Sunday, April 30, 2006


I havent been to either Korean school or Church in almost 4 weeks.

I broke my oh-so-impressive record today by getting my lazy ass out of bed.

At Korean school, Chandler, as usual, started to piss everyone off. I noticed that almost 2/3s of the class was missing.

"So.........anything new happen?" I ask Andrew.

"Well, not really, Sean took over your position as 'Crazy Asian'. He took the big stick from the teacher and yelled out 'THATS IT, IM THE NEW CLYDE NOW!!!'

I start laughing, picturing Sean punching Chandler when he got annoying, lke i wouldve done.

Class went and ended, with some updates.

Church was more or less interesting. I asked Jesse if it was really quiet in the classrom while i was gone.

"Yeah" he replied. "It was sooooo quiet in the room without you, but it was sooooo fucking boring"

So.........yeah, i need to go to Korean school and Church more often.

and so it shall be.........

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One Wish

If i could have one wish,
i would wish to be born again.

So that when i live through the bad and good moments,
I know that i can meet you again.

And that would be,
worth every bad moment,

and every other wish i couldve have.

If i saw you one more time,
i know my wish has been granted.

Monday, April 24, 2006

No Point

So yeah, i went to the TKD tournament and got silver.

I wouldnt be pissed if i got silver fair and square.

But im pissed, and its because i DIDNT lose fair and square.

When we are fighting in tournaments, there are 2 or 4 referees at each corner of the square arena. In order to get one point, 3 out of 4 referees must press a button confirming that a fighter has got a point.

I get robbed, along with almost everyone else on my fighting team. Some of us even got headshots, which were worth two points.

We would slam the guy's head enough to move his helmet, and hold it there for a few seconds for the judges to see, but they never counted our headshots.

My teammates were furious when Nick, a little 7 year old boy, lost 0-2 to another kid.

We watched from up high, so we got a better angle on the fight. Nick scored 8 points in a row, just pounding the kid into a corner. We had no doubt that the judges saw that.

But they didnt give him the points. He was crying for 20 minutes, his body shaking tremendously as he recieved the silver.

Willie had it bad too. He's 15 and much better than i am. When he went against his opponent, he delivered a back kick that sent the guy flying 5 feet backwards.

I looked at the scoreboards, THEY DIDNT GIVE HIM A POINT!!!! At this point we were yelling in outrage and every parent of every kid started booing.

Willie only got a bronze.

First time i got in the ring, i went ballistic. I delieverd a fury and push kicks and punches. When he walked toward me, i kicked him back 3 feet. I look at the scoreboard, only 2 refs counted it. Even when i kicked him 8 fucking times around the ring, i didnt get any points.

The tournament ended, and we left pissed and depressed.

My dad gave me the tape that he recorded. I saw all of our matches one more time.

I counted myself and had some other watch too.

I lost 4-2 in the tournament, but actually won 8-2 in home.

Same happened with a bunch of others.

Oh well.

"If you cant get a point, knock 'em out!!!" - Our new team motto

And so it shall be..........

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Well, tomorrow im leaving for Anaheim for a BIG Taekwondo tournament. Im leaving after 5th period, and coming back sometime on sunday.

I hope its going to be fun. Josh and Peter have a suite, so i want to see whats that like.

Anyways, im hoping for the Gold and to go on for the Olympics!!!!!!


P.S., this isnt the 'real' update i was talking about, that will have to wait until later.


I just formated my computer.

That bascially means that i erased my computer clean.

So now i have to put all my songs, and other stuff back in.

All my personal stuff has been erased.

Not even my buddy icon is backed up. was 4 hours of putting in cds and making back ups.....

Anyways, yeah, real update coming soon.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Its Sunday, 6 P.M. in the afternoon.

I just realized something huge. Something that will affect the rest of my..........well, at least the rest of my day.

In 13 hours............i am going to be in school.

Thats right.

Spring break in over.

Its over. Its already over. All the days i spend sleeping in, ( Or at least making sure Kathy didnt) are wasted.

Its gone. I have to go back to that horrid detention center where all you do is here your teachers drone on about how you shouldnt talk in class and 'if you do it one more time i will give you a white slip'.


Well, im just going to spend the last of my hours doing mindless activites such as...........well..........yyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.....

And so it shall be 13 hours until i go back to school. Hmm, 13 is a lucky number. Jeez, im not 13 anymore, im 14. See?!?! im already doing mindless activities..........rawr, get on AIM if you can, i need to do something that doesnt require lots of thinking. That means you Josh.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

O Green World

O green world,
Don't desert me now
Bring me back to fallen town
Where someone is still alive

Fighting for something new in this
When no one needs the heart of me and I'll
Get out somewhere other than me before...

O green world
Don't deserve me now
I'm made of you and you of me
But where are we?
Oh no

Sells to lie
Phone with talk, you stars
Suppose you
Down when you're in fast
Cause it seems so little to you

But now you're in love, you know
You know, me too
You know, me too
I hope sex and drugs rust into my self, holy
It feels holy
It feels like you're with your father in the place you love...


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hair Brush

I got a hair brush for my dog today. Yes, thats right, i threw away what was a decent brush, and got a new one. And yes, i am going to attempt to straighten out the mass of hair my dog sheds every day.

My mom and i went to the PetsMart and got a good brush, i felt ready, because i was sick and putting on my shoes to find a wad of hair in them.

