed for all the wrong reasons. I think being stupid is becoming a trend. Yeah, its a trend for white people to say Your Momma jokes until the other guy doesnt know any more. Thats there idea of fighting. In Korea, a fight is what a fight is.

And words hurting you. If a white guy is picking on another white guy, then the white guy thats being picked on has every right to cry. If a white guy picks on an Asian, that Asian better not cry. All those 'slant-eyed, cant see shit' jokes, who cares. Damn right i have slant eyes. Why? You think i WANT those big round eyes? Im asian, sue me. Yeah, you heard me rich boy, get a lawyer on my ass cuz my eyes offend you.

Aha, i bet ill be guilty if the judge is white..................and so racism exists

Sunday, March 20, 2005


I'm here to prove that MTV is God to a lot of idiots that have an identidy crisis. I was listening to 102.7 and they had this top ten song list everyday on 9:00 or something. On Wednesday, #1 was Candy Shop. The next day i hear Jared yelling out " I TAKE YOU TO THE CANDY SHOP!"
And then, that night, i hear some song, i forgot what it was called but it doesnt matter. The next day i hear Julia repeating the chorus of the song.

Idoits...........cant decide what to do so they rely on what other people do. In 2098, seriously, MTV is going to be what Wal-Mart is to us right now. When i have arthritis when im 106 and use a cane, im gonna hear some conversation that goes like this.

" Hey, did you here what was the #1 song on MTV? I need to tell the other."

" Yeah, i think it was called, Imadumass"

" Thanks man, does it suck?"

" I think it sux, but dont tell anyone or else i might lose my rep"

Right now, personally, about 80, no, 95% repeat whats hot. At school right now, if you have a mind of yourself, you can go fuck yourself cuz no one cares anymore. Independence is dead...........Looks like im one of the only ones still standing that doesnt bow down to MTV mighty ass.

.......After everything............And so it shall be

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Return to Sender

What do you think everyday when you get up.

Do you think : Ahhhh, a new day! or maybe ' Ugggghhh.....a new day.....' Or maybe for you party goers ' Fuck, drank too much...'

Anyways, whatever your thought is in the morning can reflect about how you feel about your own personal lives. But im not going to go into depth about it. Whatever you think, you feel. Whatever you feel, you turn into your actions. Then your actions become habits and so forth until your characters become you. And then the cycle repeats until we die and go into purgatory.

So return the thought to the sender. You'll find that the thought wont always make it back to you. In that case, keeping sending thoughts. You get one eventually.

And one more thing. About that comment on my AED thingy. WTF? ' You idiot Clyde, it was Chris and Garrett' Ok, i got one damn name wrong. And you have to comment on that little thing. I should just criticize you for that. Since when do you read my blog. You know you understand shit about it. So do me a favor..........shut up. Just thought id make this public while im at it. Embarrass your ass

And so it shall be........

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


CPR in P.E is such bullshit. I have one of the most weirdest teachers to teach it too.

Name: Ms. Mettler
Cause of Weirdness: Sex Deprived or something like that
Reason of Choice: She just does

In P.E. Chris and Matt came in late with their backpacks and their regular clothes. They ask Ms. Mettler what to do.

She says," Oh, just take your clothes off and have a seat"

They just stand there while she goes off to the bin and doesnt realize what she said until a minutes later when we were all laughing.

Another example, if you must have one. When we do the CPR on those red plastic ?manican? thingys, she manages ( i dont know how she does it) to put some kind of sex-related issue in there.

" Find the nipple line and then go two inches below and start pressing in the stomach."
" If it is a girl, the medics have to take off the bra to give them a deflibiration."

She also manages to make everything so dramatic. Everythings such a life-or-death situation.
When someone asked her if she ever saved a life, she said so much bullshit about a diabetic and a ambulance.


No, seriously, she cant spell shit. No really, she cant spell "shit"

Haha, thats enough for today, just thought i would do a little teacher bashing.

And so it shall be..............

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Yeah, so today was the last day for my damnation. And like Kelsey said, i will probaly go back to my little hell. 4 bags and that was all for the day. The last X was filled in that damn sheet and i was able to go back to my posse.


Freedom is an issue these days. Nobody talks about it like it was 50 years back. Now, when you say freedom, the people around think, 'Iraq' 'Same Sex Marriage' ' Bush Has another Watergate Scandal'

Anyways, its not what it used to be. The very word has been twisted and turned to be used my a communtiy gone wrong. ok, now im just ranting. But who cares? Im just gonna rant.

Anyways, think freely. Everyone is so into whats "in".

One case, stated by me at Kohls, where i needed to get new shorts. I overheard a traditional argument over a mom-son. And the kid was about 6 years old, just to put little taste from my 'weakened' generation posts.

Son- But mom, nobody else WEARS these pants.
Mom- becuz they're brand new, and you said that they are comfortable for you.
Son- Yeah, well...........its not popular, i dont want them


Yes..........theres that 'p' word. looks like a bad smiley to me.

'p'.................And so it shall be

Monday, March 14, 2005


I remember a long time ago my brother and some other people discussed about America's love for beautiful people. If your poor, ugly, and stupid, your fucked.

If your poor, smart, ugly, your still pretty much fucked, though if you can work hard, you can make it.

Rich, ugly, stupid. Dont worry, you'll inherit everything.

Poor, good looking, realllllllllllly stupid. Get married rich.

