Saturday, April 30, 2005


I hate those AIM abbreviations. Actually, i pretty much hate AIM. The only reasons i use AIM is to make plans and to get the LASS hw.

This is the typical AIM conversation.

xxxxxx: whats up
yyyyyy: nm, u?
xxxxxx: nm, hey, guess what happened at school today?
yyyyyy: what?
xxxxxx: I was in Werber and Jared yelled out ' I like eggs'
yyyyyy: OMG, LMFAO
xxxxxx: Yeah, OMFG, it was sooo funny, lol

Admit it, you love sucking up to people just to hear a 'lol' from them. And what they say is not funny, you just say lol so they would shut up.

If your talking to someone and all they say is ' lol ', its time to shut up. No seriously, we dont care at all what you did in science while taking the test. Unless some disaster happened. Onna taking a picture doesnt count. Unless someone was killed. But is that person was Rachel Pepper, it doesnt count. LOL. Come on, say lol. SAY IT!

I hate 'lol'. I dont think i have ever used lol. If they say something pathetic, i just say g2g and block them. I dont care if they get pissed. Actually, i dont give a shit about anything people say or do. Its weird, everyone white person hates my hair yet every asian likes it.

Its just one of those asian things. I hate AIM. LOL, so i was going to the mall when some kid in a black shirt.........................

And so it shall be............LOL

Friday, April 29, 2005

I Rock

I rock. I kick ass. I made Max Deng, smartest kid in the school bow down to my might. Yes, i rock. No doubt. If you disagree, your wrong. Why? Cause i kick ass. Just kidding, but i still kick ass.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Asian hypocrite, i never thought i would live long enough to see the first hypocratical asian. Two of 'em actually. How are they hypocritical? They make fun of themselves. No, im serious. Their racist against themselves.

Let me just remind you that Max Shui is not a hypocrite, hes just a dumbass. And annoying, but other than that hes at least better than the other people that i am going to list.

First guy: Chris Lee

This guy is not Korean. I cannot see him with another asian. This guy is the blackest sheep because he wants to be white. As hard as it is on me, i must classify him as a 'dumb asian'. He is a prime example as a skater poser. I hate that term, 'poser' but this is too perfect for an example to give up. Yes, he is a hypocrite. Bite me if you like him better. Go get a haircut you damn long haired hippies.

Second: Matt ( Pam) ?

Chinese guy. FAT ASS! No seriously, this guy would be a perfect football guy. All he has to do is walk. Even Daniel, the 8th graders couldnt take him down. He is a rolling mass of fat. When i sit behind him in the bus, i can see the 50 ripples on his neck. And this guy almost has a triple chin.

In other words, a prime wong-tong- fat ass.

Why is he a hypocrite? He hates asians. He hates our slant eyes. He hates our ability to kick ass. He hates our names. He even made a picture expressing the horrors of the asian community. His picture consisted of Calabasas: Asian Style.

Where there was supposed to be a Kinko's, there was a Chinko's. Hell, the damn name was CHINK TOWN.

And then there was a eye surgery clinic next to it. On it, there was a sign that said.

No, he's not sleeping, he's just Asian.

That took away the last straw. Though i admit, i did laugh. But still, no time to laugh at that now. That just puzzles me.

How can he do this?

No seriously, this is weird. Somethings wrong. Either fat-ass is doing drugs or hes wolfing down those jalapenos too fast.

I am just appalled......And so it shall be

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

2 Face

We all do it. The switching of personalities. The changing of behavior that occurs when a different atmostspheres. I'm sure that you act way more different with your own people than with people that are of different ethics. And if you dont, good for you.

I act much different from my regular school, and my kroean school. And im sure that Tori, Jed, Rachel, and Roy know that i act different from now. Yes, 2 faces of the same person. Dont deny it. You know you do it.

Everytime i see some 'sk8tr' boy i just think about who they actually are. No, not that 'BITCH PLEASE' attitiude. There are some people that are truly bad-asses. But 99.99% of the people arent. Yet, 30% of my school think they are bad-asses. No matter how much ass i kick, im always confronted with the same person again and again.

Yes, at school, i am called 'asian', at home, i am yoon-jey, and at korean school, i am just Clyde...........and so it shall be

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Heres to what AIM can do to you. I never knew it could be such a deep impact on someone, but it does.

And now shes bitching and whining because of it. And no, i did not call her 'fat' or something. I did not do anything drastic. Actually, i didnt do anything at all. No, she just accused me of blocking her.

