Thursday, March 30, 2006


I had the wildest dream a couple of nights ago.

I'm in a room, i have a box in front of me, my cousin is nearby. I open up the box and find a M4 rifle inside. I instantly start shooting at random things, i forget what. I remember seeing huge holes in walls where the bullets hit.

I just remember shooting stuff. Thats all there was. Just non-stop shooting everywhere. My cousing was also shooting something. I think it was a crossbow.

All i did was shoot. For 8 hours, or however long i slept.

I woke up to find myself gripping the bedpost with my left arm. I started laughing immidiately afterwards.

That was the corniest/craziest/stupidist/most fun dream i ever had.

And so i need to take my meds so these dreams wont happen again...........

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This morning was awesome. Every morning before school, a group of people play football on a small field. But after the rain, the ground was slippery and shoes got mud on them as soon as they stpped onto the field.

So we watched as they slipped and fell onto the mud, getting up again and then slipping. But one of the other players, started running across the field to get a pass.

His eyes on the ball, he caught it........and then ran into the tree. Our school was recently built, so the trees are very small. Instantly, the sticks that supported the tree broke and slanted in an angle. Stan himself was blown back and fell on his ass.

The tree was ok, but everything was bent as an angle. Everyone was shaken up after the incident happened. But the only thing he said was, "Does that count as a touchdown?"

P.S.- Sorry for the lack of more 'lighter topic' blogs. I know lately it seems that i more 'intellectual' ideas than I do 'entertaining'

Shit.......i think im going to go spin in my chair now.......

And so it shall be.....

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Mask

The question that i ask myself the most in my life will not be"Why am I here"

No, the question that is the most asked is , " If i take off the mask, will they laugh at my face?"

'She never looked me in the eye when she said 'I hate you'

And so it shall be.......

Friday, March 24, 2006

Like Father, Like..............

As i try another futile attempt to try to overpower my Dad in a arm wrestle, he pins down my arm onto the ground.

"I don’t think ill ever beat you " I remark while standing up.

"Hahaha, in three years." My dad replies. "Its going to be a sad day when you beat me"

"Why?" i ask.

"The first time i beat my father at arm wrestling, it was a very sad day, because i knew he was getting old." He explains.

I detect a slight bitterness and longing in his voice, and i leave it at that. I remember a story i was told a long time ago.

There was this boy in Korea, who was always beat. Every little thing he did wrong, he dad beat him with a stick. His dad was relentless in punishment. As he grew up though, the son got stronger.

He eventually became stronger than his dad, but didn’t show it. When his dad found out that he forgot to close the milk, making it spoil, his dad grabbed the stick and went over to beat him.

As hw swung, the son reached out and grabbed his dad's arm, stopping it from reaching his back. The dad felt his son's power, for he couldn’t move at all.

The son released his grip, and the dad backed away slowly out of the room, still trying to understand what happened.

But later that night, the son cried. He cried for hours throughout the night.

He is now in his elder years, about 57. He now says, "That is one of the biggest things i regret in this life. I should’ve let him beat me"

I look back at my dad. The years have had its effect, more in some ways than others. I feel sad knowing that we all are going to die one day.

That’s why i only like to think about the next 5 minutes.

It helps............sometimes.

And so it shall be...........

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Little Prince

An excerpt from one of the best books ever written. It was a book given to me from my brother when i was about 9. I didnt bother to read it, and instead went to play Perfect Dark on N64 (The best FPS for N64)

Recently, i dug it out of the shelves. It still looked new. I decided to read it, for sentimental reasons. It ended up being one of the best books i have ever read. I was going to put an excerpt from it onto here, but its better if you read it yourself. Its just one of those things.

Its around 80 pages. I read it in 30 minutes. And it affected years of my life.

This book is up there with "the 5 People You Meet in Heaven" and "The Kite Runner"

I really recommend this book. Its been said that you can check it out from the library at our school.

And so it shall be...............

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Single Again

"I AM NOW OFFICIALLY SINGLE!!" My friends announces as he closes his cell phone.

"Welcome to the club" I proclaim with him.

"Cheers!" He yells, as we clink together our styrofoam cups as if we were drinking wine. As we gulp down the water, Ivan sneers out a low toned "Loser" as he walks past.

"So, why did she dump you?" I ask, waiting for the embarassment to follow for him.

"A girl dumping me? Impossible. She kept on nagging at me all the time, i couldnt take it anymore, man." He responds with an air of arrogance.

I throw back my head and laugh. The drawbacks of a relation.

Our group has gotten lazy over the monthes. The days of Suicide have decreased and have been replaced by improvised comdien material from Ivan.

From Suicide, hopping fences and seeing what lay beyond our little plot of school was another one of our activites. We would all jump the 12 feet fences and run to the basketball courts or see if we could find something of worth.

Without success, we settled back into our game with the tennis ball.

Ahhh.......single again. For him, the break-up was relief.

