Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Rain......i know its a crappy subject but i love it. It cleanses the air and leaves us with a new start. Its also a title of a song but im not going to go there. To other it may seem as something to hate. Gray clouds blocking the sun and having to stay indoors. To all the lazy kids out there, this may be paradise until your mom tells you that you have to read books rather than play video games. I, on the other hand love the rain. I dont care if i get sick if i dont have a jacket on. I am actually quite resistent to the cold. I walk my dog in the rain and i dont care.

Anyways the rain as my subject is a metaphor. I think you can figure it out on your own by the text you have already read. But remember, each time you see those gray clouds above you, think of what you have done since the last pouring week. Have you been good? Can you improve yourself after the clouds clear up? These clouds of mine are clouds of joy because like nature, the rain washes the bad out of us.

its raining, its pouring, and im not the one whose snoring..............and so it shall be

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Thank You

I'm sure all of you have already heard of the giant wall of water that killed over 20000 people. And I'm sure, that by now you have already opened up all of your presents. But how many of you thought of writing a thank you note? Be glad that even if you do get crappy gifts to remember how the people in indonesia feel. How does it feel to have everything you own destroyed? Everything lost, maybe even your family. Being orphaned in 3 hours by one catastrophic event. I hope we never expeirience it, so be thankful of what you have. Be thankful that theres no winds piercing yor clothes.

I am thankful that I have the priviledge of having a computer and typing this for your eyes. Theres millions of other lives i couldve lead but this is the one i was stuck in and this is the one that i will stay with. So write a thank you note to your grandma, older brother, or even your friends. Just tell everyone thank you for making up the person you are today.

And so it shall be..........Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year. And for all the other Koreans.....SEBEH!!!WOOT!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004


Most people would define freedom as ' the ability to freely express yourself' I see something more than just a priviledge in freedom. Freedom is what holds our hopes and our newly thought ideas. It provides a sense of reality. It makes things easier in the world to do.

But freedom usually comes with age. Drive when your 16, or is it 18 now? Damn government, why 18 now? Whats next, censors on the newspapers? Jeez, let a teen drive, will ya. Anyways the more older you are, the more freedom you have because people expect you do treat that freedom with responsibility. And sont treat freedom as an asset. Yeah, you can have freedom to do things but it can still be taken away from you. So, give thanks to the police men that make sure the gangs that have too much freedom stay in check. And the soildiers for fighting for ours. Its a world that still doesnt have freedom, but we do. And we do.

and so it shall freely be............

Thursday, December 23, 2004


The bad choices that we make accumulate in life. Every little thing we do can result in a huge consequence. Eat chocolate too much, get diabeties. Dont work out, get to weak and fat. Too many games, your grounded. Too little sleep, you get tired.

Everything bad you do seems to have some bad long term effect. And it does really......i know, sucks ass. But God made these effects so we stop doing them. The bad choices always catch up to us sooner or later cause its their job to. Temptations are their bosses. It still sucks having to watch every single thing you do, but it still kicks ass over having to do every single thing wrong.

This is my choice to make this blog. If its bad to me and the public, ill get shut down. But somehow i think people wont make that choice. Why? Cause shutting me down is one hellavu bad choice. What we get we brought down on ourselves. What are you building your life on?

Err, crap gotta go.................and so it shall be my choice

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Mozart VS Nelly

Classical music kicks ass over pop or rap. And rap beats the hell out of pop. Classical music still has the power to make us cry at the movies at the right moment. Its classical music that still powers our emotions. Eminem does the same thing with rap, yet rap has less power but more potential. Pop.................well........I don’t know. I guess that’s only used for parties and having fun.
But still, Moonlight Sonata kicks Tipsy's ass. And even Eminem's Sing for the Moment kicks Tipsy's. So, take a break from all the songs about drugs, sex, money, and women and just hear a few minuets or sonatas. Just listen and make up what the composer is trying to tell you through the music. Just relax and think about the good things in life. But not the luxuries, the good things.

MOONLIGHT SONATA!!!........and so it shall be

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Warning Signs

Some people just don’t recognize a threat when they see it. This Josh guy, right? At Korean school this guy cannot comprehend anything. He seats right behind me and constantly kicks and pushes my seat. He knows I can kick his ass but there he is kicking away. So I move to the seat in front of me and let him get away with the brief annoyance. And yet this guy cannot quit. He moves the desks with his feet and rams them into mine. There I am, visibly shaking with rage, trying desperately to not thrust the pencil I had in my hand in his fucking pudgy little face.