So what if you get blocked. If you get blocked, its probaly because your annoying the shit out of somebody. And now shes all pissed. It bascially went something like this.

xxxxxxxx: YOU BLOCKED ME!!!!!!!!!!
xxxxxxxx: YOU BUTTHOLE!!!!!!
xxxxxxxx: I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!
xxxxxxxx: WHY DID YOU BLOCK ME!!!!!!!

It went on like that for about 10 minutes until i really did block her. Notice the fifteen million exclamations she put. I hardly even know her. I saw her once, a friend of a friend. Who knew being blocked by me was such a social impact!

Your blocked, find some other friend you can piss off..............and so it shall be

No Thanks

Its official, the people don't know how to say 'thank you' at my school. Everyday in Spanish, the whole society of Calabasas can redeem themselves if they just say thank you. No, I don't mean the 'suck up' thank you that most girls do to Mr. Johnson. I mean a sincere thank you. I have never heard anyone say 'thanks' or 'please' .

Not surprisingly, the ones that live in Calabasas and still have manners are Scott, Max Deng, and me. Can anyone guess the similarities between the three of us? Yeah, thats right, were Asian. No matter how far we are from our native lands, we still know what to do. Everyday in 4th per, being the generous bastard I am, I have to give out almost all of my flashcards to people who need them. Its sad, they live in Calasbasas and yet they don't take the time to buy some damn flashcards. I don't think anyone except for Scott has said thank you to me in 4th per.

Ungrateful bastards. Even at lunch, I give out half my fries and crap to everyone, except those who owe me money. And for money, i am bagged by countless Persians that want cookies. No offense Brandon, but you do.

Yeah, thats the thanks I get for being thoughtful...........And so it shall be

Monday, April 25, 2005


Today i spiked my hair, no big deal right? Thats what i thought. Just a little drop and i just did the front. At school, everyone was looking at me like i turned black ( no offense Paul, Solomon, and Evan) Yes, i gathered more attention than Micheal Jackson at his trial.

The typical response was,' Whoa, what the hell did you do your hair?'

I shaved my head and put gel in it, why is that such a hard concept to grasp?

I recieved numerous compliments and critisizms about my 'new dew'. Someone took a picture just for the hell of seeing my with my hair spiked. Everyone at my school is used to the 'flow system'

Go with the flow, and you wont be noticed. Just copy what the skater boys have and ur fine. That is one of the most bullshit ideads i have ever had. Its like some weird episode of the Twilight Zone. Everyone is brainwashed by cable and now everyone has to know three things to pass by in school.

1) Insult
2) Dress
3) Fight

The sad thing is, most people at my school dont know how to fight, they just boast it. And then someone like me has to meet that boast until they back down. Yes, bascically i'm the damage control. I make sure that no one brags about their fight to long. I actually have been asked to fight someone, but i dont get payed or even get some of the fight bets, so i refused.

The only place where i really let loose and just relax is at Korean school. But even there i still have to watch my back. One guy almost got arrested and another is being being warned by the police.

Yes, the flow is one of the strongest powers at this school. I'm just trying to find the plug to it all. Damn, being different is not about what you do, its what you are. Being a dumbass isnt different, ur just being a dumbass.

Ok, im done..............and just for the hell of it, i hate S.T.A.R. testing too. I have 4 hours with Kallet, damn that women, damn that women who cant tell the difference between a 'm' and a 'p' and gave me a 'B' on my quiz becuase of it.

...........And so it shall be

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Behold, For I Have The Threads

Whenever my dad feels like it, he says, ' Lets go to HOME TOWN BUFFET!'
The only reason why he likes that place is because that they have a salad bar. Yes, the salad bar.

Anyways, we had to go right after TKD. So i still had my do-bok on. My TKD uniform. So while i was in line, i was just talking in korean to my dad about Judo and stuff.

Finally we sit down and i go to get a plate a salad. Everyone avoided me. It was like Moses when he parted the Red Sea. BEHOLD, FOR I KICK ASS!

That was basically the message i was putting out without trying to. Yes, so i didnt have to say ' Excuse me' once. Even the fat-asses that come there daily buldged their legs to get out the way.

Speaking of clothes, whats with chains? Yes, i have a chain, therefore i am cool. Yes, i am listening to a stereo while bobbing my head. Yes, i am popular. I am so conviced that my society has been brainwashed enough to automatically think that listening to music is cool, no matter who you are.

Yes, behold, for i have money..................And so it shall be

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dont Worry, Its Dead

The kids at A.C. Stelle have officially no respect for elders or for people that are dead.

