Sunday, July 24, 2005

In The End

I thought Friday was going to be just like any Friday. Leave home for the dojangs at 3:30, and come home at 10:00. 5 hours of hard work, concentration, and muscle straining. Thats how it was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Every night i come home exhausted, tired, and happy. Though i work my ass off, it pays off knowing that im doing this for my own good. I thought that Friday was going to be, get in, and get out. I thought everything was fine.........

4:00. i come in for my first hour workout. My mom comes in with me, but then goes straight to Master. The students all sit down, and i lead them in the stretches and warm-ups, while my mom talks with Master behind the door. Somethings wrong, i can tell by the tone in my mom's voice. Class goes normal as usual, we kick and then spar ( fight ).

I have to leave the TKD dojang at 6:30 to go to my Kumdo dojang. While we leave, my mom says, " Clyde (Actually, she calls out my korean name ), theres a problem with the dojang.

Im puzzled, ive been with the studio for years, since i first started, no way there could be any problems.

" Master has some......immagration issues, something didnt tranfer correctly, he cant keep the dojang open. Next week is his last week of working here."

I let it sink in, drinking in the toxin that has already started to destroy a segment of my life. My TKD Master, was unbearable. We go to the Kumdo dojang in complete silence. I cant concentrate on my Juk-dok. My sword is unbalanced, i had to use all of my concentration to block out the problems outside Kumdo. Kumdo class ends. I go home.

Since i first started as a white belt, i started at Master's dojang when it first opened. It was me, Willie, Peter, Daylen, David, Josheph, and Ki-yong-ee. We would later joke about how we were the Orginals. The first students. Month after month i worked hard. In the summer i worked 6 hours. There was no time for exceptions. Only time for work. I rose quickly through the ranks. I became Master's right hand. And now, in a week, he is going to be somewhere else. A new master is coming to our dojang. But still, i think about my options about where else i could perfect my TKD skills. The Moo In Kwan studio was closeby, but ive seen the students there. They are all unorganized. And there's my old brother's dojang. The master there is the most strict person i have ever seen. And shes a woman. Yup, you heard right, but shes famous. Shes the first female martial artist.

Now its 2 days since ive heard the horrible news. I cant believe this is happening. Master's dojang was on the brink to success, more and more eager students were applying. And now everything's gone. What pains me more is that im the only one that knows about it. I'm the only student that knows about it, until now......

I roam about it my room. I look at my do-bok, my uniform. And then i see the pants that Master gave me. When i was outgrowing my smaller do-bok, i got a new one, but this one was made from China. The pants wore out easily. So Master gave me his own. That was on Friday.

"Thank you Master"i said in korean.

"Keep them, you need them more than i do" He replied.

I never realized until after that that was his last gift to me.

I remember in a Linkin Park song, that they always say it didnt matter in the end.

It always matters in the matter what happened

Anyonghegassayyo, sabuhneem...........

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Big Red Flag

Got Rice?

When i went to the local korean barber and sat down on the couch, i noticed a headline on the magazines.

Richard Benson wants to bring Chinese cars into America

Wait....China can build cars? Last time i checked, China was a poor, 3rd world country that only strength was mass production, now their making cars? Damn.

Then i thought about this. I applied cause and effect on this and then gasped at the result. Chinese cars are 4x cheaper than any other company cars. Because China can produce cars quickly and cheaply, they get more money. Within time, China will be the new world superpower.

I looked over the Korean newspaper for more info on the rising red. A sock company begged Bush to not buy socks from China, cuz their asses were getting fired. White people in America are now taking Chinese lessons.

I remember when i was still little, i was always riduculed for my slanty eyes and short, black hair. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

Hail Taegukki, the Rising Sun, and the Red Flag........and so i salute thy

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Half-Life 2

When im bored..........or hungover, nothing helps my drunk ass better than a game of Half-life 2. This game is the best game ever. Much better than Halo 2 or any other GTA. The pictured below are the pics i took ingame, with a press of a button, i am able to express my more crazy fights.

Guards about to get their heads blown off from behind.

Zombie about to be blown apart.
Fuck, im screwed.........

If i get better pictures ill post them for a random thing.......

And so i got killed by a flying rocket...........

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fantastic Four in 3 Easy Steps

Is it just me or are comic book movies getting crappier and crappier? I refuse to see this movie. Why? Because chances are this is going to be how it turns out. All comic book movies are corny. Seriously, its a bunch of guys running around in Halloween costumes setting to out save, or destroy the world. If that doesnt get you, its always the 'JOIN ME' routine that makes me wanna puke right there.