I dont think i could ever think like that.

And so it shall be...........

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekend of Havoc

My weekend was a never ending series of events that left me sore and hurt on Sunday morning.

On Friday, I went to the Calabasas carnival with Kathy, Eric, and Rachel. It was fun, even though we had to wait for a certain someone *cough**cough*.

Anyways, after screaming our lungs out on some of the rides, we went on the gravity wheel. This one was different from any other ive been on. There were no belts, so you could do whatever you want.

I found out that i could lay upside down without falling. Then i suddenly realized if the wheel stopped, i would slam on top of my head.

As i turned myself around, so did the wheel. My nose was crushed into the non-cushioned part of the seat and a little bit after, started bleeding.

Anyways, the carnival was fun. The aftermath of my almost broken nose was that i looked like i just ate someone (I’m not telling you if i actually did....) and that we went to Eric's and Kathy's house.

Saturday was just as crazy, maybe even more ( sorry guys who were with me at the carnival)

I went to the baseball with KOREA VS JAPAN!!!!!!

I don’t really like baseball, but i soon learned the great stuff about it. If you are seated beside someone who is rooting for the same team as you, you are instantly best friends for the nest 3-5 hours.

There were more Koreans at the stadium, so there was a lot more yelling in the air. We Koreans have many things we scream out to cheer on our team.

So after the 6th inning when we were losing 5-0, we were still screaming. It even rained, and even through the rain we yelled out team on. The game got called out on account of the rain, and we stayed.

This was the magical part. Most of the non-fanatic people left their upfront seats.

The stadium divided into two parts, the Koreans and the Japanese. Our side was significantly bigger.

Thousands of people all gathered to sing our patriotic song and 2 other chants that the world has recognized us for. My voice becomes hoarse, my arms tire form waving the Korean flag, and my ears hurt from the drums that people have brought to keep the rallying cry.

I look behind me, and see hope and patriotism. Even though we were losing 6-0, we were cheering our lungs out until we died.

We finally lost 6-0, and we were still singing. We stayed over 2 hours after the game over. We finally left the stadium.

As i left the stadium, i looked one final glance at the beloved stadium.

They were still singing.

And so it shall be......

Thursday, March 16, 2006


While i did my Andrews essay, i mostly just put on music and twirled around in my chair to get the idea started.

I would just put on "Forget it" or "She's like Heroin" and start spinning around in my chair to think of ideas. After getting bored of this, i went on my knees on my chair, and looked backwards over the back of my chair.

My chair basically looks like this, except not so fancy, and i can lean back in it. So while facing backwards on my knees, i shift my weight and lean forward.

I do not recommend this at home.

At first i face the wall, then i shift my weight, and all of a sudden i went SLAM into the ground. My chair flipped over on top of me while my face was dug into the carpet.

Sadly, i didnt get any good ideas from slamming my head into the ground. But i did learn something.

Dont lean forward while facing backwards..............

And so it shall be........

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


First times are always the worst.

Sometimes, its easy, and you get through it fine.

Other times you suck at it and embarrass yourself in front of all your friends.

One things for certain, it fucking sucks.

I remember the first time i had to put on and take off my contacts.

It was HELL.

It hurt and itched because i wasnt used to touching my eyeball. Everything my fingers touched, even brushed my eyelashes, my eyelids would go into lockdown mode. I had to be perfectly accurate in putting them in my eye.

Taking them our were even worse. I would accidently pinch my eyeball and wince in pain for the next 10 minutes. I would then repeat my mistake over and over and over...........

Thankfully, i got some advice from family and i was able to get them out.

My favorite words of wisdom were, "Remember, its just a piece of plastic to help you see better"

That helped me a lot while putting them on.

Entroducing............the newcomer. Welcome, and dont screw up........

And so it shall be...........

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Midnight In A Perfect World

When my teachers scolded me for not getting glasses or contacts, I would roll my eyes until the class was over. With my unaided eyes, I saw world events like 9/11 happen. I watched the pixels on my TV transform into a simulation of the tsunamis. I squinted at the pictures of dead bodies in Iraq.

I saw the world as imperfect, with my imperfect eyes. Everything that was in the world was considered flawed in some way or another.

Then on Wednesday, i got my lenses. I then put them on in Costco and started seeing changes. I shrugged them off as minor. I didn’t bother to look at the world outside my window. Instead, i just watched South Park in the car on my Ipod.

On Thursday, i put them on again. I went outside, and noticed the grass got taller. I noticed i could see individual bricks on houses and i could see what the signs said.

However, i still considered this as a state of mind.

I come back from school, and keep them on throughout the day.

Its late, really late, after i did all my homework and practicing. I then forgot to bring in the mail.

I go outside the front door when I’m suddenly hit with a scene of beauty. The stars are out, and the hills glow with a soft white light. The moon acts like a silver light bulb, and i am immersed with the stars in the sky. I stop at the mailbox and just look at everything.