1st ex. At P.E, there was a girl, who will go unamed. She was saying that she needed to go to Chicago. Anyways, its not where she was going that shocked me, not even the reason that shocked me, it was the way she said it.

" I have to go to Chicago to see my Grandpa, hes pratically dead"

She said it like she was saying " Im going to Chicago to go the funeral and not care."

Have some damn sympathy!

2nd one.

I'm sure everyone at my school are at least 90% of ppl knew about the girl who committed suicide. And when i told people about it who didnt know, this was the most common response i got.

" Cool, how did she die?"

Yes, you die and ur friends and family say, "wait, what disease did he/she die of?" Oh wait, you have no family or friends, im sorry.

Yes, my fellow classmates have no sympathy for the dead.

And so it shall be.............

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Generation X- Part 2

In case that you havent read my first one, its here

Ingnore the colorful writing, i was testing out some templates.

Anyways, everyone loves whats new. The new PSP, everyone has one. The Nintendo DS, everyone who doesnt have a PSP has a DS. DS is the poor mans PSP.

Ok enough of that. New trends are always the most popular. I dont see the point of trends. Its like a flash crowd. Its useless when it ends.

Yes, most of my generation has brains that disenigrate at the thought of material goods. OH YEAH! IM GONNA GET AN IPOD! OH YEAH, IM GETTING A LOTUS FOR MY FIRST CAR!

If you do get a Lotus for your first car, call me so i can watch you take out your mailbox and the neighbors cat while you were going into reverse.

And so it shall be.........

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Everytime i give out my AIM screename or some other screename, i'm am always plagued with the question, ' WTF is coll1de?'

Well, for all of you who STILL dont know, its my name. I cleverly replaced the 'i' in collide with a '1'.

Now if you still dont get it, you really have to be retarded or have a speech impatiment.

Say 'collide' 10 times fast. Now what do you get? Thats right, its my name.

And for those who are wondering about the 'the' in front of it. Thats just there to fuck with your mind.

There, now i dont want to answer that damn question again.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Game

Everytime i hear a song by a black person or group, they always talk about the 'Game'. Now everyone who listens to G-Unit or 50 Cent now thinks their in the 'Game'. And in the backround where no one can see, they ask each other, ' WTF is the game anyway?'

Well, for all you people who are just wondering about the mysteries about the slang of black men, the 'Game' is 'Life'.

Think about it. I myself listen to 2pac, Dying to Live.

'Got introduced to the 'Game', got a ounce and fucking blew up'

Yes, that was his life. Having to fend for himself until some talent agent came.

So thats the 'Game'. Now everytime i hear Jared or Kambiz, or even Logan say something say, ' Bitch, i own the 'game' when they discuss who can kick whoever's ass, i laugh and just wonder what they would do is i told them what they were actually saying. But then again, they all live in Calabasas so they actually might have the money to buy them a life.

Even people who live in Calabasas have a word for it. It's called 'Vacation' for them. Yeah, their so caught up in their work, they dont have a life until they stop, look around, and see how much shit still exists in the world even though they try to hide from it by living in the suburbs.

And for those who still think im a jackass cuz i rip on those Calabasas, i salute you. You have nerve to still hate me, but no balls to meet me face to face.

Violence in not unnatural. What isnt natural is that you have never raised your fist in violence..........And so it shall be

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Get out the Way

One time when we were going to TKD, we had to go down our hill as usual. And midway going down, we are interrupted by some white guy and his kid from playing baseball. The guy just walks striaght down the road, not caring where we were. He finally goes to the other side of the road and we speed past only to be late to my TKD studio.

Another example to successfully transition to my main reason is at Old Navy. When we were in line, there was a white girl in front of us. The girl at the register was mexican. The register girl went out to a tag or something, and the white girl just blocked her way. The statements went like this.

Register girl (mexican) - Excuse me.

White- What??

-Excuse me, i need to get there.

-Oh, ok.

The girl moves and when the register girl was passing through, the white girl said,' Its ok' like she was forgiving the register girl.

Now i was confused. Wait, but its the white girl's fault, not the mexican's.

And yes, they were the Calabasas type. These people need to know we other races, (black, asn, mexican) let them go first not cuz they're white, becuz its the right thing to do. We actually have enough manners to wait patiently, and yet we get yelled at to move or honked at. Rush, rush, rush. I'm not saying that white people are inconsiderate people that should go to hell, all races have people like that. I'm just saying that they need to stop and think about what other people are doing for them and they need to try and return the favor.