I dont mean to offend Spiderman and Batman Begins, those were good movies, but now stuff like 'DAREDEVIL, CATWOMAN, ELECTRA, THE HULK, FANTASTIC FOUR' are just plain bullshit. Whats next? ' SOUL CALIBER!! THE MOVIE!!!!'

And so it shall be..........

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Today is my day. Oh yeah. Kick ass day today. Why? I just logged on AIM out of pure boredom and curiousity. Remember the xxhotjewxx that i led around in circles? Well, she asked me a question this time.

XxHoTjEwUx: y r u so mean?
XxHoTjEwUx: wait do u have myspace?

KICK ASS!!!!! Anyways i just ignored it. But it got better.

AbErCMbIPiMr: who the fuck r u ?

Stage three already began, this is getting too easy..........

What also made my day is when i checked my email. You have, 34 messages in your inbox. I just looked at it, and there it was, 32 comments. All of them from Ryan. I laughed so hard. He's trying to spam me, i automatically realize. Thanks to hotmail, its not gonna happen. This kind of annoyance is taked care of easily. Thanks to the sorting this, i click once, then click delete.

Good job dipshit, youve wasted 2 clicks of my time. 1.4 seconds. While you wasted, oh about 10 mintues of your life? Oh WHOOPS! My bad, you have no life..............While im on a roll, i decided to visit your blog. The one where 4 people made a single blog. I cant believe it. Theres this whole fucking chain of these guys. They're all intertwined in this huge mass of internet blogger.

Holy shit........and my name was all over the blog. Seriously, i just scrolled down all the front page and my name popped up like 14 times. And to make it worse, one of the little bastards started using my stuff!

Admit it, you cant get enough of my kick ass bullshit. Why else would you use my stuff?

Life keeps getting better and better...........

And so this day kicked more ass than Jet Li in a Morgan Freeman movie.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Tough Luck

I love messing around with Calabasas people on AIM. Everytime im bored, i just play with their little minds and watch how they react. Sometimes its funny, sometimes they try to become all tough, but i still know their helpess in this online world of theirs.

I remember one guy, 'Screwyou', he had a bunch of numbers at the end. All of a sudden, i get some question. WHO IS THIS!! in Caps lock. I autonamtically know this is some Calabasy ass. Theres a Myspace in the profile with black typing all over. Ramones thingys and Elements decorate the borders.

So, i dont answer..........i already know whats hes gonna do next, they're all the same. They all give the basic response. This one called out. 'TELL ME YOUR NAME OR ELSE!'

I still dont answer. Theres always a simple chain of events with these kind of people.

1) First they ask.

2) Pose a Threat.

3) Start Cursing.

4) Plead and then beg.

Sure enough, he started phase number 3.


Here i started laughing out loud and hit my head on the bedpost. I fell on the floor laughing. For the third time in my life, i was actually ROFL.

I looked up on the screen and found yet another IM.


I get up on the chair, and make him do phrase 5, cry......

thecoll1de: ok, fine, my name is


thecoll1de: *BEEP*

Screwyou has signed off.

6 words and i can make a Calabasy piss off. Why? Because most Calabasy have 3 things

1) Money
2) Power
3) Some weird reputation.

And on AIM, none of these things can help them.

Another encountering, this time with a girl. Man, these are my favorite. I love watching them throw stupid questions, expecting them to be answered in 5 seconds. For these type of girls, if you dont answer them within 5 seconds, they think your not there. They expect you to grieve over they're every need. So with the questions they give me, i just wait a long time and throw out a stupid answer. I love doing this.

I forgot the screename, but it was like xxhotjewxx.

xxhotjew: Hey

me: hi

remember, girls have different rules of engagement then guys. After you greet them, they always ask u a question. I dont think i ever have been wrong.

xxhotjew: r u popular?

me: i dont go to school

xxhotjew: OOOO THATS SOOOO COOL! R U HOT?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And yes, she did put some 80 things at the end.

me: I dont have a mirror

xxhotjew: what do you mean u dont have a mirror, everyone has a mirror.

Ok, for this conversation, this is the sweet spot to kill them off.


Boom, i win. She, on the other side, is probaly staring with her mouth open wondering" HOW THE HELL CAN HE SAY THAT TO ME! IM HOT, IM POPULAR, I SHOULDNT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS!"

Its really easy pissing off people like these. I dont really feel guilty. I should, but i dont. I ghost, watch her sign off, then sign back on and get a glass of water.

Ahhhhh, the perfect way to end a day.

