Thursday, June 30, 2005


This is my last post until tuesday. Anyways, i think German is the 3rd best language in Europe to listen to. Listening to German is always fun, except when your jewish and your in a big gray cell with chains.

Anyways..............Es würde der beste Film aller Zeiten sein. Er beginnt mit Ben Stiller, der versucht, ein seltsames Ballspiel für Kinder um seinen Highschoolschwarm zu beeindrucken, nur um herauszufinden, dass sie psychotische ex-CIA Eltern hat, die groß herauskommen, als sie eine Formel entwickeln, die beschissene Filme verschwinden lässt.

When i say herauszufinden, i started laughing. Try reading the damn thing. Germans rock...............except for the extermination thing.

Ich Bin Ein Morahs!!!!!!!

Im kidding, Hitler sucks...............and so it shall be


Im going on a cruise. Wont be back until Monday.............

And if there is a comp with internet access, ill make a post

Sorry russian, i dont think ill be able too though

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Inevitable

When i was about 4 years old, i started learning a new concept of life. I started learning of the end of the life cycle. And how i started learning is not a pleasant memory. I remember it was Saturday and i was watching cartoons upstairs, when i heard a thud on a window. Being only 4, i thought someone threw a rock to get my attention ( damn cartoons) But no one was outside the window. I look around, and i look at the roof, where i get a close up personal view of a bird with its beak broken. I dont remember was i really did but i remember wondering why the bird stopped moving and the eyes were closed. What my curiousity even worse was when my grandparents died. I barely reached over the casket, and peered inside to see my beloved grandfather. A year later i repeated the event with my grandmother.

Joo Shin Lee 7/25/97

Kim Jung Ok 12/28/98

I remember asking weird questions with my newly found topic. Every night i was scared i wouldnt wake up the next morning. I dont remember how i came over it, but i did. I realized that we should cherish everyday we have, not be afraid of the next moment. Make up the most of your life, dont spend it trying to protect it. As for me, death is inevitable, nothing can stop it. Might as well face it with dignity.

The true tomb of the dead is in the hearts of the living..............

Ha-da-buh-gee, hilr-muh-nee, na-nun me-aneh-yo. Ahn-yong-gah-say-yo.

Seh-wu-di gan-dah..............................

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Am Officially Pissed

Lately ive been pissed off at stupid comments. Lesserchild..........shut up. No seriously. Your comments are usually, OMG HE SPELLED SOMETHING WRONG! Let me give an ex.

Where did the $3.26 come from? The water bill? The dry cleaning bill? what? Do I have to pay to sit in the bathroom now? wow, I'd rather just watch it on DVD.

I swear, I love making fun of this blog. by the way, what is "knmow"? Oh... ANOTHER SPELLING MISTAKE LOL! It's spelled k-n-o-w. I don't KNOW (highlight that) where the m came from, but, oh well.

two things: I bet your dog ran away for a good reason, and u spelled neighborhood incorrectly once. lol

I am Anonymnous, lol. But, since u didn't listen to "Ryan", u can continue thinking someone else is.

lol. correction: "he wore pink

Yes, im serious. These are actually comments. Look around my blog, youll see them on some entries. Others like this and more are fucking pissing my off. Yeah, thats right. YOUVE OFFICIALLY PISSED ME OFF.

I bet they're going to make some shitty comment again. Whatever, im too tired to write anymore. Its weird, they make stupid comments and then they steal my 'and so it shall be' quote.

Bastards...........yeah go ahead, make fun of 'and so it shall be'..............and so it shall be


My dad has worked dedicated for his company for 10 years. Never missed a single day of work, works every shift. My dad one helluva worker. So in order to justify 10 years, HAAS has decided to give our family a cruise. When my dad came up all tired and had a smile on his face from 14 hours, i knew something happened.

In Korean he shouted," WE'RE GOING ON A CRUISE!"

In my mind im thinking two things at the same time." YEAH!!!!................awwwww fuck"

Whenever something big happens, theres one thing to be certain, i work my ass off. Sitting on the couch, i hear the inevitable," Clyde, do the paperwork"

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I go to my room while my dad hands me one huge booklet. Trudging up to my room with a pen and a light, i proceed to work out every contract and agreement. Seeing that i need to do more registration online, i groan. Reluctantly, i turn on the comp and proceed to do the forms. Using Mountain Dew as my juvenile coffee, i keep my eyes open and keeping typing the damn passports and such.