I then realize it doesn’t matter if something is flawed in the world.

My world is perfect. This is my midnight is a perfect world.

And so it shall be..........

Friday, March 10, 2006

Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt

I remember reading about a TKD master that had the life some people just dream about.

It starts off with him being born into a poor family full of farmers in Korea. He was born with a deformed leg. He was labeled as a 'retard' and a 'cripple'. He was an outcast to society. Everyone thought he was going to die before he reached being a toddler

But he grew up to be a toddler, and then a small child. Much to his familys dissapointment, he was labeled a 'retard'.

His relexes was so slow, children would make him hold a match and light it. He would then look at it, wondering whether it was harmful, and then get his fingers burned.

He was so clumsy, his own brother once said to him ," You were supposed to die so i could eat your rice"

One day after school, he wandered after school where he saw TKD being performed. He decided to join, and it took him a very long time to get used to his leg.


Long story short, he overcame everything and became the most well known martial artist ever.

There are pictures of him ripping bricks apart. He is seen with Stevie Wondor, Chuck Norris, and other famous guys.

Not bad for someone who in the beginning just began with a grain of salt.

I seriously dont know why i did that 'salt' thing.

The title of this is a song i happen to like.

And so it shall be...........

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Two Words

Clyde Lee,

Fourteen Years

Korean Descent

Mom Dad,

Bro, sis

going in

staying in

keeping up,

middle school

homeroom class

desk sleeping

lunchtime football

going home

crashing in,

new changes

always changing

always learning,

new shit

old shit

same shit,

new day

never young

longing memories,

live by

two words,

Love You

Good Bye

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Did You Know!!!

"Did you know that all gay relationships start with a hand on the shoulder?" I ask slyly as i creep my hand up to place it on his shoulder.

" WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ellad yells back, punching me.

We both fall in our seats laughing our asses off while other people stop and stare like we really were a couple of homos.

Anyways, i decided to do this trick to as many people i could find. Most of the time they just shove me off and start laughing with me. Sometimes they get a little more violent. Others just stood there, with my hand on their shoulder, trying to figure out why everyone was laughing.

And when they finally got it............well, lets just say that these people were the more violent ones.

It got good laughes all around, overall pretty good natured humor. No poor sports or anything.

Another little controversy was the buses and which people went on which.

Before i learned that the buses were in alphabetical order, i got a little suspicious.

I asked around my friends, and i found out that the two black people i know go on bus #5.

The last bus.

I started telling everyone about my new found theory of racsim in the school when Aveed told me, " You idiot, its last name order"

Urman, Wilson.............o

I was wondering why my bus had

Chirs Lee
Kallyann Lee
Steven Lee

At first i thought we were the Asian bus...............

Ok, wow, i really need to stop being so paranoid.......

So.....did you know that all gay relationships starts with a hand on the shoulder?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Its Been A Long Time

6 weeks. I havent been to church for 6 weeks. I broke my unholy habit today by going back into the House of God wearing my polo shirt and spiking my hair.

People have noticed my change. In 6 weeks, everyone saw my older reflection staring back at them as i walked down the aisle to my pew.

Jesse, my right hand man in the church remarks, " Jeez, you got buff" ( FYI, hes not gay)

"Nah, its just the shirt, it does that"

Father Jerry preaches his sermon, which was about the covenant of God. It feels good to make back in the flock of religious groups again. I dont care about all the scandals that happen. I dont care about all the fake tears of blood or anything. I dont care about the philosophies of the athiests.

I come to refuel my batteries of moral.

And after 6 weeks, i felt better walking down the aisle towards out Lord on the cross. I felt like if i wasnt here, it wouldnt matter to anyone. But when i got to bible class, everyone was complaining about how quiet it was there without me.

Execpt for our volunteer teacher, he was happy while i was away.

Class ends, church is over, and i walk towards the car to go home.

I take one last look at the cross that overlooks the street.

I think it would matter if i didnt come.

"It might feel like that we are just one drop in an entire ocean. But the ocean would be less without that missing drop"- Mother Teresa.

And so it shall be..........

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


After coming back from Fry's with a new case for my new 5th Gen Video Ipod, i flip my ipod around for any smear marks i could clean.

As i looked at the mtallic side of it, i noticed that my face is distorted, like when you look into a spoon. I look at it from various angles, watching my nose strech or observing my mouth widening even more.

I smile at my little discovery, and watch as my smile gets twisted by the metallic reflections. I twirled my ipod around, watching my face refract into many weird images, but in every one of them i was still smiling.

I think its the same about our life.

No matter weird it gets, how distorted the world might be, its still your life. I think that even though it may seem that everything is out of place ( and maybe it is) there is still reason for it.

I look back on my ipod. My smirk looks straight at me with menacing eyes.

Oh well, its still a smile.

I think thats a good start.......

And so it shall be.....