I look at the clock, 10 more minutes till break. Now Karen asks me why I moved. I don’t answer cuz she obviously doesn’t see the damn desks ramming in to me right in front of her. He pushes and yet she asks me with rage. I still don’t answer and she quietly sits down. Josh keeps pounding away.

Its break finally. I run out and wait for him. I said, ' You wanna go fat ass, ill take you right here.'

And now hes saying, ' WTF are you mad about, I didn’t DO ANYTHING!'

What did he just say? He said that he didn't see me shaking my fists while he rams his desk into mine. Can this guy be any more retarded?

Here’s where I turn vicious, this guy cannot think at all. I do some hapkido, judo , TKD, and some other shit I never even knew I could do. Break over, I let him be, cowering over to the deepest corner to the room. I didn’t have to deal with him again.

So pay attention to everything around you. If nothing is irritated, good, make sure it stays that way. But if your doing something and they guy in front of you is cracking his knuckles and heaving with anger, I suggest you do something else to do. Cuz he just might be me.

Warning are visible, can you see them?..............and so it shall be

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Sometimes surprises can really get you down. Sometimes the outcome of something you know would happen didn't happen. Sometimes what you get is the exact, horrible opposite of the things you really want. For example: Chanukah or Christmas. I know I know, its the thought that counts. Well, heres my thought of it.

I was going with my mom to piano. I was in the front seat listening to the radio. Then my mom
starts up a conversation.

' So yun-jey( my Korean name), do you want to know what you get for Christmas?!'

I sit up straighter in my chair, ' Yeah, what is it?'

Now here in my mind I’m screaming,' HALF LIFE 2 HALF LIFE 2' I have been silently begging myself for it. In my mind I’m sure she’s gonna say it. I start to recline to relax in my moment of game glory.

My mom,' Ok yun-jey, I’m getting you BOOKS TO WORK ON DURING WINTER VACATION!!!!'

I pull on the recliner thingy too fast and i slam onto the backseat.

Me in my mind, ' awww............SHIET!'

My words to mom, 'awwwww...........shiet'

I hope she’s lying. I damn hope that she’s going to say 'ha just kidding' But i know she’s serious.

So yeah..........don’t mistake that new Halo 2 or Xbox, or in avryl's case, one huge ass case of chocolate for a huge ass case of workbooks.............god dammit..................

So think of me while your enjoying your new game, or shoveling in your chocolate. Save some for the scholar, free from school, but chained to education. So please, share your gift with me....................and so it shall be........

surprises suck, don’t they?

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Its Your Fault

I learned that on of humanities biggest faults is the ability to blame whoever they like. And everybody blames everybody.

Bus blames Iraq, we blame bush, media blames us, my dad blames me, I blame a movie, the Jews blame the movie, Mel Gibson blames the Jews..........................

Being guilty and being innocent are two DIFFERENT things. I know its obvious, but there’s people who act like they don’t know the difference. For example, a man ignores his country's call to protect them from terrorism. The effect of acting guilty and innocent at the same time in this case? A mixed message from him to the world and now Michael Moore has to make another movie to straighten things out. I know this is way too political, but you cant blame me, can you?

Ahhhhh, does the world get simpler when we get smarter? It should, but it doesn’t............and so it shall be

Monday, December 13, 2004

The Unknown

Man has always pondered about death and the afterlife. But some people don’t even believe in a god or afterlife. I myself am a Catholic and I see religion as a method to explain many things.

We see God as all knowing. When the supernatural occurs we take it as a sign of God, and maybe it is. I think there is an outside force that we pray to. It may not be an actual god to say, but I think there is something controlling humanity and our own lives. My father is an atheist so at our own Home Town Buffet, i got a lecture. I expected it to be another long ass lecture that I would just love to end, but this was very different. There I was eating and my dad tells me about what he thinks about God. He has his own philosophy on life and I respect that. He tells me that there is no God and that when we die, we die. I think about that and suddenly have a headache. I’m thinking to myself how can there be no afterlife? I didn’t get it and dismissed the thought. I told him that that cannot be possible. Dad stuck to his philosophy and said that God didn’t create humans, humans created God.