Were still waiting for an apology, by the way. And so it shall be......................

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Today was the day that 1000 people came to my blog. Heres just some stats about it. Next goal: 7777

October 19- First blog, ' Time'

6 monthes is the time from my 1st blog to now

average people coming to my blog daily-5.5

Total blogs i have made- 200, estimating.

People that came to my blog from 10:00 P.M yesterday to 10:00 P.M today - 64

People that have visited my blog while i was typing this, 8.

The three numbers i hate the most, 666

One of my all time best posts, 'Is Reality Real?' If you want to read it, this is the link

Its the one is green text.

There it is, ok...........And so it shall be..........

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Who is This

Who posted that and didnt even leave a name? What kind of pussy does that?
oh, your gay, but dont bother trying to make a comeback, go home!

Thats what you were trying to say, right asshole? This is moronic. i should put this up in my friend Rohit's group to make this even more public.

Well, ok anonymous, screw off. You dont like my blog? Then you can take that mouse and let it navigate out of my blog and right up your ass. Need a simpler explanation?


This isnt that Leila, is it? I cant believe you actually took the time to look through everyones profile for my blog URL to leave that message. Wow, thats pathetic. And if your not, leave ur name and ill think of another way to humilate you.

Monday, April 11, 2005


I read this inside a book, i thought it was a good little story.

Let me tell you the most beautiful story i know.
A man was given a dog, which he loved very much
The dog went with him everywhere
but the man could not teach it to do anything useful.
The dog would not fetch or point,
it would not race or protect or stand watch.
Instead the dog sat near him and regarded him,
always with the same insrutable expression.
"That's not a dog, it's a wolf," said the man's wife.
"He alone is faithful to me"said the man,
and his wife never discussed it with him again.
One day the man took his dog with him into his private airplane
and as they flew over the high winter mountains,
the engines failed
and the airplane was torn to shreads among the trees.
The man lay bleeding,
his belly torn poen by blades of sheared metal,
steam rising from his organs in the cold air,
but all he could think of was his faithful dog.
Was he alive? Was he hurt?
Imagine his relief when the dog came padding up
and regarded him with that same steady gaze.
After an our the dog nosed the man's gaping abdomen,
then began pulling out intestines and spleen and liver
and began gnawing on them, all the while studying the man's face.
'Thank God,' said the man.
'At least one of us will not starve'

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Ok, there seems to be confusion over what i hate and what i like. Yes, i do hate rich, snobby losers that sue everyone. But, i dont hate everyone from Calabasas. And as for West Hills, yes, were not poor. But were a small community. Probaly smaller than Bell Canyon. As for thinking that everyone from Calabasas is a jackass, i dont. There are people at my Korean school that make fun of Calabasas, but its a joke. Did you here that last word? Yeah, a joke. You dont here me beating the shit out of every white guy thats say a slant eyed joke or something. If you DO live in Calabasas and you are reading this, and your STILL offended, just think of the many times you couldve got ur ass kicked because of a racist if it werent for the school principal standing by. Alex always here beaner jokes and crap, but hes not offended. Paul is one of my many black friends, and even hes not offended when someone says nigger. ( omg, i said nigger, bite me)

Just take it in and forget about it. And if your still offended, then you are a rich, snobby, faggot. Just leave your name in the comments and ill get back to hazing you.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Back Away

I had to go to Vana's hosue for a Spanish project along with Ashley. And in case ur wondering, im with 2 girls because she broke up all the boy groups and randomly placed them with all girls. Maxx is with Rebecca and someone, and Gil is with Sabrina and Denise.

So i wait for the car to come. And when it does, i sit in the front while Ashley and Vana sit in the back. When we get to the house, i hear a dog barking. And when we open the door, i see Vana's dad in the kitchen. He just looks at me. Vana's mom introduces Ashley and me. Her dad regards Ashley warmly, and asks about her soccer game. And then he just stares and me and says,' Did he behave in the car?'

Then when he looks back at me, his face says it all. 'You lay one finger on my daughter, and i will kill you with my own hands.'

But in Calabasas that meant,' You touch my kid and i sue you for sexual assualt'

And then Vana's mom says, does anyone want snacks? She pours a bowl of chips and some grapes. Everyone takes some cept for me. Her dad is just watching me, trying to pin me down with some kind of minor offense.

I spend the whole day just making sure i get out the house alive. Whats even worse is when Her brother comes in. withour even turning around, i could tell he was thinking,' What the fuck's some asian doing here with my sister?'