P.S., i think screwyou was the russians friend. No, not natasha, the other one.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Kill Point

Today was my first day in Kumdo- Korean Sword Technique. The master was kind but serious. He instructed with a authority that controlled the entire class. It was a small class, just 5 of us. But his eyes watched our every motion. In Kumdo, the main key is the step. In TKD, the main key is timing and power, so i didnt really get it. Until the master took it upon himself to rid me of my movement problems. He took my gog-gum, my practice sword, and placed it right below his Adam's Apple. Now i dont think you need to be a Martial Art Master to realize that this is the most vulnerable place on a humans body and the most deadly place to strike.

I know he knows this. " Relax" he says calmly, " If you tense up you will kill me"

Those were his exact words. Blunt, yet he makes his message clear. My arm muscles start to harden, then slowly loosen.

"Step forward, remember, relax"

My gog-gum still placed, i slowly walk towards him and he slowly walks backward. My fingers want to grip harder because of the pressure, but i will it away. My concentration is on the tip of the blade. We slowly advance to the end of the room, and i withdraw my weapon.

" Remember, relax, and step forward, if you tense, you will fall short, and the enemy will have a clear shot at your head."

I slowly nod my head, and practice while he goes on instructing the other students. Today was a lesson i would not forget soon. The class ends, after meditation, i look back at my master. His face is still stern, but more relaxed. "Thank you master" I say in korean. I exit the dojang, with new knowledge at my fingers.

And so it shall be.............

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cold Hard Cash

Money can do stuff to a man. It can persuade him to steal, rob, even kill. It can bring a man to his knees, it can bring him to glory. Money can tip a favor in the government. It can corrupt it in a matter of seconds. Money either makes the world go around, or makes it stop for a unfortanate family. It can relieve a man of his troubles, or double them and make him lose everything.

A business man killing his partner over a dispute of investments. A son killing his own father for his inheritance. A thug to rob an innocent man to try and live off the mean streets that lay before him.

Money talks, because theres nothing that talks like Cold, Hard, Cash.

And so it shall be.............

Friday, July 08, 2005

I Hate The Media

When i turned on the TV, i saw some special report by my local TV stations. I know what it is, i already heard about it on the Korean radio. Images of twisted metal that hang in the air and smoke that slowly drift toward the grey sky. And then i see the title of the news program. WHEN TERRORISTS ATTACK!!

I hate the media nowadays. They try to make everything entertainment. I pity London, i do. But the media just sticks in the good parts and tries to make it look like some video game gone wrong. And the way they made some poor guy that survived the crash talk to them was pitiful. I could swear that the women that was interviewing him was almost smiling.

" Here we have someone that survived the crash and has cell phone pictures of the crash."

Then they zoom to a black guy thats trembling. What the hell, give him a moment to let him deal with this. Instead the grab him by the ears and throw him in a chair.

" I hear that you have survived the crash ( Really? No shit! ) Can you tell us what it was like?"

"Yeah, there was a bright flash of light, smoke was coming from outside. But then the engine started burning and smoke started filling up the room. We tried to open the windows but smoke started coming in. But we needed to open the windows or else the engine smoke would suffocate us. People were going crazy, everyone was screaming and breaking the windows, trying to get out............."

Here the guy starts breaking down while they cut him off the screen and only show the images he took. And to totally ignore his personal feeling, the women blandly adds," I can only imagine what it felt like for you............"

When something happens international, its pitiful. When something happens in America, its controversal. London got 10 mintues, while 9/11 got 2 weeks.

And so it shall be................

Thursday, July 07, 2005

GTA = Great Timing Asshole

Some people dont know when to shut up, tell a joke, or break the ice. I remember on the back of the bus, Darious was telling a joke. Now i know, hes an asshole, but still, we were bored. And then the punchline comes nearer and nearer.......Then he says the punchline and we just kinda stare and ponder on how that was funny. Hes still smiling after 10 seconds, and finally figures out that the joke wasnt funny. Hunter then did his famous 'little jon YEAH' and then we burst out laughing. That was good timing. Unlikely, but we started laughing and then we resumed talking as if Darious didnt kill the day for us.

But holy shit, i dont know if this guy was gay or something. It was in the bathroom, i already took a piss and started to wash my hands. Some 8th grader starts to take a piss. A 6th grader comes in, and starts to take a piss beside him. All of a sudden, the little guy suddenly blurts out," So.........hows your day? " I laugh violently and dry my hands as quickly as possible. I still come out of the bathroom laughing and i see my friends, who think im just smoked 3 pounds of crack.