Finally i end the forms, print out the passes, and once again flip through the pages again. I missed something. Shit. Looks like i have more booking to do.

Damn paperwork..............and so it shall be

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Horror Styles

When i go to see American horror movies, its all the same. I hate American horror movies because they arent scary. The only thing that probaly freaks out people are that they are based on a true story.

Japanese horror movies scared my shitless. Korean horror movies are pretty gruesome. Chinese...................never mind.

Theres always the same basic principles in American horror movies.

1) There is nothing more scarier than a little white girl saying 'Come play with me'

2) Clowns are the most decieving characters. Remember the movie " IT"?

3) The man always dies. The helpless, pitiful women is saved by a sacrifice from the man.

4) The black person dies first. Nuff said.

Japanese movies have weird, out of the ordinary ideas, which are utterly more laughable than usable. For instance, ive seen a floating mask become one of the villians. But that movie was one of the scariest ive ever seen. I forgot what it was called.

So seeing these cheap movies, Amityville Horror, The Grudge, House of Wax, all the Resident Evils, being big time hits sickens me. You wanna be scared? Put yourself in a small bathroom, turn off the nights so its pitch black, and turn on the faucet so that it drips every 3 seconds. In about 2 hours youll be paranoid. Why spend 9 bucks on a late night movie when you can do it for $3.26 in your own home. Then when you get out, we could make a movie and name it, " Shitless Scary Faucet"

Horror sucks.........unless its Japanese.

And so it shall be

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Coming home from a hectic day of drums and sparring matches tires me out. My parents relentlessly drop things on my back to do. For me, summer is worse than school sometimes. The extended studio hours, the ever more appearing TKD tournaments, the korean drum classes, piano lessons, korean school damn.

After dinner and a cold shower, i throw my sparring bag in the corner, hang my doe-bok on the hooks, and wonder if i could ever get as many TKD medals as my brother has. I look down on the 3 korean books that i still need to learn from. The Taegukki flag stares back at me from across the room, where i am reminded of how my ancestors fought for it. I stare hard at my doe-bok, remembering all the fights i fought while wearing it. I lay down in my bed, turn on the stereo, and listen to Gymnopedie while i recollect my sparring matches. My very first match was with a orange. I remember that kid had a quick leg and one strong arm.

Then i jump to the red belts. I must say i lost the match by this hook kick. Took one to the head. Lost by a couple of points.

Various other matches pass by in my head, and then the stereo stops, the songs ends. Gymnopedie is one of my favorite songs. I turn off the lights, and go to sleep, waiting for another day of memories.

And so it shall be.....

Friday, June 24, 2005


Comments some people make annoy me. So im just going to disable it for a little while.

Myspace Sucks

Myspace sucks. Theres nothing left to argue. Myspace is a utter bullshit webpage where you whore yourself on the internet.

Just for note, stop advertising your stuff on my page by commenting. If i see one more ad, im going to hafta disable comments. I hate junk-mail, and i hate junk-comments.

Plus, why does it matter how many times i go to Magic Mountain. I like going to Magic Mountain. It that wrong?

And i know you have blog. No really, i checked. Its hard to believe, yeah, but i knmow you have a blog. BTW, i have a blog. Have you seen it lately?

Myspace sucks, stupid comments suck, Magic Mountain kicks ass, profanity kicks-semi ass, and i kick ass.

And so myspace sucks....................myspace sucks

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lady Boy

P.S- Anonymous is Ryan Kindel, i just realized.

Standing in line for X was probaly the most hilarious time at Magic Mountain. It wasnt the 2 hour that made it the most memorable, it was what i did in that period. Ellad and i were waiting in line, surrounded by hillbillies and rednecks. Litterally. In front was a mom with her son and daughter that were talking about how they shouldnt go on X. The 12 yeah old boy suddenly said, " NO, IM NOT GOING TO RIDE THIS, GOODBYE!" And shoved between me and Ellad and then stormed out of the line.