Even the cat looked at me weird..............but then again, the cat was persian. Ahahaha.......

And so it shall be.............

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Its All Static

I need to stay in touch with the people that i meet. I have lost contact with many people that moved away. All my friends from A.E. Wright still talk to me, but i dont talk to them anymore. I dont know if its just cuz im with a new group or that im just busy, i need to re-establish my long lost connections.

But, thats gonna change, In June, im going to Eric Grin's party and catch up with Ben, Chandler, Jon, Baron, Tristan, and everyone else that stayed behind in A.E. Wright. I remember on the bus, when we all took the last bus from Wright to Stelle. Everyone on the bus sang that famous song in 'Remember the Titans'

Lalalala.........Lalalala, hey, hey, hey, Gooooodbyyyyeeee
Lalalala.........Lalalala, hey, hey, hey, Gooooodbyyyyeeee

And then Alfredo came on the bus complaining about our singing, so the 8th graders changed the verse. a fag.......Alfredo..........kiss my ass

Yeah, those were the good times. But now the farther i go back, the more static that collects. And so it shall be........

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Cram It All In

Today was the last day for AR. For those of you who dont know. AR is a reading program. Each book is worth some kind of points. For me, you need at least 20 points and 2 books. And today, wow........

At LASS, almost the whole class signed up to take the test. I was just scoffing queitly in my seat while this whole stampede of kids just stream past me. It was like a Irish drinking pub on New Years Day. It took a little more than an hour to get everyone. I just laughed. We had 3 MONTHES to do this. And each book is about 8 points average. I know this one kid stood up all night reading some 24 point book, failed the quiz, and wound up with no points at all.

Dont procrastinate, it sucks ass. I didnt do the science hw today, i forgot. So i had to get Ethans's and copy it at the bus stop. And then on the bus Ethan told me that we had to do part 7 on the Spanish. Luckily, i only had to write si or no.

And its risky. One guy, Logan. Kid i hang with in the morning. Rich as hell. Says if Gil does his hw everyday for the rest of the year, Gil gets a PSP. You know, those portable player thingys that i will never buy. Why? you ask? Yes, i do see those graphics and ability to play movies and all, but seriously, are you going to hunch over ur PSP for an hour? In elementary, i knew some guys that played Gameboy all lunch and recess. Poor kids, couldnt hold a pencil without shaking. Real bad motor skills.

Dont cram it all, it becomes crap in the end. And so it shall be

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I Have A Nightmare

This is just a post to make up for all my lack of.........stuff over these weeks.

Dreams are messenges. I believe that there is some kind of interpretation for any of our dreams. If you think i'm insane, i do to. I didnt even think of my dreams until one night i drempt about 4 people lined up to die. The next morning, Ronal Reagen died. And then Ray, John, And the Pope. It was coincidence i told myself. Its just a phase of sleep.

And then this was the real shocker. There was a building. I dont know why it was there but the glass was broken, there was a car seat inside. I know, weird as hell. Until i saw the next morning that........well, lets just say that this is my time to stop. No, im not trying to make you beg for it, im just trying to send you a message.

And so i shall have nightmares..........and i wouldnt have it any other way

No, wait.......

I read someones xanga or w/e, and he/she will go unamed. Anyways, once i see the link, right next to it i see 'Please Comment on My Live Journal' Ok, im not here to bitch about that. What i am about to rant about is the context of it.

'I Hate How People Look Down On Me Becuase I'm Christian'

In my school, if he/she only was in school, the statement above is.....well...........weird.

Yes, the whole school is jewish. Yes, the whole school is white. But then again, so is the person that wrote this. I am Catholic. I yelled it out in the school. If you wait near the cafeteria and grab a random person and ask what religion Clyde is, they'll reply,' Who, oh him...........he's Catholic'

And i have no negative output from my actions. I'm sorry anoymonous. If anything, you should be able to gain respect from your differnce. I did.

Now, heres a statement that should apply to all the people who go to my school.

'I am suppressed in some way or another daily by someone'

It happens. Its probaly gossip. Its probaly teasing.

And for me........uhh..........well, its not suppressed, but i am pissed about all those "Pokemon, yugioh, pikachu" jokes. I mean, no one else is even laughing. How can they make such terrible jokes and call it teasing. It just makes me pity them even more.

Ok, im done..........Next time: STUDYING FOR MATH QUIZZES! Dont worry......I'm kidding....

P.S. How did you get a 45?

And so it shall be.........