We bought the brush, and in the car i took out the packaging.

As we were driving down the road, i stuck out the brush out the window, much like this guy with the heart.

A 20 year old man with sunglasses sped by, all the while looking at me holding out the hairbrush like an idiot.

I start laughing like crazy and bring the hairbrush back in the car. I roll up the windows, and wonder if the guy thought i was high.


And so it shall be.....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I, Author

I remember when i first started a book. I thought that i would really go with this, and publish a 300 page bestseller. That was about 2 years ago.

Now i realize that i was a complete retard. I stopped writing after a week. I think the only reason i started the story was just an excuse to stay on the computer longer.

Wow that was retarded. I even went back and read some of it, and realized that this crap. I deleted it with resentment, shamed that I FUCKING WROTE THAT SHIT!

And then i got inspired again by who knows what, and wrote a complete, 5 minute story.

I like it, its probaly crap, but i actually finished a story with an ACTUAL PLOT.

And so it shall be......

Thursday, April 06, 2006


One of our English assignments was to transform a boring, mundane, basically shitty essay into a good one.

Well, this is one i did for fun, the one i turned it was much less.........imaginative.

You walk around with two friends of yours in the jungle. Suddenly, a 400 pound snake leaps from the ground and plummets all 29 feet of its body directy into the rib cage of your friend. The other friend screams helplessly in pain as his skeleton crumbles in the coils of the snakes tail.

You reach for your gun and fire, but at a snake this size, the bullets bounce right off. The snake swallows your friend whole, and then faces you with huge, slanted green eyes filled with greed. It hisses with a touch of malice. Its toungue taunts you, you can feel the air around you being sucked into the passive nostrils.

It then burrows underground at amazing speeds, you run like hell in the jungle, feeling the massive rumble underneath your feet. You pant and pant, all the while waiting for that imminent doom 6 feet down.

You finally see a gate. Freedom!!! As you lunge forward to get past, you are swept into the air in a single motion by this massive boa. You see the sky, teeth, and then nothing.

This is the real one i submitted.

Long, scaly, and slithering, snakes come in many types of varieties. Some snakes are thin enough to slip through building cracks, while others are thick enough to strangle alligators.

The more larger, and therefore deadlier snakes some from the boa and python families, which include anacondas. Green anacondas are one of the more deadlier anacondas. Weighing in at 400 pounds, it can swim with ease towards their prey.

Pythons, at 29 feet, are longer snakes and can eat large animals, such as deer. The reason why measuring snakes is hard is because they usually coil they bodies when picked up. One easier way to measure them is to find a dead snake, and then stretch it out.

And so it shall be.......

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My Name Is

"I hate my name, I want to change it to Christina", Veronica states blankly. I almost fall out of my chair at the thought.

"No" I reply firmly, in a tone that would put her father to shame.

"But i HATE my name! It sounds SO UGLY!!!" She complains.

"No, your not changing your name" I coolly reply, all the while swatting away at Chandler, who is currently trying to piss me off by stealing my pencil.

"I don’t care, my moms going to take me to the judge to get my name changed to Christina" She argues.

" NO!" I scream, as i turn around and punch Chandler hard enough to make him cry for the next 10 minutes. Over his wails of pain, i yell at her, " DO YOU KNOW WHO MANY CHRISTINAS I KNOW?!?!"

"Fine" she pouts. We go back to our studies while Chandler, realizing that no one really cares if he gets hurt, proceeds to play with his Gameboy DS.

Lunch comes and goes. Korean school ends.

Don’t change your name.


Unless your name is Johnny Fux. I seriously remember seeing a kid with that name on a slip. It was hilarious.

Otherwise........NO CHANGING YOUR NAME!!!

And so it shall be.......

Monday, April 03, 2006

Zombie Nation

Jeez im dying. My life is becoming a routine that can be predictable by what day it is.

For instance, i know Mondays going to suck.

Tuesdays i will work my ass off in my spare time for tests

Wednesday i try to make as fun as possible by sleeping.........yes, sleeping

Thursday i daydream about Friday

Friday i slack off and try to piss off the teachers aas much as possible without getting in trouble.'d think that i'd have at least one day to relax right? Well, its not today.

Sunday..........yeah, God and studying for another damn Monday. No relaxing here!!!

Its becoming a sad routine im going through. The occaisonal thing blowing up in my face adds variety in the week.

Even the two fingers we give from 'C' bus to 'A' bus makes my day.........

And no, its not

Although giving these fingers help my life too.......

And so it has become a zombie nation.........

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Clair De Lune

I always thought of the moon and sun as the two opposite eyes of God.

The sun as a glorious and happy eye, glistening with joy while we happily go about, doing various deeds. I thought the sun as the more dignified version of God, giving us warmth, and also punishing us with heat in the summer.

The moon, in my opinion is a memoir of God's disappointment in all of us. I see the moonlight as a form of sadness that we can see.

I think that’s why we think of the moon as a giant globe of romance, and the moonlight a sign of love. As God looks down at us, the moonlight are tears and illuminate the best in our hearts, encouraging us to be better.

Whenever I look at the moon, I think of the more passionate things in life, mainly because the moon is a reminder to me that when we are dark inside, the moonlight gives us hope.

I see the man in the moon, but he’s crying.........

And so it shall be........