Behind us were Texas rednecks. I saw the father with his teeth and, it was not a pretty sight. As for the mom, think of a Calabasas soccer mom. Now subtract the lipo, breat implants, nose job, add on another 35 pounds, and add red all over. They had one son and one daughter. The daughter was casual, but the son weared pink and had one weird hat. And boy that was one fat son........or so i thought.

Behind us the son was pounding his fist on his dad. A little after that, he began whining about how stupid this trip was and then started kicking his dad. Trying to avoid the action, Ellad and I casually slid up and sit on the railings. The dad pushes the kid and he flies and bumps into me. Imagine a huge bowling ball of fat-ass mass hitting you with full force. Luckily, my legs took hold and i maintained balance while the son started to hit his dad again.

Now im pissed, the dads pissed, everyone in the whole family not to mention the whole is pissed.

So i decided to do everyone a little favor and said to the pudgy bastard , " Hey kid, be a good son to your dad and stop hitting him."

His mom suddenly looked at me weird. His sister started laughing, and his dad was puzzled.

" IM NOT A BOY" he shouted. He ripped off his hat to reveal semi-long hair. Behind me, Ellad started laughing and slapped the handrails.

Oh shit............i turn around while Ellad still makes snickers and the father plans to kill me..............All the while in my head im thinking , " AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FUCK!

X was fun. Making fun of rednecks was more fun. God bless steel railings.

And for a side note, Ryan, dont make stupid comments. And for complaining about me using bad words.......FUCK BITCH ASS CUNT SHIT BASTARD BITCH.

All hail profanity...........and so it shall be.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Other Side

Life can be hell. Today was one of those days where you wondered if God was taking a day off. When i was getting the morning Korean newspaper, i saw some birds with some babies following behind. Cute, i thought. Without warning, a black pickup truck whizzed by, not knowing any of the chicks were there. I just stood there, newspaper in hand............sickened by the red and brown spot on the street. I turn, and go back into the house.

Yeah, today was one of those days where nothing seems right. I was bored, flipped on the news while popping a Mountain Dew. Watched murder story, after murder story, after kidnapping story, after sexual assualt story. I sigh, turn the TV off, and go decide to finally walk the dog.

Walking the whole 2 miles around the neighborhood, i decide to wander off to another nieghborhood, where i see a stray dog with a chain around the neck. It growls at me, and wonders off looking for something to scavenge.

I wonder why these things happen, and pity the unfortunate. I remember a line from something a read.

' Life is like the back of a tapestry, its a mess, it has no order or meaning. But every once in a while God lets you see the other side, and it all makes sense. No one is unimportant. We all play a part in designing life’s tapestry. You never know what your effect on people is going to be. When you think the world is ugly, makes no sense, remember there is always another side. If you’re lucky God will grant you a peek'

Walking back up the hill, i see a bunch of kids playing frisbee with their dogs. Nearby, a baseball game goes on. The sunlight hits the trees at an angle and then shines on the grass. I let my dog go run in the park. On this fateful day where nothing seems right, i catch a peek on the other side.

And its beautiful

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Magic Mountain

One of the best places for me to relax is Magic Mountain. I know, how can you relax when fifty people are screaming right beside you. Well, its the thrill. For those who went on X, you know how you feel on that ride. It doesnt matter what you hear, its what you see. First time i went on with Ellad, we went up about 200 feet, looked at the pretty cool view of the park, and then flipped backward straight down.

We waited an hour for that ride..........but it was worth it. You just fly along, looking straight down into the ground and feel like your pummeling down towards it. Right then you flip backwards again and then your back on your stomach in the starting rows again.

And Batman..............Viper............Goliath.....Superman, it was all worth it. For 49 bucks, its good to have my own paradise 30 miles away. Its been 7 years since ive been there. Back then, Superman was twice as fast and Goliath was twice as tall. How times change since our innocence of childhood. How times change.............

And so it shall be

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Having my brother over for Father's Day, he decided to amuse us. My bro showed this video. I thought that this was pretty funny. Im not gonna go into any detail.

Just one thing, its really nerdy. And its World of Warcraft, a computer game.

Click on mirror 5 and you have to have windows media player.

Funny stuff. and keep an eye on Leeroy Jenkins


And so it shall be

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Rules of Engagement

I remember when i first went to a dojang when i was four years old. I was about 3 feet in a pure white doh-bok stepping into a world with guys 6 feet tall all around me. I never understood what the master was saying, i always messed up on the jump kicks cuz my legs always got stuck.