Without that discussion, i don’t think i could be the person i am today. He helped me realize that whatever i hear, i can challenge and just because so many people believe in it, i don’t have to. I respect him for that, and thank him for opening up a new world where questions are always the answers.

There is an outside force, even my dad agrees with me. The question to that is ,' What is the outside force that we so love, worship, and fear?' The answers lie with the dead. And the dead will be among me within time. I now know only question for myself. Will i be able to see the sunset before i ascend into eternal bliss? Or will i see the sun while falling to the infernos of hell?

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..................and so it shall be

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Come 'Ere Little Boy

And so I went to another bar mitzvah to once again witness one of my good friends get drunk. And even watch their most embarrassing moments on tape. Through the night we danced and yelled and even got high strung off of shirley temples and roy rodgsons. And me and my a.c stelle crew even got some challenges.


Fighting is one of the most common things that we come across. It attracts the most attention and basically, whoever kicks the most ass is the least likely to be reckoned with. So, there we were, me, ellad, elior, and walker confronted by another gang of richies throwing fries and spoonfuls of water at us. I didn’t really care about the fries but the water riled me up. Ellad didn’t care what they were throwing but cared about if it was at him. He was wearing a $500 suit from his dad and he was about to kick their ass. And we were all ready to join him in our own little jihad.

Now theres many different approaches to what we could do.

We could’ve all went up to them and kick their asses right there, right in front of everybody. Bad thing is, their parents would be watching and the bouncers would kick us off. This is last resort when we got no damn patience left and we have some pretty big forks on our dining plates.

Or we could’ve told someone that they were throwing stuff at us. This is what parents always tell us to do. I don’t do it, and neither did we. We didn’t need a label that said 'gay' all over our foreheads.

Or we could’ve moved away from them and avoid them for the rest of the party. We still didn’t do it. And even if we did we wouldn’t have any more fun at the party. And that’s bullshit so of course we didn’t do that.

Im guessing that now your agitated and want me to say what we really did. Well......we went outside, riled them up with the finger, and went into a secluded area to see if they would follow. Turns out they wanted the action up their ass so they sat on the chairs all day. So what if we didn’t get some blood on our clothes, we still got them where we wanted. Forcing them to look like cowards when everyone saw us motioning them to bring it on and them just looking at each other with blank stares.

Ahhhh......the slight joys of life.

O yeah, and why was that clover leaf so damn small? Joking Gil, im joking..........and so it shall be

Thursday, December 09, 2004

My Turn.....

Today on the bus I learned what may be the most commonly heard lesson. What goes around comes around. I don’t mean that i got the opposite end, i mean I’m going to laugh at the guy at the opposite end.

That’s right whoever you are. Damn kid staring at me and trying to poke my with his dirty, fat ass finger. His should shove that finger right up his ass.

Bus driver gave us permanent seats cuz we talk to each other. WTF!? Cuz we TALK? Are you a friggin NAZI? You bust me for talking and yet you let this 6th grader squeal like a bitch at everyone little thing i do to him. Wow. And i thought this world was shitty enough with global warming, terrorism, and drunk teenagers passing out in the middle of the road.
Wow...........ahh well. We vote for a president at least. And we got freedom of speech. And we got uhhhh.................uhhhhhh...........internet? Wow......we suck.

Anyways while you sit backwards and then get your ass busted ( he already did) Ill be laughing my head off at your little sorry bus pass being taken away. So what if you’ll still be trying to poke me with your little prodding finger, this is my moment of triumph and your moment of embarrassment. Remember my god damn boastful face you’ll be seeing it a lot.

And so it shall be.........if i get in trouble.....o well, what goes around comes around.

You'll Get Your Moment

Today on the bus I learned what may be the most commonly heard lesson. What goes around comes around. I don’t mean that i got the opposite end, i mean I’m going to make the opposite end.

That’s right whoever you are. Damn kid staring at me and trying to poke my with his dirty, fat ass finger, you’ll get your turn.

Bus driver gave us permanent seats cuz we talk to each other. WTF!? Cuz we TALK? Are you a friggin NAZI? You bust me for talking and yet you let this 6th grader squeal like a bitch at everyone little thing i do to him. Wow. And i thought this world was shitty enough with global warming, terrorism, and drunk teenagers passing out in the middle of the road.
Wow...........ahh well. We vote for a president at least. And we got freedom of speech. And we got uhhhh.................uhhhhhh...........internet? Wow......we suck.