Just writing this made me think of another use of something- Nascar. I dont know what it stands for, but i use it as - Not A Single Calabasas Asshole Respects

I dont know why i hate Calabasas. I think its all the self-righteous bastards that cheat and lie to another for money and corruption. Either that or all the Quiznos and Coldstones. Either way, i value the people that live there and yet remain the same. I knew this girl ( im not naming anyone) She lived in West Hills, the same one as mine. Before she moved i remembered her and someone who valued herself. But then she moved to Calabasas and became one of the many pre-teen whores on the campus.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Damn the French

The French suck. And as for that asshole that kept on pointing out my mistakes, take a look on this buddy

There was one question on the whole blog, or was "I will answer question that some of you have posted on my blog," Just me? Tah made no sense, so buddy, work on your grammer too(I was fortunate to actually know what you were talking about).

? Tah made

Oooooooo, i wonder what the fuck that is. Is it what i think it is? YES! ITS A SPELLING MISTAKE! And as for my grammar, fuck off. You dont sound what this like at the most when? Oooooooooo triple grammar mistakes? taht si noot guud. Fuck off you little ingrate.

Clyde-If you hate comments so much on your blog, why do you continue writing? I'm no exception, but the only people reading your blogf are Natasha, Max, Kelsey, Lesser Child, me and that psycho samuel chang guy who commented on my blog.So it shall be- but why is it so?

You seriously think those are the only people? You seriosuly think those are the only people??? Holy shit. How did you get this URL anyways. I sure as hell didnt tell you. Admit it, you cant get enough of my bullshit. So shut up with yours.

And as for the French, fuck the French, i hate them. They havent won a war. Not one damn war. The made every other country to do the fighting for them. And as for their food, it sucks. Everything it butter, eggs, and flour.

If everyone is the world was truthful about their little profiles in their AIM or blog thingy, this is what an American would have.

Hi, im a self-centered little bastard who takes pride in pointing out other peoples mistakes when i cant help my own. I enjoy taking pisses on people credability and i am big fan of racism. When you piss me off, i can sue you with my fourteen lawyers which are all Jewish. I hate Jewish people, the only thing they are good for is work. Americans are the future, all hail the next generation of bullshit.

Fuck you. Dont like my writing? Sue me, ill be waiting in court.

And so you should shut the fuck up

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Comment Time

Today i will answer question that some of you have posted on my blog.

Y do u say bad words all the time? I mean, seriously! Could u at least, for one day in your life not be so profaine?

Why? If you dont like it, go hide in a corner and cover your ears. And for the one day where i dont cuss, fuck you.

wat kind of fucking idiot cares how many mistakes a person makes...omfg so wat? get a life

Its called a Kindel.

Wow. Why the hell are you at Magic Mountain so much anway?

Why the hell do you care?

what's semi-ass?

A Max Deng cut in half.

Where did the $3.26 come from? The water bill? The dry cleaning bill? what? Do I have to pay to sit in the bathroom now? wow, I'd rather just watch it on DVD.

The $3.26 came from you mom's whoring business, the bills come monthly, unless you live in Sudan, and ever since you pissed yourself in the bathroom, yeah, now you gotta pay.

wat are the first and second best languages?

Ok, heres the list for the best languages in Europe.

1. Italian
2. English with Irish Accent.
3. German
4. Russian ( You happy now?)
5. English English
6. Whatever is left.

and so it shall be

That was a comment on my blog............Seriously.

Clyde-WE WILL NEVER QUIT!YOU CAN'T STOP US!!!...and so it shall be


But seriously Clyde, did you actually go to the effort of drawing something and copying it into the pc? Globalization is closer than I thought...

That cartoon took me 45 seconds to make ON MY COMPUTER. Its called drawing. You know, those little art pictures you always see in your little mnga thingies.

Ok, im done............and once again, screw you.............

And so i have answered.........

Monday, July 04, 2005

My Cruise

Well, in the 3 days that i went on the ship, we went to Mexico. Yup, we went across the border and became tourists in the city. I'll tell you one thing, Mexico is NOT for children. In every store theres some picture of a sex scene or a naked women. Plus, there a lot of shit around.
Yup, as i said, a lot of shit.
These guys are entirely made out of paper.
America isnt the only country that loves Viagra
Hell, some teenage kid handed me this little slip thingy.
Mexicans love donkeys.....................and placing balls everywhere in the city.

I remember seeing a lot of tequila glasses with sex positions on the front. Im not kidding, theres porn on the cups.

One other main attraction of Mexico are the Chicklet kids. Man, the chicklets kids........................all they do is run around begging people to " BUY MY CHICLETS!!!!" And if you dont they get a rock and throw it at you and yell out something in spanish. Other than the poor, withered old women that lie dying on the street with a cup that only has a nicklel in there, the cruise was fun.

BUY MY CHICKLETS!!!!!..............and so it shall be