Years later i learned how to address and how to behave when entering someone else's dojang. Theres always a set of unspoken manners and rules when starting off and someones dojang.

1) It doesnt matter what belt you were. If at first you were a brown and TKD, and you go to Gumdo, it doesnt mean shit. You are a white no matter what. TKD and Gumdo are different arts. One is sword, the other is unarmed combat.

2) Dont talk. Do not acknowledge until you are ackknowledge. Do not speak until spoken to. I found this out very early along with my first beating back when i was a white belt.

3) You are powerless. Do not act almighty and royal. In your first month, you are shit to them. Nothing more than shit.

4) Never laugh. Just dont laugh. Unless you want the whole studio kicking your ass, never laugh.

5) Be perfect. In the first monthes, you have to work your ass off to get accepted. Once you are one of the students, you are expected to act as a soldier. After that, you can slack off a bit.

A week ago i went to a Gumdo studio to witness one of their training classes. Very disorganized. Very bad at maintaining discipline and order. But keeping all of those rules for 45 mintues saved my ass.

Rules of engagement...........and so it shall be

Friday, June 17, 2005


Forget what I said about less postings. I profile will make more actually. Traveling around the city makes some pretty interesting stories.

One of Korea's most famous musical instruments are the Korean Drums. And today I went to one of their schools. When I saw the students, they were all girls. Typical, most korean drummers were women since they were judged mostly by beauty and grace.

And when they performed, it was pretty good. The Korean festivals in LA had drummer, and these girls were pretty good. Then one of the mom's standing by said, ' You know, they're all beginners.'

Holy shit. It takes some serious shit to play Korean drums. I must say, Korean drums kick more ass than american rock drums ever will. Just watching them pound every drum on each side is better than the sound of Green Day. Its fun to watch. And the beats good. But its hard. And I mean hard as in Micheal-Jackson-little-boys hard.

First you need muscle. Keeping those arms pounding for hours isnt easy.

Second, good memory. These guys play for hours and they dont have any music sheets. And you dont just stand there pounding, you have to step, twirl, and dance across the drums. If you've seen the movie Drumline, it was like that except more kick-ass and oriental.

Third, good coordination. Everything has to be perfect. And I mean everything. Mess up and the whole beats ruined. Every body motion has to be completed perfectly. In the school, I saw one of the girls mess up in a 18 drum piece and they had to start over.

And then they boys. When the boys play Korean drums, its only enjoyable when by the advanced ones. When I saw the young one twirl around, I almost laughed. But my
discipline from my brother's dojang and I suppressed it. I had to in my bros dojang. One slight mistake and I got my ass beat. If I can do it there, I could do it in the korean drum school. I looked straight on, not twitching or moving, giving me the characteristics of a statue.

I enjoyed the 45 minutes of drum beating. After that i went back to the dojang, where i gave a beating in sparring class. God bless hook kicks.............and so it shall be

Its Over

Finally, summer has come and my troubles are over. Time to sleep in late. But during this summer, i have made a few resolutions for myself.

1) Relax. This year ive been pounded with relentless force and brutality from my teachers.

2) Stop drinking Mountain Dew. I love Mountain Dew. I drink and piss soda everyday. I need to lay off the cans.

3) Lose weight. I am a little on the hefty side. Plus, the summer tournaments are coming and i need to get in shape for them. Actually, there's one tomorrow.

Also regarding this blog, dont expect me to post every week. This might be the last one for the summer. Its all over, and i intend to use my time wisely.

And so it is over

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Forgive and Forget

I dont hold grudges. Sure, i might be pissed off because done something incrediblely fucked up, but im willing to forgive when they admit they were the ones at fault. I myself was pretty crazy in elementary. Running around, screaming and yelling, even biting people. Looking back at Round Meadow, i find that i was one helluva maniac. But i recognized my faults and seeked atonement from those who i hurt.

And those who have angered me most likely have my forgiveness. Even Edward, the pathological liar that once said that his dad wins the lottery every week is spared.

So just forgive and forget. Whats done is done and the damage cannot get worse once the healing has started. Time is one of the best medicines and one of the worst punishments. I've wasted too much time planning revenge on people when i was in Round Meadow. I wasted too much thought on the people that i hated.