Yeah, even if your broke as shit, stupid, but you have a pretty face, you can make it.

Broke, and ugly............yeah ur fucked, even if you are smart.

Thats all i have to say. And so it shall be................

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Welcome, Welcome to Hell

I'm going to hell. I know i am. I misbehave in class, constantly talking, constantly having to defend myself for some reason. Usually i go too far when i do defend. Constant killing time, constant delay. Constantly having to do some stupid things cuz of what i did in the cafeteria. I'm sure Dante reserved a special place for me in his inferno. For those of you too shallow to comprehend what i am saying, basically im gonna go to the deepest level of hell.

Yeah, im gonna be shot and wakeup at the Gates. When i go up to Peter and tell him my name, im gonna be pushed down a burning chute where i get my ass burned. And when i reach the bottom, i get given 5 rooms of torture.

As for right now, i have been give the 12 days of trash pick-up. Eternally bogged down with quesions like , "Whatcha do? Whatcha do?" As for those people, just put the trash in the bag and go to hell. I'll meet you at the reception hazing.

I already figured out the system and how i could avoid pickup up trash and doing my time quickly. Anyways...........bottom line is, theres gonna be a welcome mat with my name on it in hell. Its gonna say, "For the Asian who couldn't shut up" And then im gonna look up and get a mouthful of shit. Yay, my bunk is right below Moses's toilet.

Why im writing about this...........i dont really know. I need a break from all that wise shit.

Hell.....And so i shall be there

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


In Werber, we have these two desks in the back. We refer to these desks as the Isolation desks. "Who sits there?", you ask. ill give you 2 guesses. If you dont get it right then , then you dont know me at all.

Anyways, i got pissed since i was the closest to the door. So, i got fed up and when someone entered the room i said , " Welcome to Wal-Mart" Naturally the teacher got pissed and gave me trash pickup. Yeah, i got her little thank-you note in Spanish.

Welcome to Wal- Mart..........

And whats wrong with changing one or two of my good bye sign?

you got any more problems like this, email me at . Dont bother me with spam and stupid shit like that though.

And so it shall be...................are you really happy tori?

Monday, March 07, 2005


Once again, a link to one of those COMMENT people.


Another day, another dollar. Everyday is basically the same for me.

Hate Mondays
Dislisk Tuesdays
Anxious on Wednesday
Impatient on Thurday
Greatful for Friday

And I sleep all through the weekend until its Monday, where i start my vicious cycle again. The only thing i can distinguish between days is how many times i get in trouble. Yes, thats my calendar............sad, isnt it?


On another topic, lets talk about us asians. For all of my white people fans and whatnot, you listen up too. On my way to Staples to get a calculator for Math, i encounter a Korean working there. Your typical asian. 16? years old, smart anough to qualify into a good college. I ask him where the calculators are. He walks me over to the section and point out a good calculator. He does more than that actually.

- Yeah, this is a pretty good calculator, and i got you a cheap one too. Yeah, im Korean, we people are pretty cheap and stingy.

That was his comment after he pointed it out to me. I wandered about his comment. Stingy.............yes. Cheap.............awww hell no. Yes, we dont like to spend money all that much, but were not cheap about it when we do.

Yes, so thats the laydown on this myth of asians.

And so it continues...........

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


It seems that im getting more sued than MJ these days. My "jew" comment has angered many in the community, so Gil has put up a challenge.

in his words, " God vs Rice"- Theres Catholic Azns. And contrast to the legend that we worship rice, thats so much bullshit.

Torah vs Sushi- ??????

Asians vs Jews- The big debated question in my school. Im not going to say were going to lose, but im not going to say were going to win. At school, my daily greeting from most of the smartass are about my eyes and "karate" abilities. And for jews, its about their love for money and penis size. But wait, whose making THESE insults?

THE CALA-BLACKLESS- RICH LITTLE WHITE PEOPLE! So dont blame my little "jew" comment. Blame the white people. It always works. Cept for that time Hitler was in power. That bastard...........

And so we unite, to get the white people.

Round The Outside

Lets talk about our xangas and blogs and LJ's and shit like that. Commenting, yeah, thats the big issue for today. Take one of my friend's case for example.

as you can see. My little jew has used the classic "COMMENT BITCHES!"

There are numerous things you can do to make people comment your blog, xanga, etc.

1.) Good old COMMENT BITCHES. Usually used be males. Most commonly found in Live Journals.

2.) PLZ COMMENT. The feminine way to say #1.

3.) LEAVE COMMENTS. More to the point. Nuff said.

4.) My way. Actually make your reader know what your talking about, so they agree or disagree with you.

So yeah, dont beg for comments. Its a dog asking for its bone back after the dog peed on someones leg. It just doesnt work.

And so it shall be...........

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Back On

Im back on the blogging path of nothingness. So joyous.


Today when i was walking down my hill, i saw our russian, Allen, shooting the basketball around. I couldnt really see but i coul see enough that he didnt make one damn shot. Later on the bus this whole bet comes up that Allen sucks at basketball. Daniel, white 8th grader, tells him, " Dude, i bet 5$ i can ball your ass in b-ball"

- Your on whity
- Better get ur money up stallin

Its in the morning. I dont think were even allowed on the basketball courts. I go to the courts and watch Daniel and Allen play. A crowd gathers. Allen sad is that?


No that wasnt the whole point of this lecture, but i had to type something. O yeah......10 DAYS!!!!!!!

And so it shall be