Monday, April 04, 2005

Lets Take 'Em Back

I saw that movie, but one of my favorite scenes is when that old man came and told the girl the future. Anyways, i love when the future has time to calm down and come back to the past. Well, in simple terms, how many of you still like to play hours of Pac-Man or those asteroid games. Or Super Mario Bros on ur 15 year old original Super Nintendo.

And when the future comes to the past, everything gets a benefit. The future gets to relax but the present gets to enjoy them. Yes, we all like to look forward to our future, but make sure you make plans to leave yourself in that time. Why do you think our parents love classical music? So, yeah. Make sure you make reservations to your future but take your time and leave a bookmark in your book of life.

I love the past. It says to me, ' Oh, dont worry, if you fuck up now, you still have worse memories from other people that will help you feel better. Like at that time i just really screwed up at a piano recital when i was like 8. My sis told me about when she did hers and she forgot the whole piece, and had to go back down in the audience to get the book.'

Shes gonna kill me for that. But thats in the present.

And the future, ahhhhhh. The time where we always going to yet never arrive. The time where we wish we could stay and enjoy the present while we keep getting nearer to the future. The time where death is just another train we take to look back on what we have accomplished in our little vacation on Earth. The time where we can say,' Ahhhhh, im glad we did that' And then you think and contemplate about what weve done and how many lives we affected.

And then here we are, still living and breathing. Where we dont have time to look back on our memories and just try to make new ones. And then, when all of us are dying of some plague, we pity ourselves that we didnt stop and think when we were younger. Yeah, thats the fate of humans. Live your life, and then you take a photo of it, keep it in an album you'll never open again.

And so it shall be.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Tae Guk Gi

I havent read that comment that 'shortestuff' made until i finished the blog about the Pope. Well, if you must see my sympathitic side, it wasnt a special event that made me cry, it was a movie. Yes a movie. A Korean movie that made me cry like crazy. Go ahead Rohit, Jon, Kambiz, Gil, etc, call me a crybaby. But this movie is damn moving. If you saw it, i guarantee that you would cry too. This movie made Ladder 49 look like a comedy. It became my all time favorite movie. I havent seen any movie yet that can compare to Tae Guk Gi. Even Hero seemed like bullshit to me now. And no Kelsey, i dont say this just cuz this movie is Korean. Go ahead, see it. Its at blockbuster on DVD with Engilsh Subtitles.

Ok, enough of this, im going back to sleep, damn, theres school tomorrow.

Rest In Peace

I'm sure that you all know that the Holy Pope has died. I know that i have written many posts about hating this particular thing. Anyways, you dont have to be Christian or Catholic to grieve for the Holy Pope.

As one Muslim said," The Pope is a sign for all of humanity to live peacefully together"

So many people have died that made a difference in our lives. It all started with Ronald Reagon, and then Ray Charles, then a lawyer, i forgot his name, and now the Holy Pope. No, im sorry, Terri Shivo doesnt count. Call me a insensitive bastard, i didnt really cared whether she died or not. Lord knows i will go to Hell for that but i just dont.

Lord rest their souls and open the Gates of Heaven towards them.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Frankie J Sucks

Thats a blatant statement for you. Yes he does suck. All he does is bitch and whine over his damn girlfriend leaving him. And for those who think im exaggerating, i took the time to look at his song lyrics.

Its early in the morning And my heart is really lonelyJust thinkin bout you babyGot me twisted in the headAnd I dont know how to take it But its driving me so crazyI dont know if its right I'm tossin turning in my bedIts 5 oclock in the morningAnd I still cant sleep Thinkin bout your beauty it makes meWeak...I'm feeling hopeless in my homeI dont know what to do but I think I'm in loveBaby...

Ok, we get it, your single. Another example from a different song.

It feels like only yesterday that you was lying here with meI still hear you yeaI love the way you yeaBut now it's just a memoryNow I'm knowing that it was my faultBy thinking I could brush it offYou always with me yeaSo when it's 5 A.M. I'm checkin' in when I check inBaby I was thinking I was so slickKnowing that I've done you wrongBut you never know what you've gotTil what you've got is gone

Again, hes missing her. It goes on like this. I cant believe that people like it. Anyone can get in the music industry now. Fuck, i can just say a long string of curses and i get my own show on MTV.

Yes, he sux. I'm right, go away. Yes im cranky. Today was one of those days where you feel like beating the shit out of somebody. Fortunatly, today was sparring day at my TKD studio. Some poor guy got the back end of my hook kick.

geez i hate his songs..........And so it shall be