So just hang with your friends. And if someone makes fun of you guys, fuck them and forget about it. Who cares about them. Anyone that takes the time to do that is an asshole.

Just forgive and forget..........and so it shall be

Monday, June 13, 2005

I Hate McDonalds

Watching TV on Friday, i noticed a McDonalds commercial. I hate McDonalds. Shitty foods, shitty attidude, shitty advertising. I hate the way that McDonalds uses stereotypes to convince everyone else to eat their food.

This certain commericial used stereotypes like never before. I have never seen a Calabasas stereotype used on a commercial, until now.

It showed two girls on a volleyball court on a beach with all of their friends. All of a sudden, the ball approached the blond, and she hits it. They make the Asian look stunned. The animation was weird. The conversation went as follows.

" Wow, nice hit"

"Thanks, i actually feel like trying today"

And this point i was laughing. And its true. Girls from Calabasas will never do anything. They will stand there until someone notices them. I lost my footing from laughing so hard and toppled over the couch. But wait! There was more chest pains for me ahead.

" Yeah, i ate a Fruit Buzz today. It had a lot of fruit in it with yogurt. It made me feel like...."


"Yeah, i actually feel like trying"

At this point i couldnt breathe. It was true. It made me feel like TRYING!!!

Speaking of Calabasas, i need to say something about their reputation. When the people at our school tell me im racist, im not racist. Millions of us Hidden Hills, West Hills, and maybe half of Bell Canyon have been hazing you for decades. I found this out when i told a old timer in his twenties that we called Calabasas 'Calablackless'

And then he said, " Oh, you guys too?"

And then i was confused, "What?"

"When i was your age, we made that term up too"

Kick ass man. Pure kick ass. Calabasas has sucked balls for decades. Litterally. Ask the housewives. And the women laywers. Ask them how many judges they fucked for a verdict.

As Cartman says, " Screw you guys, im going home"

And so it shall be

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I remember this one time on the bus, a new driver came on. Being able to maniupulate his mind enough to make him drop me off right in front of my house, i sit in front. Seeing the 6th grader with his phone, i look over to see his dog. Nice dog, but the backround was plaid.

" Whats in the background of your dog?" I asked.

" Oh, my dogs name is Cougar and thats his cage." He says casually.

Now im thinking " the FUCK?" Convinced that i had a ear infection, i tried once more. "Wait, where does your dog live?"

"In his know, in my bedroom. Why? Where do you put your dog's cage?"

Disgusted, i forgot all about going to my house and just went back to my friends in the back.

He fuckin kept his dog in a cage...........A FUCKING CAGE MAN

Its bad enough you put birds in a cage. They have a power of flight, but instead you just throw them in there and just stand on a god damn stick. Its a stick, how they hell are they supposed to fly?

But your dog in a cage..............shit man, thats gotta be animals cruelty or something.

About a week later when i get off my stop, the kid yells to me, " Hey! I took my dog out of its cage!"

I look back and say , " Finally you inpierialistic bastard"

And so it shall be

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Today in class we discussed the Christian religion. Being the faithful Catholic that i am, it was the few times where i actually paid attention to Werber.

Her lecture about priests reminded me how a priest should watch over the people. A Catholic priest is like a Crusader or a shepard. We are the people, or the sheep. And the priest guides us towards salvation or where the green grass is. The preist overall, is our protector. In confession, you can be sure he does not judge. In absolvment, mercy is always present.

Daydreaming, i am remembered about my fight with Chris Lee. A joyous occasion.........well, at least for me. I always believed that i was born here to keep damage control in school. And there was one target that i needed to take down. At the first day i went to middle school, i knew that i had to take him down sooner or later. Even thought in 6th grade i was bagged on by the 8th graders, that was my motivation to keep going. Finally, Chris Lee challenged me. I had the chace to bring this whole thing down and make sure that no more uprisings could start.

I accepted, and i stumbled the first few seconds of the fight. But being the untrained banana as he is, i was able to get him right in the mouth and drew first blood. Even though people think that i lost just cuz of the first few seconds, i made my point.

I am the priest of me school. After the fight, i prayed my thanks to God, giving me the strength to fight. I felt like David after slaying Goliath. And it felt good.