Anyways while you sit backwards and then get your ass busted ( he already did) Ill be laughing my head off at your little sorry bus pass being taken away. So what if you’ll still be trying to poke me with your little prodding finger, this is my moment of triumph and your moment of embarrassment. Remember my god damn boastful face you’ll be seeing it a lot.

And so it shall be.......ill probaly get a lecture from my bro but its worth it.........

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Where the Hell..........

At least once in our lives we feel we don’t know where were going. We feel uncertain about whats about to happen next or what will happen to us. We try to feel secure and fail at our most concentrated attempts. We have no more guidance in the world and we are forced to rely on ourselves.

For many of us, this is the real world. The world that kicks you down and wont stop at it. The world that we pollute, and the world that sometimes pollutes us. The friggin world where fantasy and reality bond to make life confusing. Mysteries loom in this world, and we need to find it ourselves. The future is not for others to predict, its for you to handle.

For as long as you can, plan ahead. Make a schedule of your week. Or better yet, plan for 5 years from now. That way when your lonely and have no support, you actually have something to look forward. True, the world is a cruel place. But hey, its what we have. Its where we live. Even if we grew up in a ghetto-type shithole, its OUR shithole. Home is not where we always live, its where our memories are.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My Bad

If you do something wrong.........please accept what you did was wrong. The last thing people need are people who deny everything when all odds are against them. The last they need to here is how their not guilty of it when their fingerprints are all over it. It pisses me off too. If your the one who took my pencil, tell me so I can whip your ass. No im jk but seriously, take responsibility of your actions. Don’t blame other people for your own fault. That’s all.................and so it shall be

Monday, December 06, 2004

Shit Happens

Shit happens to us once in a while. Now I don’t mean the small crap which you shrug off every day. I mean the kind of crap that has your face all over it. The kind that wont come out of your ass and becomes a constant sign of constipation. But when it does happen, make sure you don’t stay on the crapper all your life. And when I say that the problem can be from getting an F on the test or witnessing the dumbest horror movie.

And now your all confused on the horror movie part. Who cares.........shit happens. Even if you wont be on the crapper because of it you’ll still be pissing me off by asking me by what I mean. And then I would be on the crapper telling myself that i need a smaller blog. But that wouldn’t be good for you wouldn’t it. So now my problem on the crapper is how to make everyone happy. And then I realize that I can make everybody happy but it wont make me happy. So i think, ' Screw you guys, you get what you get and if you dont like it get the hell out'.

Don't let stupid things get you down. Theres always temptations I know. There always the easy way out. But is it really easy to get out of the easy way? The end of the easy way is full of shit. Ive been there. Dont ask.................

All the while im typing this I’m worrying about all the tests that I have to do and all the responsibilities I have to take care of. Oh well, shit happens, don’t get another whiff of it when your on the crapper.

And so the shit will be.............i know this is a crazy blog. But who cares?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

We Are Us

Sometimes we need a reminder that we are who we are. We cannot copy ourselves and make a new copy. Theres only one chance with our lives and we need to treat it like that. Too many times we try to become someone completely different. Your stuck with your past and your past is stuck with you. What you do to yourself now is what your decsicion is. Theres no turning back or rewind button. People need to realize that maybe what they are is meant to be because of something they did. We might be able to call a surgeon to change us but we cannot call him to change our way of life. Remember that theres only one shot and you need to aim closely. Aim to the sky and you'll land in the stars, aim for the tree and you land in the dirt.

We are us.........make sure it stays that way forever............................And so it shall be

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Faith i found, pulled me through a lot of messes. Faith helped me stay on my feet and helped me up when i fell. Faith doesnt mean having to belive in god or buddha or whatever. It could mean other things. Faith could mean believing in yourself, and that i find helps you a lot of times throughout life.


When you start something, make sure you believe in yourself that you can do it. That you can finish it. And that you can do it without being distracted by critiszm. If no one has faith in your work, then faith in your own. When the world closes itself off, make the best of it. Keep doing what you have to do and dont take shit from nobody. Have faith in yourself and your work. Have faith that someday this will all pay off. Have faith the world wont be cruel. Have faith that someday, somehow, everything will be better.

And so it shall be........heavens above shall keep me up