I made my point. The underdogs on top. As in one of my favorite songs, Hate it or Love it:

Hate it or love it the underdog's on top
And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop
Go head' envy me
I'm raps MVP
And I ain't goin nowhere so you can get to know me
Salvation is obtainable by faith alone...............and keep faith is just what i did.
And so it shall be

Monday, June 06, 2005

In Terms of Black and White

White people love black people. No.....seriously.......white people LOVE black people. Even after torturing them to pick thorns in the fingers and have lashes on their backs white people have the incredible ability to mimick them.

Something like that happened with Korea and Japan. After the Japanese made a suprise attack on us and made us slaves, we werent freed until Hiroshima got bombed. After that, yeah, Japan and Korea were allies........well, until now that Japan is trying to cover up their WWII act. Now its Korea and China.

But when Japan and Korea were good friends we hated each other. We always tried to best each other. Samsung and Sony was our two electronic indrustries that went at it. Samsumg was the Korean was of saying " FUCK YOU!"

And yet white people mimick them. I bet most white people will admit that they love black culture more than theirs. I have never heard about anymore more of white culture than Barbeques, drinking, and materialistic greed. And then the rest of it is intertwined with black culture.

Have you ever hear someone say something like ' G G G G G-UNIT!"

I have. In real life and in the Chappelle show. God bless Chappelle show.

Next white person saying that get a punch in the groin. Speaking of groin, i have also heard the phrase, "I'm black from the hips down"

I have seen Asians being white, white being black, asians being black, black being asian, but never white being asian. Sorry Mexico, i dont know the story about you guys. Other than the relentless jokes about you made by the white man........

Remember, everyone has their way of saying FUCK YOU! Asians got brains, black got balls, mexicans got brawn, and americans, yeah, i think beer would do it.

In terms of black, white, yellow, tan, and brown.....and so it shall be

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Am So Busted

Today was hell for me. Almost every period i pretty much was blamed for something. In Kallet, she said that someone called her in 3:00 A.M. in the morning and said that it was one of us. Then she looks at me for about 5 seconds. Everyone else notices and starts staring at me too..........busted. Turns out she just made that up so we can learn about trigonemtry............whoopee.

And in Werber, someone stole the test. Yeah, so instead of multiple choice we now have to do essays on every damn question. So i wondor, why couldnt she just make another multiple choice? Why does she suddenly have to change to an essay?

Just for a note. When she said ,' Someone stole the test', all the while she was looking straight me. She was bascially aiming her conversation about someone stealing her test at me. She stressed out the words that she wanted me to hear. So it bascially like....

"Someone has taken the test. I hope that whoever stole it will turn themselves in. If anyone else knows who did this, please tell me. Or else we have to take one step furthur and that is a step that i dont want to go to."

Why is everyone blaming me? Sure, i have a few bad spots on my record, but who's perfect? Blame the asian...............i hate stereotypes.............

And so it shall be

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Know My Name

Lately ive been noticing people that know my name that i have never seen before. I was in the MPR when a 7th grader called my name. Some kid in a baseball cap that i never seen before asked me, " got any spare change?".

I said," did you know my name?"

"Everyone knows your name"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, everyone does"

.............i just thought about this and decided that it was just the 7th graders. But know even the 6th graders know my name. I dont know who is giving out my name to everybody, but its weird. Think about it. Your on a street, and some stranger wearing a coat says, " Hi _____"

And then you think that they are a friend you just dont know. Yeah, either a friend you havent met or a rape waiting to happen in a dark alley. If people know your name and you dont know them, watch your back.....

On a different topic, there was a weird spirit in Johnson. We were going over the answers to the homework. As you know, we are currently learning 'Sex Education'

Johnson has a mike on his desk. He uses it to say his answers. But today it was weird. It came on and off and the most wrong moments possible. So in mid-sentence it decided to suddenly turn on. So bascially is went something like.....

" The baby is pushed out the uterus and out THE VAGINA"
" The male TESTES PRODUCE testosterone and SEMEN"
" The MENSTRAUTION CYCLE happens once every month"

By the end of going over the homework, i was laughing so hard that my head almost rolled off the desk.

God works in mysterious ways......................this is how we do..........................and so it shall be